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ОглавлениеAcademy (The), a Weekly Review of Literature, Science, and Art.
Agricola, De Re Metallicâ, First published in 1551.
Akermann (J. Y.), Remains of Pagan Saxondom. London: Smith, mdccclv.
Amicis (Edoardo de), Marocco. Milan: Treves, 1876.
Ammianus Marcellinus, Historian of the Lower Empire. Fourth century.
Anderson (J. R.), Saint Mark’s Rest: the Place of Dragons, edited by John Ruskin, LL.D. Allen: Sunnyside, Orpington, Kent, 1879.
Anderson (Joseph), Scotland in Early Christian Times. Rhind Lectures in Archæology for 1879. Edinburgh: Douglas, 1882.
Anthropologia (London Anthropological Society. Established Jan. 22, 1873; first number, Oct. 1873; died after fifth number, July 1875.)
Anthropological Institute (The Journal of). London: Trübner.
Anthropological Review, Vol. I.-III. London: Trübner, 1863–65.
Antiquaries of London (Society of), from the beginning in 1770 to 1883.
Antiquities of Orissa, by Rajendralala Mitra, 2 vols. fol.; published by Government of India.
Apuleius (a.d. 130).
Archæologia, or Tracts relating to Antiquity, published by the Society of Antiquaries of London, from the commencement in 1749 to 1863.
Archæological Association, vol. iv., Weapons, &c., of Horn.
Archæology (Transactions of the Society of Biblical), London: Longmans; beginning in 1872.
Aristotle, Meteorologica, &c.
Arrian (Flavius), a.d. 90, Anabasis, &c.
Athenæum (The), Journal of English and Foreign Literature, &c.
Athenæus (a.d. 230), Deipnosophists.
Baker (Sir Samuel White), The Nile Tributaries. London: Macmillan, 1866. The Albert Nyanza. London, 1868.
Balthazar Ribello de Aragão; Viagens dos Portuguezes, Collecção de Documentas, por Luciano Cordeiro, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1881. The learned Editor is Secretary to the Royal Geographical Society of Lisbon.
Barbosa (Duarte), A Description of the Coasts of East Africa and Malabar, translated for the Hakluyt Society, London, by Honourable Henry E. (now Lord) Stanley, 1866. Written about a.d. 1512–14, and attributed by some to Magellan.
Barth (Henry), Travels, &c., in Central Africa 1849–1855; 5 vols., 8vo. London: Longmans, 1875.
Barthélemy (Abbé J. J.), Voyage du Jeune Anacharsis en Grèce, &c., 5 vols. 4to. Paris, 1788.
Bataillard (Paul) On Gypsies and other Matters, Société Anthropologique de Paris, 1874.
Beckmann (John), A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins, translated by W. Johnston. London: Bell and Daldy, 1872 (fourth edition, revised). It is a useful book of reference and wants only a few additions.
Berosus (b.c. 261), Fragments, edit. Müller.
Bollaert (William), Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches. London: Trübner, 1860.
Bologna, Congrès d’Archéologie et d’Anthropologie Préhistoriques, Session de Bologna, 1 vol. 8vo. Fava and Garagnani: Bologna, 1871.
Bonnycastle (Captain R. H., of the Royal Engineers), Spanish America, &c. Philadelphia: A. Small, 1817.
Borlase (William), Observations on the Antiquities, &c., of the County of Cornwall. Oxford, 1754.
Boscawen (W. St. Chad), Papers in Society of Biblical Archæology.
Boutell (Charles), Arms and Armour. London, 1867.
Brewster (Sir David), Letters on Natural Magic, 12mo. London, 1833.
Brugsch (Heinrich), A History of Egypt under the Pharaohs, &c., by Henry Brugsch-Bey (now Pasha). Translated from the German by the late Henry Danby Seymour; completed and edited by Philip Smith, 2 vols. 8vo. London: Murray, 1879. The first part has been published in French, Leipzig, 1859. The archaistic German style of Geschichte Aegypten’s is very difficult.
Bulletin de l’Institut Égyptien. Cairo: Mourès, 1882.
Bunsen (Baron C. C. J.), Egypt’s Place in Universal History, &c., with additions by Samuel Birch, LL. D., 5 vols. 8vo. London: Longmans, 1867.
Burnouf (Émile), Essai sur le Veda, ou Études sur les Religions, &c., de l’Inde, 1 vol. 8vo., 1863. ‘L’Age de Bronze,’ Revue des deux Mondes, July 15, 1877.
Burton (R. F.), A Complete System of Bayonet Exercise. London: Clowes, 1853. The Athenæum, Nov, 24, 1880. Camoens, his Life and his Lusiads, 2 vols. 12mo., Quaritch, 1881. To the Gold Coast for Gold. London: Chatto and Windus, 1883.
Cæsar (Julius), Opera Omnia, Delphin edit., variorum notes, 4 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1819.
Calder (J. E.), Some Account of the Wars of Extirpation and Habits of the Native Tribes of Tasmania, Journ. Anthrop. Instit., vol. iii. 1873.
