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A Handbook and Training Manual

Prepared for the Staff


Connecticut Valley Hospital

Children’s Unit

J. Randolph Burnham, Ph.D.


There are many people who helped in the development of BLEU. My heartfelt thanks:

To Dr. Richard Wiseman for his backing and guidance.

To Mr. George Dunham, for without his invaluable conceptual input and ongoing consultation this project would never have come this far.

To Linda Unkelbach, Diane St. Jean, Gary Larkins, Don Lippincott, Nancy Winship, Frank Winiski, Al Stewart, Uta Graichen, Nancy Milardo, Paula Howe, Wes Moorhead, Kurt Tauer, and other future staff who have waited patiently and have the job of implementing BLEU.

To Marcia Pease, who proof read the many pages of my chicken scrawl.

To Steve Hodge and Gloria Chandler, who will be BLEU’s teacher and social worker, and who helped in constructing much of BLEU’s content.

To Mrs. Jacquelyn Reardon, who typed BLEU with cheer and aplomb.

To my wife, Pri, who had to listen to my rantings and ravings, and who gave me much support to carry on.

Finally, to the Children for whom the program was conceived. It is my hope that BLEU will help them to learn and live more productive lives.



Here at the Children’s Unit during the past year it has become clearer and clearer that the traditional methods of treating acting out, hostile-aggressive youngsters have not been working. The program presented below is designed to help very disturbed acting out, hostile, aggressive youngsters learn new, more socially-adaptive modes of functioning. With this goal in mind, we have attempted to set up the ecology of the ward such that it will not only incorporate the best traditional methods as well as learning principles, but also mirror as closely as possible and feasible, the real world.

Society at large is set up such that certain behaviors such as jobs, work and learning are valued and reinforced. Society is also set up such that other behaviors have negative consequences. BLEU is an attempt to spell out clearly and consistently both positive and negative consequences to our children’s behavior. In all cases our focus will be on new learning for the child. We will attempt to teach youngsters that they and they alone are responsible for their actions and the consequences of those actions.

BLEU is set up with an eye toward teaching children how to manage their lives. We must keep clearly in mind that it is only through making choices and utilising the feedback from these choices that people learn. In this light BLEU is set up so that the choices are free and the feedback clear.

In an attempt to mirror the environment into which these children will eventually go, BLEU has adopted a number of economic contingencies. Children will receive payment for accomplishing certain tasks. As in society these payments can be used to purchase those things that the children need and want. Similarly, the rich children will be able to buy more and better things than will the non-rich. Unlike society at large, however, each child will have the opportunity to become rich solely by his own behavior. Still another aspect of BLEU which directly mirrors society is our welfare system. BLEU is conceived in such a way that each child will receive the basic necessities simply for being alive. Thus, in its positive aspects BLEU is a fairly good mirror of society.

Another aspect of BLEU’s economic system is its fines. Just like in the real world where people are fined and put in jail for breaking laws, so too with BLEU. Children will be fined and even temporarily removed from the socio-economic system if they transgress the laws of the BLEU. Unlike the real world where people can accumulate debts, BLEU because of its learning focus, will not allow this to happen. Yet, all other aspects of society will be reflected by our fine system.

BLEU’s economic system will also mirror present day society in a number of other aspects. We will use “BLEU Dollars” as our medium of exchange. We will also utilize many of the concepts of banking. Each child will have a bank account where in conjunction with his economic advisor he or she will make decisions about purchases. BLEU will also utilize the banking concept of frozen and liquid currency. As in the real world liquid currency will be used by the children to make immediate every day purchases while frozen currency will buy long-term items. It is in this banking concept that we will be teaching not only math but also how to manage in a real economic environment.

As indicated by the term learning in its title, BLEU will always be geared toward new learning. We will pay particular attention to the traditional child role of being a student. It will be in this area where the greatest learning can take place. Because this role is so clearly valued in society, it will also be valued highly in BLEU. Yet, with the population for which BLEU is designed, we will structure our academic program so that it reflects learning which is directly related to the child’s ongoing everyday life in BLEU. Thus, besides incorporating math, we will build our academic program to eventually focus upon investments, percentages, and other financial concepts. Beyond this, BLEU will also attempt to structure the environment to promote new appropriate social learning. Self-help skills as well as vocational skills will also become part of our program. For example, children will take care of their own bank accounts, investments, etc. Thus, whereever possible, the academic program will attempt to teach children how better to live within BLEU by reflecting the ongoing daily ward environment. Naturally, the non-academic aspects of BLEU will reinforce “classroom” learning.

Savings Dollars will be cashed in once a week. This will be done in conjunction with the child’s economic advisor. These dollar values are subject to change, as are listings. Savings Dollars can be cashed in for:

Weekend Schedules

Visits from home On Ward 500 Off Ward 700
Visits from Others (volunteers, companions, etc.) On Ward 400 Off Ward 700
Visits to Home, Day only 1500
Overnights at Home 2500
Visit to Home, Day Only, Unsupervised 2000
Special Clothes, per item ordered 300
Special Trips:
Meals (McDonalds, 500; Bonanza, 700)
Movies 500
Activities to be decided on, as come available
Swearing Pass per day 1500
Room Cabinets 300
Waste Paper Baskets 200
Visits to Cottage, per hr. 100
Special Spread for Bed (rent per week.) 100
Money – 4 points =$.01 – Up to 400 points
Room Decorations (Rent Per Week)
Posters of Own Design (Wall Space) 100
Posters Bought 150
Tape on Walls 100
Other things taped or tacked on wall 100
Lock Picking Kit 5000
Extra Bedding (Per Week Rental) 100
Models, Access to, Rent time with them 300

* * * * *

Fines: Children will be fined for the following:

1. Hitting staff or other children 20
2. Property Destruction 20
3. Smoking and/or Possession of Matches 10
4. AWOL, Per Hour 10
5. Self-inflicted wound of any kind – M.D. Fee 20
6. Interacting with grounded kids 20
7. Stealing 20
8. Swearing, Per Word 1
9. Entering another’s room without paying 5


The numbers are the code for noting fines.

Numbers in front of fines are to be used on sheet for coding fines.



