Читать книгу Himmler's Island - Richard G. Buchanan PhD - Страница 7

Chapter 5


GEORGE was speaking at a lectern on the stage of the main Ballroom of the Hilton Hotel. The dance floor was covered with an industrial-strength floral design carpet on which meeting chairs were arranged audience-style. Almost all of the seats were occupied by couples. He was finishing his peroration;

“. . .and, for no charge, you’ll be moved down to an incredibly beautiful Caribbean island to stay in sumptuous accommodations at a luxurious resort-style facility with a full complement of water-and land-based sports. You’ll live mortgage-free, insurance-free and basic expense-free in a clean air, crystal water facility that’s ecologically-friendly and getting friendlier all the time, much thanks to Participants like you who are already there. If you wish to continue to work distantly, you’ll have individual state-of-the-art computerized communications equipment linked to our own satellite system.”

George paused, then said; “Perhaps this is the time to answer your questions.”

A hand in the audience shot up; “What if we want to work distantly but our present employer won’t allow us to do so?”

“We have connections with a number of multinational corporations. We can put you in touch with the ones who would be happy to employ people with your abilities to work distantly.”

Another audience member said; “You say we were selected for higher intelligence. How was that done?”

“We combed, for example, public records like college and graduate school alumni publications, newspaper business sections, business magazines, and academic discipline membership directories to identify those of you who got higher degrees with higher honors than most, were hired into more advanced positions than most, advanced more quickly than most.”

The audience member persisted; “But are those really good indicators of intelligence?”

“They are good enough for the initial selection.”

“What are the next steps in selection?”

“Well, first is self-selection.”

Another audience member asked; “What kind of self-selection?”

“We want acceptable couples to go there to have children, as well as couples who have acceptable children to go there with their children. Further, we want such couples to make a commitment that they will try, if needed, to convince their children to stay there and, in turn have children, and so on.”

There was a gasp in the audience. Then yet another member asked; “If this is a Eugenics project, for how many generations do you need a commitment to stay?”

“The current estimate is six.”

A low whistle came from the audience. There appeared to be a lull in the questioning so George said;

“This is the self-selection—I’ll ask those of you who won’t make a commitment to The Project, and won’t make a similar commitment to convince your children to The Project to leave this presentation.”

The couples in the audience began talking to each other. When George thought the conversations were over, he continued;

“And I’m going to ask those of you who leave not to discuss this meeting with anyone else.”

Another audience member asked; “Why?”

“Because, as some of your reactions indicate, this Project is controversial. If word gets out there might be investigations which could jeopardize The Project for those who are already there as well as some of your fellow couples here who might want to go.” George let that sink in, and then said; “Discuss this among yourselves, then those of you who won’t make a commitment, please leave quietly.”

Again, the couples in the audience began talking with each other, then, one-by-one, some left the ballroom. When the exiting appeared to be complete, George said;

“Thank you for making your commitment. Now I’ll describe the next selection steps: First, all of you will have your intelligence assessed with an individually-administered intelligence test, given by a board-certified Clinical Psychologist. Those of you who have pre-pubescent children should know that they will be tested similarly. Then, those of you who meet our standards. . .”

A member of the audience interrupted; “Exactly what are the standards?”

“The upper five percent of the population. . .”

Another low whistle filled the ballroom.

George quickly continued;

“.. .and those of you who meet our standards will be given a Microelectroencephlogram , a physiological measure of intelligence, by a Board-certified Psychoneurologist. To anticipate a question, the standards are the same. Then, childless couples will be tested for fertility. Those of you who meet our standards of being the best of the best will be offered Participationship.”

Another audience member asked; “Why do you call it Participationship?”

“Because it is you who will be participating in a ground-breaking scientific experiment that we hope will resurrect the good name of Eugenics, and, if successful, will have a profound impact on every Biological discipline directly related to Genetics. Those of you who accept will be told more about the implications of The Project.”

Yet another audience member asked; “What about those who don’t meet your standards?”

“We will thank them for asking to be considered with the reminder to hold this solicitation confidential.”

And yet another audience member asked; “Back to nuts and bolts. What about our assets like our home, our car?”

“Our Financial Specialists will assist you in disposing of your assets, liquidating those you wish to transfer to funds in an account which you can access at The Project.

The audience member continued; “What about notifying our relatives and close friends?”

“Our Relocation Specialists will assist you in that activity.” George paused, then asked; “Are there any other questions?”

The couples in the audience looked at each other, but none of the audience raised a question. George smiled quietly to himself, and then said;

“Thank you for applying to possibly become Participants. In your materials is a mailing card with your names pre-printed on it. Mail it, and you will be notified about the arrangements for the first testing.”

George left the stage as the audience filed out.

Himmler's Island

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