Cameron (Commander Verney Lovett, C.B., D.C.L., &c.), Across Africa. London: Daldy and Isbister, 1877.
Camoens, Os Lusiadas.
Catalogue du Bulak Muséum, by the late Mariette-Bey (afterwards Pasha). Cairo: A. Mourès, imprimeur-éditeur.
Catalog. Die Ethnographisch-Anthropologische Abtheilung des Museums Godefroy in Hamburg, vol. i. 8vo. L. Frederichsen u. Co. 1881.
Caylus (Comte de), Recueil d’Antiquités Égyptiennes, &c., 8 vols. 4to. Paris, 1752–70.
Celsus (A. Cornelius), De Medicinâ, edit. princeps. Florentiæ, a Nicolao impressus, a.d. 1478.
Chabas, Études sur l’Antiquité Historique d’après les sources Égyptiennes, 1872.
Chaillu (Paul B. du), Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa, &c. London: Murray, 1861. The Gorilla-book.
Chapman (Captain George), Foil Practice, with a Review of the Art of Fencing. London: Clowes, 1861.
Clapperton (Captain H.), Journal of a Second Expedition into Africa, 1 vol. 4to. London, 1829.
Clermont-Ganneau (Charles), Horus et Saint George, &c. Extrait de la Revue Archéologique, Dec. 1877. Paris: Didier et Cie. The author is a prolific writer and a highly distinguished Orientalist.
Cochet (Jean Benoît Désiré, Abbé), Le Tombeau de Childéric I., Roi des Francs. Restitué à l’aide de l’archéologie et des découvertes récentes, 8vo. Paris: 1859.
Cole (Lieutenant H. H., of the Royal Engineers), Catalogue of Indian Art in the South Kensington Museum.
—— Illustrations of Ancient Buildings in Kashmir, prepared under the authority of the Secretary of State for India from photographs, plans, and drawings taken by order of the Government of India. London, 1869. 4to.
—— The Architecture of Ancient Delhi, especially the buildings around the Kutb Minar, fol. London, 1872.
Cooper (Rev. Basil H.), The Antiquity and the Use of Metals and especially Iron, among the Egyptians, Transac. Devonshire Assoc. for the Advancement of Science, 1868.
Cory (Isaac Preston), Ancient Fragments of the Phœnician, Chaldæan, Egyptian, Tyrian, Carthaginian, and other writers, 8vo. London, 1832. Very rare. New edit. Reeves and Turner: London, 1876.
Crawfurd (John), On the Sources of the Supply of Tin for the Bronze Tools and Weapons of Antiquity, Trans. Ethnol. Soc., N.S., vol. iii. 1865.
Cunningham (General A.), The Bhilsa Topes, &c., 8vo. London, 1854. Ládak, &c., royal 8vo. London, 1854. Archæological Survey of India, 6 vols. 8vo. Simla, 1871–78.
Czoernig (Baron Carl von), jun. Ueber die vorhistorischen Funde im Laibacher Torfmoor. Alpine Soc. of Trieste, Dec. 8, 1875.
Daniel (Père Gabriel), Histoire de la Milice Françoise, et des Changemens qui s’y sont faits, depuis l’établissement de la Monarchie Françoise dans les Gaules, jusqu’à la fin du Régne de Louis le Grand, 7 vols. 8vo. À Amsterdam; au dépens de la Compagnie (de Jésus), mdccxxiv. It is a standard work as far as it goes.
Davis (Sir John F.), The Chinese: a general Description of the Empire of China and its Inhabitants, 2 vols. 8vo. London: Knight, mdcccvi.
Day (St. John Vincent), The Prehistoric Use of Iron and Steel. London: Trübner, 1877. When sending me a copy of his learned and original study, Mr. Day wrote to me that he is bringing out a second edition, in which his ‘collection of additional matter will modify and correct certain of his former views.’
Demmin (Auguste), Illustrated History of Arms and Armour, translated by C. C. Black, M.A. London: Bell, 1877. The illustrations leave much to be desired; the Oriental notices are deficient, and the translator has made them worse. Otherwise the book gives a fair general and superficial view.
Denham (Major Dixon), Clapperton and Oudney’s Travels in Northern and Central Africa, in 1822–24, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1826.
Deschmann und Hochstetter, Prähistorische Ansiedlungen, &c., in Krain. Laybach, 1879.
Desor (Edouard), Les Palafittes, ou Constructions lacustres du lac de Neuchâtel. Paris, 1865. Die Pfahlbauten des Neuenberger Sees. Frankfurt a. M., 1866. Desor et Favre, Le Bel Age du Bronze lacustre en Suisse, 1 vol. fol. Neufchâtel, 1874.
Diodorus Siculus (b.c. 44), Bibliotheca Historica, P. Wesselingius, 2 vols. fol. Amstelod., 1746.
Dion Cassius (nat. a.d. 155).