Hitting includes all aggressive acts made toward a person. This includes such things as pushing, slapping, punching, throwing things with intent to harm, kicking and spitting. Any child who engages in any of these activities will be fined. A child will be fined for each discreet incident of aggressive behavior. A discreet incident is defined as any aggressive activity that is not continuous. Thus, if two children get into a fight and after 10 seconds staff intervenes and separates the children, that is one incident. After the fight has been broken up, should one child hit out again, that would be a second incident. Should the staff member be hit while breaking up the fight, that is not a new incident. Any time there is a distincet break in the continuity of the aggressive act, the child is liable to be fined a second time.


Any planned or wanton damage to any article of property. Such things as picking locks, denting doors, busting furniture, chipping walls, breaking lights, breaking windows, breaking toys or games, etc. are considered to be destruction of property. A child will be fined for each discreet incident of damage. Examples: If a child breaks one light in his room, that is one incident. If a child throws a chair against the wall one time causing four holes, that is one incident. Throwing the chair twice causing one hole is one incident of destruction.


Any child caught with a lit or unlit cigarette, cigar or pipe will be fined. If any child is caught with any part of a matchbook or with an unstruck match will be fined. Children found in possession of cigarette butts will naturally be fined. Any child found with smoke on his breath will also be fined.


Any child who is off grounds, off ward without permission, or not where he or she is supposed to be will be considered to be AWOL and fined.


Any child who harms him- or herself intentionally will be considered to have made a suicide attempt. Such things as sticking pins in various parts of the child’s body, purposely scratching self, cutting self, eating or drinking non-food substances, etc. are considered to be a suicide attempt and will be fined.


Any child who talks to, touches, makes faces at, or in any way interacts with a child who is at ground zero will be fined.


Any child who enters another child’s room without paying or permission from a staff member will be fined.


Any child who takes anything which is not his or which is not supposed to be used at that moment or which he does not have permission to have will be fined. This is especially true of others’ dollars or belongings or things taken from the Nurses’ station. Stealing also includes taking part in an activity for which the child did not pay.


Any child who uses any of the traditional Anglo-Saxon off-color words will be fined per word. All derogatory words, slang expressions and variations, including gestures, will be fined. Including: Hell, Damn, Fuck, Shit, Bastard, Goddamn, etc.



To stop the immediate incident and decrease its probability of re-occurrance. To clearly communicate to the child that he or she has been fined, the exact reason for the fine, the amount of the fine and that the behavior should stop. To do this in a business-like, non-challenging, non-punitive, non-sarcastic, but firm manner.


Staff will cite infraction, amount fined, and ask child to stop any fined activity. For example, “David, you hit Joey. Stop hitting him! You are fined 20 dollars.” If the child stops, the staff will issue a fine slip, take the dollars from the child and give the child instructions to take part in the (an) ongoing activity. If the fine reduces a child to ground zero, then ground zero procedures will be followed.

If the fine procedure does not stop the behavior, a second fine can be given. If that does not stop the behavior, the Beyond Fine procedure should be followed.


1. Always fine liquid assets first, then savings.

2. No child can ever be placed in a debt situation. A child can only be fined to zero liquid and savings assets.

3. As soon as a child has no liquid assets, he is considered to be at ground zero. (See below.)


Any child who is not up (see definition for getting up) by 7:30 will not take part in the token economy that morning. His door will be locked at 7:30 and the child will be ignored until 12:00. At 12:00 a tray with Basic Lunch Meal #1 will be placed in the child’s room and the door relocked. The child is approached again at 7:00 a.m. the next morning. If the child refuses to get up and enter the system a second day, the same procedure is followed. If the child refuses to enter the system, a third day, the procedure is followed again. Every time a child refuses to enter the system three times, a case specific decision will be made by the staff.

As noted above, a child who refuses to enter the system by not getting up will receive lunch, dinner and a bed during the time he is out of the system. He will not receive breakfast simply because he slept through breakfast! Child will be allowed access to bathroom during meals, but this should be the bathroom off his room. There should be a minimum of contact and bathroom should be locked after meal.


Definition – Any child who has entered the system, but due to fines, poor behavior, etc. has no liquid assets, will be considered to be at ground zero. If the program is at a point where no liquid assets can be earned, the child will be asked if he or she wants to earn. If the child says yes, he is presented with the list of make-up activities and asked to choose an activity. Upon completion of the task, the child is given his dollars and can buy any activity for which he has enough dollars. A child will continue in a make-up activity until either he has completed the activity and has liquid assets or until the ward program allows an opportunity to earn dollars. At the completion of a make-up activity, the child can cash in for one of the make-up rewards or save the dollars for another activity.

If a child has no liquid assets and the group schedule does not allow for earning and the child refuses to do a make-up activity, he or she is placed in his or her room and the door is locked. The child is approached every 1/2 hour and asked: “Are you ready to earn?” If the child says yes, he then either chooses to do a make-up activity or he joins the schedule, assuming that there are earning opportunities. If there are no earning activities, a child can only choose a make-up activity. If the child chooses not to earn, his door is relocked and he is approached again 1/2 hour later.

Come meal times, or bed time, any child who is still at ground zero will be provided Basic Meals and a mattress. The only difference between ground zero and not entering the economy is that at ground zero the child will be approached every 1/2 hour and asked if he is ready to rejoin the economy. Basic Menus and Mattress with betting will be provided.


Any child who is at ground zero is allowed to earn during those periods when no earnings are possible by choosing and completing a make-up activity.

Make-Up Activities:

1. Homework – Per assignment correct with a score of 80% or better $4

2. Ward Jobs

a. Wash out showers, baths, toilets 2
b. Hop Long Hall 2
c. Sweep Long Hall 2
d. Mop and sweep office 2
e. Wash doors and walls in room 2
f. Wash doors and one side of walls in long hall 2

3. Calisthenics

a. 20 jumping jacks)
b. 10 sit-ups)
c. 4 push-ups)Within 10 minutes2
d. 30 toe touches)
e. 20 deep knee bends)

A child can only earn 10 at any given time and must return to ground zero to start earning make-up again. For any spending done with make-up, there will be no savings. A child can only do make-up activities while there is no possibility of earning available. Once the ward schedule affords the opportunity of earnings, the child must stop the make-up activity and earn the dollars offered by the schedule.



