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Physical Characteristics of the American Eskimo Dog

(from the American Kennel Club breed standard)

Head: The skull is slightly crowned and softly wedge-shaped, with widest breadth between the ears. The stop is well defined, although not abrupt.

Eyes: Not fully round, but slightly oval. They should be set well apart. Dark to medium brown is the preferred eye color. Eye rims are black to dark brown. Eyelashes are white.

Nose: Pigment is black to dark brown.

Ears: Should conform to head size and be triangular, slightly blunt-tipped, held erect, set on high yet well apart.

Neck: Carried proudly erect, well set on, medium in length, and in a strong, graceful arch.

Topline: Level.

Muzzle: Broad, with length not exceeding the length of the skull. Lips are thin and tight, black to dark brown in color. The bite is scissors or pincer.

Forequarters: Well angulated. The shoulder is firmly set and has adequate muscle but is not overdeveloped. The legs are parallel and straight to the pasterns. The pasterns are strong and flexible with a slant of about 20°. Feet are oval, compact, tightly knit and well padded with hair. Toes are well arched. Pads are tough and deeply cushioned.

Coat: A stand-off double coat consisting of a dense undercoat and a longer coat of guard hair growing through it to form the outer coat. It is straight with no curl or wave.

Body: Strong and compact, but not cobby. The chest is deep and broad with well-sprung ribs. Slight tuck-up of belly just behind the ribs. The back is straight, broad, level, and muscular. The loin is strong and well-muscled.

Tail: Set moderately high and reaches approximately to the point of hock when down. It is carried loosely on the back, although it may be dropped when at rest.

size: All measurements are heights at withers: Toy, 9 inches to and including 12 inches; Miniature, over 12 inches to and including 15 inches; and Standard, over 15 inches to and including 19 inches.

Hindquarters: Well angulated. The upper thighs are well developed. Stifles are well bent. Hock joints are well let down and firm. The rear pasterns are straight. Legs are parallel from the rear. Feet are as described for the front legs.

Color: Pure white is the preferred color, although white with biscuit cream is permissible. The skin is pink or gray.

American Eskimo Dog

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