Dionysius of Halicarnassus (b.c. 29), Opera Omnia, J. J. Reiske, 6 vols. 8vo. Lipsiæ, 1774.
Dodwell (Edward), A Classical and Topographical Tour through Greece, 1801–6, 2 vols. 4to. London, 1819.
Douglas (Rev. James, F.A.S.), Nænia Britannica, 1793, folio.
Dümichen, Geschichte des alten Aegyptens. Berlin, 1879.
Ebers (Prof. George), Aegypten und die Bücher Moses. Leipzig, 1868. Followed by sundry Germano-Egyptian romances, An Egyptian Princess, Uarda, &c.
Edkins (Rev. Dr.), China’s Place in Philology: an Attempt to show that the Languages of Europe and Asia have a Common Origin. London, 1 vol. 8vo., 1871.
Ellis (Rev. William), Polynesian Researches. London: Murray, 1858.
Elphinstone, History of India, 2 vols. 8vo. 1841.
Encyclopædia Britannica.
—— Metropolitana.
—— Penny (one of the best).
—— Knight’s.
Engel (W. H.), Kypros: eine Monographie. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin: Reimer, 1841.
Ethnological Society of London (Journal of) 7 vols. 8vo. 1848–65.
Eusebius (Bishop of Cæsarea, a.d. 264–340), Historiæ Ecclesiasticæ Libri Decem; denuo edidit F. A. Heinichen, 3 vols. 8vo. Lipsiæ, 1868.
Evans (Dr. John), The Ancient Stone Implements of Great Britain, 1 vol. 8vo. London: Longmans, 1872. The Ancient Implements of Great Britain and Ireland, ibid. 1881. Both works are admirably well studied and exhaust the subjects as far as they are now known.
Ewbank (Thomas), Life in Brazil, 1 vol. 8vo. New York, 1856; London: Sampson Low and Co., 1856. The Appendix is anthropologically valuable.
Fairholt (F. W.), A Dictionary of Terms of Art, 1 vol. 12mo. Virtue and Hall, London, 1849.
Farrar (Canon), Life, &c., of Saint Paul. Cassell and Co.: London, Paris, and New York (undated).
Ferguson (Sir James), Transactions of the Irish Association.
Fergusson (James), A History of Architecture, 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1874–76.
Festus (Sextus Pompeius), De Verborum Significatione, K. O. Müller. Lipsiæ, 1839. The Grammarian lived between a.d. 100 (Martial’s day) and a.d. 422 (under Theodosius II.).
Ficke, Wörterbuch der Indo-germanischen Grundsprache, &c. Göttingen, 1868.
Florus (Annæus: temp. Trajan), Rerum Romanarum libri IV., Delphin edit., 2 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1822.
Fox (A. Lane-, now Major-General A. Pitt-Rivers). This distinguished student of Anthropology, who ranks foremost in the knowledge of early weapons, happily applied the idea of evolution, development, and progress to his extensive collection, the work of some thirty years. To show the successive steps he grouped his objects according to their forms and uses, beginning with the simplest; and to each class he appended an ideal type, towards which the primitive races were ever advancing, making innumerable mistakes, in some cases even retrograding, but on the whole attaining a higher plane. The papers from which I have quoted, often word for word, in my first chapters, are (1) ‘Primitive Warfare,’ sect. i., read on June 28, 1867 (pp. 1–35, with five plates), and Sect. ii., ‘On the Resemblance of the Weapons of Early Races, their Variations, Continuity, and Development of Form,’ read on June 5, 1868 (pp. 1–42, with eight diagrams); and (2) ‘Catalogue of the Anthropological Collection lent for Exhibition in the Bethnal Green Branch of the South Kensington Museum, with (131) Illustrations;’ pt. I. and II. (III. and IV. to be published hereafter), 1874, &c., 8vo., pp. 1–184. The collection, then containing some 14,000 objects, left Bethnal Green for the Western Galleries of the Museum in South Kensington. After a long sojourn there it was offered to the public; but England, unlike France, Germany, and Italy, has scant appreciation of anthropological study. At length it was presented to the University of Oxford, where a special building will be devoted to its worthy reception. I have taken the liberty of suggesting to General Pitt-Rivers that he owes the public not only the last two parts of his work, but also a folio edition with coloured illustrations of the humble ‘Catalogue.’
Genthe (Dr. Hermann), a paper on ‘Etruscan Commerce with the North,’ Archiv für Anthrop., vol. vi. (from his work Ueber den estruskischen Tauschhandel nach Norden). Frankfurt, 1874.
Gladstone (Right Hon. W. E.), Juventus Mundi, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1869. ‘Metals in Homer,’ Contemporary Review, 1874.
Glas (George), ‘The History of the Discovery and Conquest of the Canary Islands,’ Pinkerton, Voyages, vol. xvi.
Goguet (Antoine Yves), De l’Origine des Lois, des Arts, et des Sciences, et de leur progrès chez les anciens peuples (par A. Y. G., aidé par Alex. Conr. Fugère), 3 vols., plates, 4to. Paris, 1758. Numerous editions and translations.