To help the child regain control and reenter the system as soon as is possible; to minimize damage to the child and people the child is in contact with; to minimize interaction, which may be reinforcing, with the child until child is back under control.


If a child has been fined twice and is still continuing his or her negative behavior, the child will be told “You are out of control. You are going to the Quiet Room.” WITHOUT SPEAKING to the child, the staff member or staff members escort the child to the Quiet Room (QR) with whatever firmness is necessary. The child is to remain in the QR for a 15 minute base period and then three consecutive minutes of quiet.

When the child is quiet for the three minutes, he will be removed from the QR. If there is an earning activity, the child will be asked to join the activity. If there is a spending activity in progress, the child can if he has enough dollars to buy into or back into an activity, he may do so, but loses all possible savings available for successful completion of that activity. If the child does not have enough liquid assets to buy into the activity, he goes to his room. If a child is placed at ground zero due to the fine, he can do make-up activities.

Upon leaving the QR, the child will be informed of the fines he has accrued.


1. A child will only be placed in the QR for being out of control.

a. A child is considered out of control only after he or she has been fined twice over the same issue and has not stopped the bad behavior.

Children can only be placed in the QR for hitting and property destruction.

b. Swearing will only be fined.

c. Non-compliance will not, in theory, be a problem. All non compliant children will either lose savings or liquid assets due to their non-compliance. In all cases, the child has the choice and the staff should not push a child if he choses not to comply. There are built-in consequences to the non-compliance and no need for us to make an issue in most cases.


Any child who has no spendable dollars will be allowed access to make-up earnings during non-earning times. If there is an earning activity taking place, the child who has no dollars will be able to join that activity if there is no earning activity, then make-up will be available.

Make-Up Activities:

1. Homework – Per assignment correct with a score of 80% or better $2

2. Ward Jobs

a. Wash out showers, bath, toilets 1

b. Mop Long Hall 1

c. Sweep Long Hall 1

d. Mop and Sweep Office 1

e. Wash door and walls (2) in Room 1

f. Wash doors in long hall 1

g. Wash one long hall wall 1

3. Calisthenics

a. 40 jumping jacks)
b. 20 sit-ups)
c. 8 push-upsWithin 15 min.)1
d. 60 toe touches)
e. 40 deep knee bends)

During weekends, fine ratas remain the same as do Entry Into System, Ground Zero, and Quiet Room – Beyond Fines procedures.


1. All staff who work mornings will be expected to teach during school time. This teaching will be done in conjunction with and under the supervision and guidance of our assigned teacher. During the weekends staff will act as teachers either by programming for Earning activities or by following teacher’s instructions.

2. During each earning or spending routine one staff member will be designated by the Ward Charge as being in charge of giving out dollars and noting how much was earned or spent. For example, during school periods the teacher will be in charge of giving and noting all earnings and fines. During the 11:00 – 11:30 time slot, a staff member will be responsible for collecting and noting all fines and expenditures. This procedure is an attempt to ensure that children only get paid once for a job well done and are only able to spend dollars once. This person will be known as the control person.

3. Fines can be given by any staff member any time a bad behavior occurs. If the staff member who gives the fine also settles with the child, then the staff member must get to the control person to note the fine. This is especially true if the fine comes out of savings dollars. If the fine is not settled then the staff member must get this information to the control person, so that it can be noted and appropriate action taken. Fines will be coded on the daily chart so we will know exactly what a child was fined for during that day.


1. Hitting staff or other children $20
2. Property destruction 20
3. Smoking and/or Possession of Matches 10
4. AWOL, Per Hour 10
5. Self-inflicted wound of any kind – M.D. Fee 20
6. Interacting with grounded kids 20
7. Stealing 20
8. Swearing, Per Word 1
9. Entering another’s room without paying 5
The numbers are the code for noting fines. Numbers in front of fines are to be used on sheet for coding fines.

4. The finance and control person will be in charge of all ongoing bookkeeping. Each shift will be responsible for tabulation of its shift turnover in dollars. The night staff will be responsible for all entries into savings accounts and final daily tabulations. (See chart) Night staff will also keep record of how much each child earned for that day in graph form. Thus each child will have an ongoing graph of how he or she is doing.

5. Every child will be assigned to an economic advisor. This advisor will be either a clinical person or in some cases a staff member. It will be the job of the economic advisor to meet with the child on an hourly basis at least once a week. At this meeting, the child’s performance for the week will be reviewed and any special savings dollars purchases can be made.

6. Each full time staff member will be allotted 100 savings dollars per week. These savings dollars can be given at the discretion of the staff member in the form of bonuses. Like fine slips, there will also be bonus slips which the staff can issue as she sees behavior which she wants to encourage.

7. Staff will be responsible to spell out expectations for good behavior. Expectation should be spelled out before an activity is embarked on. This is especially true where savings dollars are at stake.

8. Our leverage in this system will be gained by being consistent in our implementation of definitions. Should there be need to change a definition or procedure, this will ONLY be done at a full staff meeting where all staff can agree on the change and the implementation of that change. Changes of this nature will go into effect on a specified day, and not necessarily directly after the staff meeting. All changes must receive the approval of the BLEU Director.

9. Our job is to teach new behavior. In this light, we must all realize that positive reinforcement teaches more and better than punishment. We must remember that a child in his room alone cannot learn how not to get into trouble. He can only learn that when he can get into trouble, but understands that it does not pay off.


All liquid assets will be turned in at the end of each day and turned into savings assets at a 2-to-1 rate. For example, if a child has 6 liquid dollars, they are converted to 3 savings dollars. This is to encourage spending.

Children who have enough savings to go home will be rebated for good visits home. The rebate will be 500 savings dollars below the original price, which means the child will have to work that week to visit home the next week. Other rebates will also be possible.

Preferably all dollars should be handed to the child upon completion of the task and should certainly be handed out at the end of that period. In all cases a child should be told FOR WHAT GOOD BEHAVIOR HE OR SHE IS RECEIVING THE “MONEY”.

If a child loses saving credit, he or she should be told of that loss upon returning to the ward. No threats should ever be made. This is a go-no go, either/or, system. There should be no question when action either positive or negative should take place.

Any time during an activity period a child wants one-to-one staff time, he can purchase it during an activity period in terms of Visitor in Room or Game in Room.