Goguet (M. de), The Origin of Laws, Arts, and Sciences, and their progress among the most Ancient Nations. English translation by Thompson, 3 vols., plates, 8vo. Edinburgh, 1761.
Gozzadini (Senator Count Giovanni), Di un antico sepolcro a Ceretolo nel Bolognese. Modena: Vincenzi, 1872. The author has taken a distinguished place in antiquarian anthropology by his various and valuable studies of Etruscan remains found in and around Felsina, now Bologna. I have ventured upon suggesting to him that these detached papers, mostly printed by Fava, Garagnani, and Co., of Bologna, should be collected and published in a handy form for the benefit of students.
Graah (Captain W. A.), Narrative of an Expedition to the Eastern Coast of Greenland, &c. Translated from the Danish (Copenhagen, 1832) by C. Gordon Macdougall, 8vo. London, 1837.
Grant (Captain, now Colonel, James A.), A Walk across Africa, or Domestic Scenes from my Nile Journal. Blackwoods: Edinburgh, mdccclxiv.
Grose (Captain Francis), Military Antiquities respecting the History of the British Army. From the Conquest to the Present Time. A new edition with material additions and improvements, 2 vols. 8vo. London, printed for T. Egerton, Whitehall; and G. Kearsley, Fleet Street, 1801. The first edition appeared in 1786, and the learned author died (æt. 52) of apoplexy at Dublin, May 12, 1791.
Grote (George), History of Greece, 12 vols. 8vo. 1846–56.
Guthrie (Mrs.), My Year in an An Indian Fort. Hurst and Blackett: London, 1877.
Hamilton (Will. J.), Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia, &c., 2 vols. 8vo. London: Murray, 1842.
Hanbury (Daniel), Science Papers, &c., edited with Memoir by Joseph Ince, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1876.
Heath (Rev. Dunbar Isidore), Exodus Papyri, 8vo. London, 1855. Phœnician Inscriptions. London, Quaritch, 1873. ‘Hittite Inscriptions,’ Journ. Anthrop. Institute, May, 1880.
Herodotus, Rawlinson’s, 4 vols. Murray, 1858. This valuable work wants a second edition revised.
Herrera (Antonio, chief chronicler of the Indies), Historia Geral, &c., VIII. Decads, 4 vols. folio. Madrid, 1601.
Hesiod, Opera et Dies; Scutum, &c. Poetæ Minores Græci, vol. i.
Holub (Dr. Emil), Seven Years in South Africa, 2 vols. 8vo. Sampson Low and Co. 1881.
Homer, Opera Omnia, by J. A. Ernesti. 5 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1814.
Horatius, Opera Om., ex edit. Zeunii. Delphin edit., 4 vols. 8vo. Londini, 1825.
Howorth (H. H.), ‘Archæology of Bronze.’ Trans. Ethno. Soc., vol. vi.
Humboldt (Baron Alexander von), Personal Narrative of Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America, 3 vols. 8vo. Bohn’s Scientific Library, London, 1852.
Iron, an Illustrated Weekly Journal of Science, Metals, and Manufactures in iron and Steel, edited by Perry E. Nursey, C.E., to whom I have to express my thanks.
Isidorus Hispalensis (Bishop of Seville, a.d. 600–636), Opera Omnia (including the ‘Origines’ and ‘Etymologies’), published by J. du Breul, fol. Parisiis, 1601.
Jacquemin (Raphael), Histoire Générale du Costume, &c. Du IVme au XIXme Siècle (a.d. 315–1815). Paris.
Jähns (Major Max), Handbuch einer Geschichte des Kriegswesens von der Urzeit an zur Renaissance. Technischer Theil: Bewaffnung, Kampfweise, Befestigung, Belagerung, Seewesen. Leipzig: Grunow, 1880. Major Jähns, an officer upon the General Staff of the German army, has produced in 1 vol. imp. 8vo. (pp. 640) a most laborious and useful work, accompanied by an atlas of one hundred carefully drawn plates. He quotes authorities literally by the hundred. The work amply deserves to be translated into English, but its public would, I fear, be very limited.
Josephus (Flavius).
Justinus (Frontinus). History, Fourth and Fifth Century, abridged from Trogus Pompeius.
Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana, part i., with a preface and introduction. Printed for the Hindu Kama Shastra Society of London, 1883; for private circulation only. The poet whose name was Mallinaga or Mrillana (of the Vatsyayana family) lived between the first and sixth century of the Christian Æra. This, too, is only known by his poetry. Hindu-land is rich in Kama literature.
Keller (Dr. Ferdinand), Die Kältischen Pfahlbauten in den Schweizer Seen. Zürich, 1854–66. There is an English translation The Lake Dwellings of Switzerland.
King (late Dr. Richard), Trans. Ethnol. Soc., vols. i. and ii.
Klemm (Dr. Gustav Friedrich), Werkzeuge und Waffen. Leipzig, 1854. An edition of Klemm’s (G. F.), Die Werkzeuge und Waffen, ihre Entstehung und Ausbildung, with 342 woodcuts in the text, 8vo. Published at Sondershausen, 1858. Allgemeine Culturwissenschaft, 2 vols. with woodcuts, 8vo. Leipzig, 1854–5.
Kolben (Peter), Present State of the Cape of Good Hope, &c., 2 vols. 8vo., 1738.
Kremer (Ritter Adolf von), Ibn Chaldun und seine Culturgeschichte. Wien, 1879.
Lacombe, Les Armes et les Armures. Paris, 1868.
Land and Water, weekly paper published by William Bates; it contains many articles by the late lamented Mr. Frank Buckland, F.Z.S.
Latham (John): this ‘Assistant-Commissioner for Exhibitions’ (1862, 1867, and 1873), who succeeded in business Messrs. Wilkinson and Son of Pall Mall, and who lately died, gave me copies of his two excellent papers, (1) ‘The Shape of Sword-blades,’ and (2) ‘A Few Notes on Swords in the International Exhibition of 1862’ (Journal of the R.U.S. Institution, vols. vi. and vii.). With the author’s permission I have freely used these two valuable professional studies, especially in Chapter VII. The late Mr. Latham was a practical Swordsman, and his long experience as a maker of the ‘white arm’ renders his information thoroughly trustworthy. I wish every success to his son, who now fills his place in an establishment famous for turning out good work.
Latham (Robert Gordon), Ethnology of the British Islands, 1 vol. 12mo. London, 1852. Descriptive Ethnology, 2 vols. 8vo. 1859.
Layard (Sir Henry Austen), Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols. 8vo., 1849. Monuments of Nineveh, 1st and 2nd Series, 1849–53. A Popular Account of Discoveries at Nineveh. London: Murray, 1851. Fresh Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, 1 vol. 8vo. London: Murray, 1853.
Legge (Dr. James), The Chinese Classics, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1861–76; vol. i., ‘Confucius’; ii., ‘Mencius’; iii., ‘She-King or Book of Poetry.’
Lenormant (François), Manuel d’Histoire Ancienne de l’Orient, 2 vols., 12mo. Paris, 1868. Les Premières Civilisations, 3 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1874. Germ. Trans., Jena, 1875.
Lepsius (Dr. Richard), Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien nach den Zeichnungen der Preussischen Expedition. Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien (1842–45). Berlin, 1849–59. Discoveries in Egypt, &c., translated by Kenneth R. H. Mackenzie, 8vo. London, 1852. Die Metalle in den Aegyptischen Inschriften (Akad. der Wiss., a.d. 1871), the latter translated into French 1877.
Lindsey (Dr. W. Lauder), Proceedings of Society of Arts of Scotland, vol. v. 327.
Lopez (Vicente Fidel), Les Races Aryennes du Pérou, &c. Paris: A. Franck, 1871. A copy was sent to me by my old friend John Coghlan, C.E., of Buenos Ayres.
Lubbock (Sir John W.), Pre-historic Times, 1 vol. 8vo., 1865. Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia (Nillson’s), 3rd edit. London, 1868. Origin of Civilisation, &c., 8vo. London, 1870.
Luynes (Duc de), Numismatique et Inscriptions Cypriotes. Paris, 1852.
Lyell (Sir Charles), Principles of Geology. London: Murray, 1830–3. The Antiquity of Man from Geological Evidences. London: Murray, 1863.
Major (R. H.), The Select Letters of Columbus, &c. London: Hakluyt Soc., mdccclx.
Manava-Dharma-Shástra (Laws of Menu), translated by Houghton. London, 1825.
Manetho (b.c. 285).
Marchionni (Alberto), Trattato di Scherma, &c. Firenze: Bencini, 1847.
Markham (Clements R.), Pedro de Cieza (Cieça) de Leon, 1869. Commentaries of the Yncas, 1871. Reports on the Discovery of Peru, 1872. All printed by the Hakluyt Society.
Massart (Alfred), Gisements Métallifères du district de Carthagène (Espagne). Liège, 1875.
Massey (Gerald), A Book of the Beginnings. London: Williams and Norgate, 1881. Two volumes were first published, and the two concluding are lately issued. A learned friend writes to him: ‘I find little to remark upon or criticise. You seem to have got down far below Tylor, and to be making good your ground in many matters. If people will only read your book, it will make them cry out in some way or other. But you require a populariser, and may have to wait a long time for one.’
Mela (Pomponius), De Situ Orbis (a.d. 41–54). This little work deserves a modern English translation; but what can be said of geographers whose Royal Geographical Society has not yet translated Ptolemy?
Meyrick (Sir Samuel Rush), Critical Inquiry into Ancient Armour as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to Charles the Second, with a Glossary of Military Terms of the Middle Ages. I quote from the Second Edition. 3 vols. atlas 4to. London: Bohn, 1844. The first edition was published in 1824 without the supervision of the author, who found fault with it, especially with the colouring. The next edition, in 1844, was enlarged by the author with the assistance of friends, Mr. Albert Way and others. It was followed by Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, the artistic work of Mr. Joseph Skelton.