We will move toward a group interest savings plan. This will mean that the greater the number of dollars earned, the greater the savings to each individual above and beyond what he individually earned. For example, if the total BLEU program is averaging 10,000 BLEU dollars per week, we will notify the children that for each 10 BLEU dollars over that each child will receive one extra BLEU savings dollar. This and other schemes will attempt to encourage group contingency behaviors.

There are actually three levels of negative consequences for maladaptive behavior:

Level 1 is losing opportunity for earnings or savings rebate on activities.

Level 2 is being fined.

Level 3 is being fined and isolated, i.e. out of control.

Any child paying for an activity and changes his mind can switch to a higher cost activity by paying the difference or to a lower cost activity but will not receive any liquid rebate. Thus, if a child chooses to have a game in his room for 4 dollars and changes his mind and wants to watch T.V. for 10 dollars, he pays 6 dollars. Conversely, if a child, having paid for T.V. at $10 wants to have a game in his room, he leaves the T.V. room and gets the game in room without paying any extra or receiving back the $6 difference.


1. Up

a. Definition: A child will have earned his dollars if by 7:30 the child has two feet on the floor and has verbally responded to the staff member’s questions, prompts, etc.

b. Idea: To get the children up on the right side of the bed with minimum hassle and bad feelings for all involved.

c. Procedure: All children will be approached 3 times during the half hour and given some type of verbal prompt. For example: “Time to get up, Andy. Good morning!” On the third prompt, weep and wail some about how much the chill will miss by sleeping. If no response, lock door and go to entry into economy procedure. In many cases the verbal prompt may be accompanied by a motor prompt.

2. Washed

a. Definition: All children who have no “sleep” in their eyes, whose face is not greasy and who have damp hair around the temples and/or forehead will have earned their dollars for washing.

b. Idea: To get the child to wash. To get each child to begin to take some interest in personal grooming. Once again, this should be done with a minimum of hassle for all concerned.

c. Procedure: Once up, all children will be told to wash 3 times during the half hour. Any verbal prompt Sd such as “Wash up” or “Don’t forget to wash your face, Andy” can be used. There should be no reason for a child to receive a motor prompt for washing unless he or she does not know how to wash.

3. Teeth Brushed

a. Definition: Any child who gets his or her toothbrush, and whose breath smells from toothpaste and who does not have any obvious food particles in or on his teeth will receive credit.

b. Idea: To get the child to brush his teeth with minimum hassle.

c. Procedure: This is included as part of the wash-up routine. Thus, along with being told to wash, a child should also be reminded to brush his teeth a maximum of 3 times during the half hour.

4. Hair Combed

a. Definition: Any child whose hair is not tangled, snarled, matted and looks like it has been placed in a styled manner will receive credit.

b. Idea: As with Teeth Brushing, the idea is to teach and motivate the child to look presentable.

c. Procedure: Along with the other washing prompts, each child should also be reminded up to three times during the half hour to comb his or her hair.

5. Dressed

a. Definition: Any child who puts on assigned or chosen clothes in the manner for which the clothes were designed. This will include: underwear; shirt or blouse tucked in if have tails; pants; skirts; dresses, etc., all buttoned and zipped; socks on; shoes tied. All children who are dressed by the end of the period will receive credit.

b. Idea: To have the child dressed in an appropriate manner.

c. Procedure: All children will be provided with clothes and told to get dressed a maximum of 3 times during the half hour.


a. Complete – Any child, regardless of number of prompts who by 7:30 has completed tasks 1-5 will receive credit.

b. Non-Prompted – Any child who completes tasks 1-5 with only one individual prompt per task will receive bonus credit.

c. Quality Job – Any child who completes task 1-5 such that at 7:30 he or she looks wide awake, well groomed, and neatly dressed will receive credit.


6. Entry to Dining Room off Ward Payment and

7. Quiet in Line to Dining Room

a. Definition: Any child who is in line without pushing, shoving, yelling, running or lagging from inside the ward door until reaching the Dining Room tray area will be given credit. Children who take meds must take meds as provided to receive credit.

b. Idea: To get the children from ward to the Dining Room in an orderly, well behaved fashion.

c. Procedure: All children will be asked to line up at the ward door closest to the Dining Room. The line-up call will be made only twice, with at least 30 seconds between calls. Children who line up will receive the dollars that they have earned from the Rising Routine if that has not been done already. The staff member at the door (hopefully the control person) will collect payment to leave the ward. The door to the ward will be unlocked and children will proceed to the Dining Room.

8. Breakfast

a. Procedure: Children will pay the control person for their breakfast at the tray holder. It is the responsibility of the control person to inform the dining room staff of each child’s menu choice. The control person will collect the dollars from each child and issue meal tickets.

Yellow Meal Ticket – Basic Menu

Red Meal Ticket – Menu 2

Blue Meal Ticket – Full Menu

Yellow and Red tickets should be collected as the child receives meal. Blue tickets are collected at end of the meal.

We will try to get plastic meal tickets with children’s pictures on them. Three colors per child, so that child can get whichever meal ticket he or she chooses.

9. Good Table Manners

a. Definition: Any child who eats in the dining room using appropriate utensils, having napkin in lap, eating neatly; not verbally agitating others, not leaving his or her seat without permission, and uses please and thank you as well as returning quietly back to the ward will receive credit upon returning to the ward.

b. Idea: To have a pleasant, non-hassled meal for all concerned.

c. Procedure: Each child will be reminded only once during each meal to use good manners as the staff member at the table deems there to be a need for such a reminder. Any child who has to be reminded more than once will not receive credit. Upon returning to the ward, each child who met the criterion will be told he or she will receive savings credit for Good Table Manners.

Clean Up – Room Routine

10. Make Bed

a. Definition: Every child whose bed has two sheets and a blanket tucked in on all sides, with a spread tucked in at the bottom and folded such that the pillow is covered will receive credit for a made bed. The bottom sheet must be tucked in on all sides; the top sheet and blanket on three sides; the spread tucked in at least on the bottom.

b. Idea: To have child make his own bed.

c. Procedure: Upon return from breakfast, all children will be told to “Make your beds”. Each child will be given up to three individual verbal Sd’s, i.e. “Make your bed” or “Are you going to make your bed?” during the 1/2 hour period. At the end of the period or upon completion of the task, the child will receive credit.