Milne (John), ‘On the Stone Age of Japan,’ Journ. Anthrop. Instit., May 1881.
Mitchell (Dr. Arthur), ‘The Past in the Present,’ &c., Rhind Lectures, 1876–78, 1 vol. 8vo. Edinburgh: Douglas, 1880.
Montaigne (Michel de), Essais, translated by William Hazlitt. London: C. Templeman, mdcccliii. (3rd edition).
Monteiro and Gamitto, O Muata Cazembe, 1 vol. 8vo. Imprensa Nacional, Lisboa, 1854.
Moore, Ancient Mineralogy.
Moorcroft (William) and Trebeck (George), Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and Punjab, &c., from 1819 to 1825, 8vo. London: Murray, 1841.
Morgan (Lewis), The League of the Iroquois.
Mortot, ‘On the Swiss Lakes,’ Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise, vol. vi., &c. ‘Les Métaux dans l’Age du Bronze’ (Mém. Soc. Ant. du Nord, 1866–71).
Mortillet (Gabriel de), ‘Les Gaulois de Marzabotto dans l’Apennin,’ Revue Archéologique, 1870–71. This anthropologist has published largely, and did good work at the Congress of Bologna.
Movers, Die Phönizier. Berlin, 1840–56. The book is somewhat antiquated, but still valuable.
Much (Dr. M.), ‘Ueber die Priorität des Eisens oder der Bronze in Ostasien,’ Trans. Anthrop. Soc. of Vienna, vol. ix. Separat-Abdruck.
Müller (Prof. F. Max), Chips from a German Workshop, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1867. Lectures on the Science of Language, 2 vols. 12mo. London, 1873 (7th edit.). Introduction to the Science of Religion, 12mo. London, 1873.
Neuhoff, Travels in Brazil. Pinkerton, vol. xiv.
Nillson (Prof. Sven), The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia, translated by Sir John Lubbock. He is illustrated by Colonel A. Lane-Fox (Prim. Warf., p. 135) and by Wilde (Catalogue, &c.).
Oldfield, ‘Aborigines of Australia,’ Trans. Ethnol. Soc., new series, vol. iii.
Oppert (Professor), On the Weapons, &c., of the Ancient Hindus. London: Trübner, 1880.
Opusculum Fidicularum, the Ancestry of the Violin, by Ed. Heron Allen. London: Mitchell and Hughes, 1882. The author kindly sent me a copy of his work.
Orosius (Presbyter Paulus, a.d. 413), Historiarum Libri Septem. The Anglo-Saxon version of Aelfred the Great; translated, &c., by Daines Barrington, 1 vol. 8vo. London, 1773, and by Bosworth, 1859.
Osburn (William), Monumental History of Egypt, 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1854.
Owen (Prof. Richard), On the Anatomy of Vertebrates, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1866–68.
Palestine Exploration Fund, founded 1865; publishes Quarterly Statement. The Society’s office, 1 Adam Street, Adelphi, W.C.
Palma (General Luigi di Cesnola), Cyprus, its Ancient Cities, Tombs, and Temples, 8vo. London: Murray, 1877. Cypern. Gena: Leipzig, 1879.
Palma (Major di Cesnola), ‘On Phœnician Art in Cyprus,’ Brit. Archæol. Assoc., Dec. 6, 1882.
Paterculus (C. Velleius, b.c. 19).
Pausanias (temp. Antonin. Pius), Periegesis (or Itinerary) of Greece. The work of a good traveller, translated by Thomas Taylor, 3 vols. 8vo. London, 1824.
Percy (Dr. John), Fuel, Fireclays, Copper, Zinc, Brass, &c. London: Murray, 1861. Metallurgy: Iron and Steel, ibid., 1864. Lead, 1870. Silver and Gold, part i., 1880. These works are too well known and too highly appreciated to be noticed except by name.
Petherick (John), Egypt, the Soudan, and Central Africa, 8vo. Blackwoods, Edinburgh, mdccclxi. The late author was a Cornish miner who had the honesty not to find coal for Mohammed Ali Pasha of Egypt.
Petronius Arbiter.
Phillips (Prof. John A.), A Guide to Geology, 12mo. London, 1864. ‘A Manual of Metallurgy, or a Practical Treatise on the Chemistry of the Metals,’ illustrated. London, 1864: Archæological Journal, vol. xvi.
Philo Judæus (a.d. 40).
Pigafetta (Antonio, of Vicenza, who accompanied Magalhaens, the first circumnavigator, 1519–1522), Primo Viaggio intorno al Globo, 4to. Milan, 1800; published by Amoretti. He was best known before that date by Ramusio’s work.
Polyænus the Macedonian dedicated his 8 books of 900 Στρατηγήματα to M. Aurelius and L. Verus (a.d. 163).
Polybius (nat. circ. b.c. 204), Πραγματεία, not Historia. Historiarum quæ supersunt. Lips.: Holtze, 1866; 5 books and fragments out of 40. The writer was a captain in the field besides being an authority on military art, a politician, and a philosopher, who composed for instruction, not for amusement.
Pollux (Julius, a.d. 183), Onomasticon.
Porter (Rev. J. L.), author of A Handbook for Travellers in Syria and Palestine. London: Murray, 1868 (1st edition).
Porter (Sir Robert Ker), Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Ancient Babylonia, &c. (1817–20), 2 vols. 4to. London: Longmans, 1821–22.
Procopius (nat. circ. a.d. 500), Histories, &c.
Ptolmey, Geographia.
Ramusio (Giambattista, of Treviso, nat. 1485), Raccolta di Navigazioni e Viaggi, 3 vols. fol., 1550–59; the first collection of the kind, which gave rise to many others.
Rawlinson (Canon George), The Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient Eastern World, &c., 4 vols. 8vo. London: Murray, 1862–66.
Records of the Past, being English translations of the Assyrian and Egyptian monuments, published under the sanction of the Society of Biblical Archæology, vol. i. (of 12), 12mo. London, 1874.
Revue Archéologique (under the direction of J. Gailhabaud), année 1–16. Paris, 1844–59, 8vo. Nouvelle Série, année 1, vol. i. &c., 1860, 8vo. Table Décennale, nouvelle série, 1860–1869, dressée par M. F. Delaunay. Paris, 1874, 8vo. In progress.
Rhind (A. Henry), Thebes, its Tombs and their Tenants, &c. 1862.
Richtofen (Baron Ferdinand von), China, Ergebnisse eigener Reisen und darauf gegründeter Studien. Vol. i. published in 1877; vol. ii. (4to.), Remier: Berlin, 1882. It has not yet found a translator.
Rivero (Mariano y Eduardo de) y Tschudi (Juan Diego de), Antiguedades Peruanas, 1 vol. 4to., with Atlas. Vienna, 1851. Travels in Peru, by J. J. von Tschudi, in 1838–42; was translated from the German by T. Ross, 8vo. London, 1847.
Rossellini (Prof.), I Monumenti dell’ Egitto e della Nubia. Pisa, 1832–41.
Rossignol (J. P.), Les Métaux dans l’Antiquité. Paris: Durand, 1863.
Roteiro (Ruttier) da Viagem de Vasco da Gama, corrected by the late Professor Herculano and Baron do Castello de Pavia. Imprensa Nacional, Lisboa, mdcccli. (2nd edition).
Rougé (Vicomte E. de), Rituel Funéraire des Anciens Egyptiens, &c., imp. folio. Paris, 1861–66.
Rougemont, L’Age de Bronze, 1866.
Rowbotham (J. F.), ‘On the Art of Music in Prehistoric Times,’ Journ. Anthrop. Inst., May, 1881.
Sacken (Baron E. von Osten-), Das Grabfeld von Hallstadt und dessen Alterthümer. Vienna, 1868.
Sainte-Croix (Baron de), Recherches Historiques et Critiques sur les Mystères du Paganisme, revues et corrigées par Silvestre de Sacy, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1817.
Sayce (Rev. A. H.), ‘On the Hamathite Inscriptions,’ Trans. Soc. Bibl. Archæol., vol. iv. part 1. Mr. Sayce has read other papers containing notices of more modern ‘Hittite’ finds; but I have failed to procure copies.
Schliemann (Dr. Henry), Troy and its Remains, translated and edited by Philip Smith. London: Murray, 1875. Mycenæ and Tiryns, ibid. 1878. Ilios, ibid. 1880.
Scott (Sir Sibbald David), The British Army, its Origin, Progress, and Development, 2 vols. London and New York: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, 1868.
Sévez, notice of Japanese Iron-works in Les Mondes, tome xxvi., Dec. 1871.
Silius Italicus (nat. a.d. 25).
Smith (Captain John), General Historie of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, &c., fol. London: Pinkerton, xiii. He made his first voyage in 1606, and his second in 1614, when he changed ‘North Virginia’ into ‘New England.’ On his third (1615), he was captured by a Frenchman and landed at La Rochelle.
Smith (George), Assyrian Discoveries. London: Sampson Low & Co., 6th edit., 1876. The learned author wore himself out by travel, and died young.
Smith (Rev. W. Robertson), The Old Testament in the Jewish Church. Edinburgh: Blacks, 1881.
Smith (Dr. William), Dictionaries. London: Taylor & Walton—Greek and Roman Geography, 2 vols. 8vo. 1856–57.Greek and Roman Antiquities, 1 vol. 8vo. 1859.Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, 3 vols. 8vo. 1858–61.Of the Bible, 3 vols. 8vo. 1863.
Solinus (Ca. Jul. Polyhistor, alias ‘Pliny’s Ape’), Geographical Compendium.
Speke (Captain James Hanning), Journal of the Discovery of the Source of the Nile. Edinburgh: Blackwoods, 1863.