11. Sweep Room Floor

a. Definition: Any child who has no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings, or other stuff on his floor will be given credit. The floor of the room is defined as the line where the door closes. All dust, etc. must be picked up and not swept into the hall.

b. Idea: To have the room swept with a minimum of hassle.

c. Procedure: During the half-hour, each child will be provided with access to a broom and dustpan. Each child will be verbally prompted up to 3 times during the half hour to sweep his room. If at the end of the period the floor has been swept, the child will receive credit.

12. Straighten Room

a. Definition: Any child who has his room kept neatly: his belongings either in drawers or closets or stacked neatly in piles; all belongings except shoes and other floor-appropriate items, should be off the floor; clothes in closets should be hung up.

b. Idea: To have child learn to keep his room in a used but orderly fashion.

c. Procedure: During the half hour each child will be told up to a maximum of three times to straighten his room. Staff can point out during this time areas which need more work. Staff is not to get uptight about non-compliance.


Complete: All children who have Bed Made, Floor Swept, and Room Straightened will receive credit.

Non-Prompted: Any child who completes all three tasks with less than three prompts will receive credit.

Quality Job: Any child whose room is very straight, whose bed has no wrinkles in it, and whose floor is extra clean will receive credit.

Procedure: Staff will check rooms, beds, floors at the end of the half hour and give appropriate number of earned dollars.


13. Ward Jobs-

Definitions: Each child will be assigned one of the following ward jobs on a weekly rotating basis.

1. Mopped Day Room: Day Room floor should have a thin coat of water such that there is no excess and the water left on the floor is clean. The floor itself should not have any grime, dirt or streaks left on it. There should be no excess water in the hall or other adjacent areas.

2. Sweep Day Room: Day room floor should have no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings or other stuff on it. All improper things on the floor should be swept up and put in the garbage and not swept into the hall.

3. Mop Center Hall: Center hall floor should have a thin coat of water such that there is no excess and the water left on the floor is clean. The floor itself should not have any grime, dirt, or streaks left on it. There should not be any excess water in the rooms or adjacent areas.

4. Sweep Center Hall: Hall floor should have no dust, dirt, scraps, droppings or other stuff on it. All improper things on the floor should be swept up and put in the garbage and not swept into the rooms.

5. Clean Day Room Bath: The tub, sink, and john should be washed out such that there is no hair, stains or other debris left in them. The mirror should be wiped clean and the tub, sink, and john washed out. The floor should be swept and mopped to the criterion described for floors above.

6. Collect Laundry: All dirty laundry should be collected from outside the rooms and placed in the dirty laundry bags in the laundry room.

7. Trash: All waste paper baskets should be emptied into a central collection bag or basket and the collected trash placed outside where it can be picked up.

8. Laundry Room: All dirty clothes will be placed in bags, the room straightened up so that the clean clothes are either in piles or in drawers. All clothes must be off the floor and the floor swept to the criterion for Day Room floor.


Staff will announce that it is ward job time. Children will be provided with the necessary equipment to do the job assigned to them. Any child who has completed his or her job by the time limit will be given credit at the end of the allotted time. Staff can give up to three reminders about the jobs.


Quality: Any child who does an extra good job will receive the bonus. Extra good means cleaner or straighter than usual. This will be a child specific decision made by the person who checks jobs (hopefully the control person).

Non-Prompted: Any child who does his job with one or less prompts or reminders will receive credit.


The staff member who checks jobs will also check for Bonuses. This will be done at the end of the job period or as a child claims he has finished his or her job. If a child does not receive bonus dollars he should be told why so that the next day can change his behavior.


General Procedures

1. Staff will decide what is offered each cash-in period. Staff must offer as many activities as is possible in order to keep the children spending and earning. Thus, the economic attainment of the children must be taken into account in making activities available.

2. All transactions will be made between the child concerned and the control person.

3. Staff involved will take money, note expenditure on sheet and give child materials or direct child to staff who will be leading activity.

4. Staff leading activities or giving out materials will state expectations for receiving savings for that activity before activity starts. Staff will not change rules midstream.

5. Upon return to the ward, staff leading activity will note all savings on sheet and tell children why and how much savings they received.

6. For on-ward activities, child will receive savings credit for prompt return of materials in good condition.

7. There should be no threats of nonpayment, etc. while a child is on any activity. All that should be said or repeated are the expectations previously stated. If a child needs more than two reminders of rules during the activity, he will not receive savings credit. If a child breaks the rules he will not receive payment. If a child not only breaks the rules but also is fined, he will not receive savings credit.


Definition: Outside (15 min.) means outside of the Silvermine Building.

Things offered:

1. going to swing set

2. playing catch or frisbee or 15 min. outdoor activity, or digging.

3. riding a bike

4. short walk around building

1. Going to swing set means: child’s walking up to area with staff person within 20 feet of staff. Playing appropriately with equipment: i.e. uses swing as intended, swings in right direction, does not endanger another person, does not throw swing over top bar, does, not endanger self, does not throw self off swing, does not run up slide the wrong way, watches where walking and does not come close to people Swinging. Stops immediately when told it is time to return to ward. Walks back within 20 feet of staff. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

2. Outdoor activities: Games such as frisbee, catch, etc. The rules for these games are as set up by group living staff member before leaving ward. They are to be followed. If there is a group playing, each is to get equal chance – no one child should monopolize the game. It should be played such that it would not endanger anyone, i.e. if an object is being thrown, in some way the person throwing object should make sure the person to whom the object is being thrown is knowledgable of the hurled object. No throwing an object to someone who is not facing you.

This game will be played immediately outside ICU, on lawn beside Cottage C or outside of downstairs double doors.

Again, child immediately ends game when it is said it is time to go inside. Receives notification of payment on return to ward.