Spensley (Howard), Cenni sugli Aborigeni di Australasia, &c. Venezia: G. Fischer, 1881.
Stade (Hans), The Captivity of Hans Stade, translated for the Hakluyt Society by Mr. Albert Tootal of Rio de Janeiro. London, 1874.
Stanley (Henry M.), Through the Dark Continent, &c. London: Sampson Low, & Co., 1874.
Stephens (J. Lloyd), Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan, 2 vols. 8vo. London: Murray, 1842. Germ. trans., Leipzig, 1843.
Stevens (the late Edward T.), Flint Chips, a Guide to Prehistoric Archæology, as illustrated in the Blackmore Museum, Salisbury, 8vo. London: Bell and Daldy, 1870.
Strabo (b.c. 54?).
Suetonius (C. Tranquillus).
Tacitus (Cornelius).
Taylor (Rev. Isaac), Etruscan Researches. London: Macmillan, 1874.
Texier, Description de l’Asie Mineure. Paris, 1849–52.
Theophrastus (b.c. 305), Opera Græca et Latina, J. G. Schneider, 5 vols. 8vo. Lipsiæ, 1818–21.
Tylor (E. B.), Anahuac. London, 1861. Primitive Culture. London: Murray, 1871 (Germ. trans., 1873). Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilisation, plates. London: Murray, 1870.
Ure (Andrew), Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. London, 1863.
Vallancey (General), Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 6 vols. Dublin, 1770–1804.
Varnhagen (the late F. Adolpho de): Historia Geral do Brazil, 2 vols. 8vo. Laemmert: Rio de Janeiro, 1854, Useful as ‘documents pour servir.’
Varro (Terentius, nat. b.c. 116), De Lingua Latina.
Vegetius (Fl. Renatus, a.d. 375–92), De Re Militari.
Vitruvius (M. Pollio, b.c. 46), Architecture, 5 vols. 4to. Utini, 1829.
Volney (Const. F.), Œuvres, 8 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1826.
Waitz (Professor, Dr. Theodor), Anthropologie der Naturvölker. Leipzig, 1859–72. The first volume, Introduction to Anthropology, was translated by J. F. Collingwood and published by the Anthropological Society of London, 8vo., Longmans, 1863. The manuscript of the second volume of this valuable work, also by Mr. Collingwood, was long in my charge; but the low state of anthropological study in England (and other pursuits unprofessional, and consequently non-paying) prevents its being printed.
Wilde (Sir William R.), Descriptive Catalogue of the Antiquities in the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin: Academy House, 1863. A Descriptive Catalogue of Materials in the Royal Irish Academy, 8vo., 1857–61. It is regretable that part 1, vol. ii., of this admirable work, which has become a standard upon the subject, has not been printed; nor has the public been informed of any arrangements for publishing. For permission to make use of the cuts, which were obligingly furnished to Mr. Grego, I am indebted to the courtesy of the Council, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland.
Wilkinson (Sir J. Gardner), The Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians, their Private Life, Government, Laws, Arts, Religion, and History (originally written in 1836), 6 vols. 8vo. London: Murray, 1837–41. The author abridged his life-labour with the usual unsuccess, and called it A Popular Account of the Ancient Egyptians, 2 vols. post 8vo. London: Murray, 1874.
Wilkinson (the late Henry, the eminent Sword-cutler in Pall Mall), Observations on Swords; to which is added Information for Officers going to join their Regiments in India. Pall Mall, London. No date.
Willemin, Choix des Costumes Civiles et Militaires. Paris, 1798.
Wilson (Daniel), Archæology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Edinburgh: Sutherland and Knox, 8vo., mdcccli. Prehistoric Man, 2 vols. 8vo. London: Macmillan, 1862.
Wright (the late Thomas), ‘On the True Assignation of the Bronze Weapons,’ &c., Trans. Ethno. Soc., new series, vol. iv.
Woldrich (Prof. A.), Mittheilungen der Wien. Anthrop. Gesell. Wien, 1874.
Wood (John George), Natural History of Man, being an Account of the Manners and Customs of the Uncivilised Ways of Men, 2 vols., 1868–70, 8vo.
Worsäae (J. J. A.), Afbildninger fra det Kon. Mus. for Nordiske Oldsager i Kjöbnhavn, Ordnede og forklarede af J. J. A. W. (aided by Magnus Petersen and Aagaard). Kjöbnhavn: Kittendorf, and Aagaard, 1859. The order is in careful accordance with the Three Ages. Worsäae’s Prehistoric Annals of Denmark were translated by W. J. Knox, 8vo., London, 1849, and there is a Leitfaden der Nordischen Alterthumerskunde by Worsäae, Kopenhagen, 1837.
Wurmbrand (Count Gutaker), Ergebnisse der Pfahlbauuntersuchungen. Wien, 1875.
Yule (Colonel Henry), The Book of Marco Polo the Venetian, 2nd edit. London: Murray, 1875. The learned and exact writer favoured me with a copy of his admirable work, without which it is vain to read of ‘The Kingdoms and the Marvels of the East.’