3. If option is playing with cars and tracks, and digging supplies: Equipment taken out by child must be returned and in the same condition. If holes or ruts are made, they are to be filled, in. When told it is time to clean up the mess, job should be done immediately. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

4. Bike riding: Bike must be returned by child taking it out and in same condition as when picked up. The bike riding area is the road in front of ICU from the corner to the driveway to Kitchen, the Kitchen drop-off area, and the tarred area right in front of Cottage C. The child should always be in sight of the staff person. There is to be no running into people, purposefully funning into the curbs, no riding too closely to another person on a bike. Using the kickstand to stand bike up – if there is one; gently lying bike on ground if there is no kickstand. Gently means placed on ground such that there is no noise, it does not dig up the ground from impact, or let fall from a distance of more than 6 inches from the ground. The child must be watchful of cars and if they are in the road or near it, they must stop as soon as they notice a car is nearing them.

Idea: To teach child responsibility and care of equipment and to learn how to safely handle equipment and follow rules.

5. Walk: This means a walk where children are within 20 feet of the staff person at all times. This walk is right around the immediate Children’s Unit area. Return to ward should be immediate when it is said it is time. It should be moving in a forward direction to designated area, where staff member has said they are going or where majority choose to go.


All children are to be told before they buy any activities what outside activity (or activities, if possible) is possible. After the dollars have been collected for the outside activity, the child must be told what he must do to have it be considered a good activity and be paid savings dollars for participating. The kids should be told the rules.

Upon return to the ward, the children are to be told what monies or not they are to be paid for their activity outside. If a child does not receive any money, he should be told in a straightforward, non-punitive way why he is not being paid (using criteria set up). If a child does earn his money, verbal praise for the way he did should accompany the payment. There should be no threats of non-payment, etc. while the child is on the activity. All that should be said if child asks, “You were told before we left what you had to do to earn the money.” If a child needs more than two reminders of the rules during the activity, he will not receive savings payment. If a child breaks the rules, he will not receive payment. If a child not only breaks the rules but also is fined, he will not receive payment.

* * * * *

Downstairs: Definition – Downstairs means downstairs in the dayroom, bathroom, or Jeanne’s room (if specifically requested and granted). This does not mean the Hallway, Carl’s office, outside the double doors, etc.

Possible activities during this 15-min. downstairs period:

POOL – Rules: Cue stick is to be used the right way. It is to be held with both hands. The tip of the stick is to be used to hit the balls. No balls should for any reason bounce off the table or be picked up unless they have mistakenly been knocked in a pocket or it is time to rack up. The cue stick should not be damaged in any way nor should the felt be torn. The cue stick should never be raised perpendicular to the floor nor should the point ever be pointed toward a person. Kids are to take turns playing, i.e. if four want to play, then two play, then the other two, etc. There is to be no food or drink on the pool table or rim. The cue stick should never touch another person unless it is being handed gently into the other person’s hand. (The person to whom it is being handed should know cue stick is being handed to him.)

T.V. Watching: Staff will decide in conjunction with the children involved what station or program is to be viewed. Children will sit quietly in the furniture, keeping their hands to themselves and keeping their voices at a low level. When told to leave, the child responds quickly with little protest and returns quietly to the ward.

Ping-Pong: Game played by vollying ball such that ball goes over net and hits the other side of table. On service, ball is to be hit so touches both sides of table. Throwing paddles, banging paddles on table, ripping net, purposely mashing balls, hitting ball at opponent and not table, will all be behaviors for which credit will be lost. Game should be played according to rules.


Children will be told before they leave the ward what the rules of going downstairs are. After the dollars have been collected to gain access to downstairs, the children will be told what he must do inorder to receive savings credit upon completion of the activity. If a child does earn savings, he will be told so upon return to the ward. He will also be praised verbally for a good activity. There should be no threats of non-payment, etc. while the child is on the activity. All that should be said if a child asks, “You were told before we left what you had to do to earn the savings.” If a child needs more than two of these reminders of the rules during the activity, he will not receive the savings payment. If a child breaks a rule or rules, he will not receive payment. If a child breaks a rule, naturally a staff member will try to get the child to stop, but it is only upon return to the ward that the child will be informed of lack of payment.


Game, Card, Radio, etc. – Please note that if children are going to rent any of the above items, both children must pay and if they are going to play cards, for example, in one of the children’s rooms, then Visitor’s Fees must also be paid.

Games: Any child can rent games, puzzles, cards, toys, etc. during this time, for use in room or day room. Games can be exchanged once during any given period.


1. Games must be used for the purpose intended.

2. The rules of the game should be followed.

3. The game must, be returned immediately upon the end of the period in the same condition as it was when they left the office.

4. If the game is an interpersonal game, both children involved must pay for the use of the material.

5. If two children rent a game, they must use the game appropriately together to get savings credit.

6. Games must be returned immediately upon being called in by the staff.


As each child rents game materials, the staff member will not only collect monies but will also make a brief statement about how the equipment is to be used. If material is misused, the child will not receive savings credit. If material is used correctly, then the child will be praised and receive credit.

Visitor in Room: Definition – Both children must pay to have the visit. The room owner pays to have the visitor in his room and the visitor pays to be allowed in the room. Both children must remain in the room interacting in a socially appropriate manner. They must keep their voices at a normal level. The room is defined as the room itself and whatever other adjoining rooms that room has access to.

The key here is the social appropriateness of the children’s interaction. Such things as talking and playing are acceptable and to be encouraged. Such things as name-calling, yelling, and unsupervised roughhousing will, lose both parties concerned the savings credit.

Children will terminate the visit at the end of the period.


Staff will collect the monies and remind the children of the visiting rules. The door to a room where visitors are will be left closed but ajar. Children who have good visits will be praised and given credit.

Radio In Room: Definition – The ear plug is kept in the radio such that there is no sound on the ward. The radio is kept in the child’s room. The radio is returned promptly and in the same physical condition as it left the nurses station.

If an ear plug radio is not available, then the child must keep the volume low enough such that it cannot be heard outside the room if the door is closed.


Staff will collect the dollars and remind the child of the radio rules. The staff will remind the child to return the radio at the end of the period. To receive savings credit, the radio must be returned immediately upon request. Should the volume get too high, the child will be asked to turn the radio down. If a child has to be asked to turn the radio down, then he will have lost savings credit. If he persists in keeping the volume high, then he will lose the radio.

Juice: Definition – Juice can be bought as specified by schedule.


Child must ask for juice, pay money and can drink juice at his on her pleasure. Child can make purchase at any time during activity period.


Each session (A.M. & P.M.) the teacher will be available at the ward office at 8:45 and 12:15. Staff members will receive folders for the children with whom they will-work during that session, The folder will contain:

1. The lesson plan sheet for that sessione.

2. Any worksheets to be used that session.

3. Answer sheets (if not in separate Answer folder).

4. Information regarding other applicable material to be used.

The staff will deliver the lesson plan and any pertinent material for Step 1 (or Step 5 in the P.M.) to the child. The staff should be aware of any implications for him at any given step (e.g. listen to a child read, etc.)

Staff will proceed through each 30-minute period individually. The child should be working on the assigned step for that time period only.

At the end of a session, the staff should note any appropriate comments on the lesson plan regarding length of tasks, difficulty, enthusiasm, etc. The lesson plan sheet, worksheets, answer sheets and any other material should then be returned, in the folder, to the office. See examples attached.


Each 30 min. doing school work:

Definition: Being in physical space provided for in the lesson plan, Being in proper place with proper material. If in a group situation:

1. Child will keep voice at normal level.

2. Child will raise hand to respond to questions.

3. If child needs help, he either raises hand or asks for help in a quiet voice.

4. Child will keep remarks to the subject matter.

Any child who does the above will receive 1 BLEU dollar per 30 min. If a child needs more than one reminder about the rules, he will not receive credit.


Teacher or designated control person will check with staff member who has been working with child and give dollars as requested by that staff member. Dollars will be paired with social statement about good classroom behavior.

Correct Answers:

Definition: The subject content which each child will, be dealing with will be stated on the lesson plan sheets. An answer folder and/or answers in the child’s folder will be available to check answers for correctness. Staff and/or the child can check this folder at the decision of the staff member concerned. A child will receive 1 BLEU dollar per 2 correct answers or as otherwise specified on the lesson plan, up to 80 BLEU dollars.


Staff will validate correct answers. Report the correct answers to the teacher or control person at the end of each half hour block. The staff member will either get the correct number of BLEU dollars and give them to the child or get the control person or teacher to give the dollars to the child. Child will be told for what he is receiving the payment.

Please Note: that a child can behave poorly, i.e. yells twice during 1/2 hour, and still receive all possible dollars for correct, answers, while not receiving behavior dollar or dollars.



1. Any child who has received all available dollars for behaving well will receive savings credit.

2. Any child who has received a total of 56 or more BLEU dollars will receive savings credit.


Teacher or control person will notify child of savings bonuses and for which activity child received bonus. This will happen at or near the end of the last step in the lesson plan.

* * * *

*16. CASH – IN PERIOD #2 11:00–11:30

Outside Activities to be offered:

1. Going to swing set

2. Flaying catch or ballgame

3. Riding Bike

4. Walk

5. Misc.

Outside: means outside Silvermine Building but on Silvermine grounds.

1. Going to Swing Set: Child’s walking up to area with staff person within 20 feet of staff. Playing appropriately with equipment, i.e., uses swing as intended – swings in right direction, does not endanger another person, does not throw swing over top bar, does not endanger self, does not throw self off swing, does not run up slide the wrong way, watches where walking and does not come close to people swinging. Stops immediately when told it is time to return to ward. Walks back within 20 feet of staff. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

2. Playing catch or Ball Game: Means an organized game such as hit the bat or monkey-in-the-middle, or football, etc. Rules for ball games are as set up by the staff. Each child is to have equal chance to take part in the action. Game must be played with proper decorum. Materials and equipment must be used in manner intended, i.e. bats for hitting balls, not recks, the ground or people.

3. Riding Bike: Bike must be returned by child taking it out and in same condition as when picked up. The bike riding area is the road in front of ICU from the corner to the driveway to Kitchen, the Kitchen drop off area, and the tarred area right in front of Cottage C. The child should always be in sight of the staff person. There is to be no running into people, purposefully running into the curbs, no riding too closely to another person on a bike.

Using the kickstand to stand bike up – if there is one; gently lying bike on ground if there is no kickstand. Gently means placed on ground such that there is no noise, it does not dig up the ground from impact, or let fall from a distance of more than 6 inches from the ground. The child must be watchful of cars and if they are in the road or near it, they must stop as soon as they notice a car is nearing them.

4. Walk: Unlike the morning walk, this walk is not confined to the immediate Silvermine area, but should last 1/2 hour such that the staff and children involved return to the ward by the end of the period. Children must stay within 20’ of the staff member leading the walk.

5. Miscellaneous: Any staff member can structure an outside activity of 1/2 hour duration but must clearly spell out what the expectations of that activity are and receive approval for the activity from the Director of BLEU.


1. Children are to be informed of possibilities.

2. Dollers collected.

3. Expectations stated.

4. Upon return to ward if expectations are met, child is informed of amount and reason for award or non-award of savings dollars.

5. Child can receive not more than two reminders of rules and receive savings dollars for that activity.

* * * *


Included are:Pool
Ping Pong

Downstairs means in downstairs dayroom, bathroom or Jeanne’s room (if specifically requested and granted). This excludes the hallway, Carl’s office, outside double doors. For child to receive credit, he must remain within the prescribed area and meet expectations of activities taking part in.

1. Pool: Cue stick is to be used the right way. It is to be held with both hands. The tip of the stick is to be used to hit the balls. No balls should for any reason bounce off the table or be picked up unless they have mistakenly been knocked in a pocket or it is time to rack up. The cue stick should not be damaged in any way nor should the felt be torn. The cue stick should never be raised perpendicular to the floor nor should the point ever be pointed toward a person. Kids are to take turns playing, i.e. if 4 want to play, two play, then the other 2, etc. There is to be no food or drink on the pool table or rim. The cue stick should never touch another person unless it is being handed gently into the other person’s hand. (The person to whom it is being handed should know cue stick is being handed to him.)

2. T.V.: Staff will decide in conjunction with the children involved what station or program is to be viewed. Children will sit quietly in the furniture, keeping their hands to themselves and keeping their voices at a low level. When told to leave, the child responds quickly with little protest and returns quietly to the ward.

3. Ping-Pong: Game played by vollying ball such that ball goes over net and hits the other side of table. On service, ball to be hit so touches both aides of table. Throwing paddles, banging paddles on table, ripping net, purposely mashing balls, hitting ball at opponent and not table will all be behaviors for which credit will be lost. Game should be played according to rules.


Children will be told before they leave the ward what the rules of going downstairs are. After the dollars have been collected to gain access to downstairs the children will be told what he must do in order to receive savings credit upon completion of the activity. If a child does earn savings he will be told so upon return to the ward. He will also be praised verbally for a good activity. There should be no threats of non-payment, etc. while the child is on the activity. All that should be said if a child asks, “You were told before we left what you had to do to earn the savings.” If a child needs more than two of these reminders of the rules during the activity, he will not receive the savings payment. If a child breaks a rule or rules, he will not receive payment. If a child breaks a rule, naturally a staff member will try to get the child to stop, but it is only upon return to the ward that the child will be informed of lack of payment.

* * * *

T.V. in Day Room on Ward:

Definition – Sitting quietly in chair, not “messing” with T.V. or other children watching T.V. Child is to sit quietly in chairs or on floor, keeping hands to themselves and voices at a low level. When told that period is ended, child responds quickly and prepares for next activity. Child is to be in day room and only leaves day room with permission of staff.


Staff sets up T.V. in day room with volume at a low level. In conjunction with the children who purchased that activity, a channel is picked. Channel is only to be changed with staff permission. Door to Day Room will be closed in order to prevent children who did not pay from watching T.V.

Games: During this time any child can rent games, puzzles, cards, toys, models, etc. for use in child’s room.


1. Games must be used for the purpose intended.

2. The rules of the game should be followed.

3. The game must be returned immediately upon the end of the period in the same condition as it was when they left the office.

4. If the game is an interpersonal game, both children involved must pay for the use of the material.

5. If two children rent a game, they must use the game appropriately together to get savings credit.

6. Games must be returned immediately upon being called in by the staff.


As each child rents game materials, the staff member will not only collect monies, but will also make a brief statement about how the equipment is to be used. If material is misused, the child will not receive savings credit. If material is used correctly, then the child will be praised and receive credit.

* * * *

Visitor in Room: Definition – Both children must pay to have the visit. The room owner pays to have the visitor in his room and the visitor pays to be allowed in the room. Both children must remain in the room interacting in a socially appropriate manner. They must keep their voices at a normal level. The room is defined as the room itself and whatever other adjoining rooms that room has access to.

The key here is the social appropriateness of the children’s interaction. Such things as talking and playing are acceptable and to be encouraged. Such things as name calling, yelling, and unsupervised roughhousing will lose both parties concerned their savings credit.

Children will terminate the visit at the end of the period.


Staff will collect the monies and remind the children of the visiting rules. The door to a room where visitors are will be left closed but ajar. Children who have good visits will be praised and given credit.

Radio in Room: Definition – The ear plug is kept in the radio such that there there is no sound on the ward. The radio is kept in the child’s room. The radio is returned promptly and in the same physical condition as it left the nurses station.’

If an ear plug radio is not available, then the child must keep the volume low enough such that it cannot be heard outside the room if the door is closed.


Staff will collect the dollars and remind the child to return the radio at the end of the period. To receive savings credit the radio must be returned immediately upon request. Should the volume get too high, the child will be asked to turn the radio down. If a child has to be asked to turn the radio down, then will have lost savings credit. If her persists in keeping the volume high, then he will lose the radio.

* * * *

Juice: Definition; Juice can be bought as specified by schedule.


Child must ask for juice, pay money and can drink juice at his or her pleasure. Child can make purchase at any time during activity period.


*17. Get Off Ward: At about 11:30 children will have returned to the ward from activity period off ward, and on ward activity will be terminated. Staff will ask children to line up at the ward door closest to the Dining Room. The line-up call will be made only twice, with at least 30 sec. between calls. Staff member at door will collect dollars to leave the ward and the door will be opened when the children are all seated quietly in line.

18. Quiet in Line: Definition – Any child who is in line without pushing, shoving, yelling, running or lagging from inside the ward door until reaching the D.R. tray area will be given credit. Children who take meds must take meds in line as they are provided to receive credit.

Idea: To get the children from ward to D.R. in an orderly, well-behaved fashion.


After collecting dollars in line, door is opened and staff leads to D.R.; upon getting to trays, staff pays for quiet in line if child has met expectations.

*19. Lunch Menus


At the tray holder, children will pay control person for their meal choice. It is the responsibility of the control person to inform the D.R. staff of each child’s menu selection. The control person collects the BLEU dollars from the child and issues meal tickets.

Yellow – Basic Menu

Red – Menu 2

Blue – Full Meal

As with breakfast, Yellow and Red tickets should be collected as child receives meal. Blue ticket is collected at end of meal, because child must show ticket to receive seconds.

20. Good Table Manners: Definition – Any child who eats in the dining room using appropriate utensils, having napkin in lap, eating neatly, not verbally agitating others, not leaving his or her seat without permission, and uses please and thank you as well as returning quietly back to the ward, will receive credit upon returning to the ward.

Idea – To have a pleasant, non-hassled meal for all concerned.


Each child will be reminded only once during each meal to use good manners as the staff member at the table deems there to be a need for such a reminder. Any child who has to be reminded more than once will not receive credit. Upon returning to the ward, each child who met the criterion will be told he or she will receive savings credit for Good Table Manners.

21. Rest Period: Definition – Children should be in own room on bed doing quiet activities. There should be no talking between children. A child can call for a staff member only once during the rest period. Staff can visit with any child except those out of the system or on ground zero.

Idea: To give staff a few moments respite to prepare for next period.


Children are told to go to rooms. Any child who needs more than one reminder about rest period expectations will not be paid. At the end of the period, staff will pay children who have met expectations and tell those who did not get paid why.


General School Procedure: Each session (a.m. and p.m.) the teacher will he available at the ward office at 8:45 and 12:15. Staff members will receive folders for the children with whom they will work during that session. The folder will contain:

1. The lesson plan sheet for that session.

2. Any worksheets to be used that session.

3. Answer sheets (if not in separate Answer folder.

4. Information regarding other applicable material to be used.

The staff will deliver the lesson plan and any pertinent material for Step 1 (or Step 5 in the p.m.) to the child. The staff should be aware of any implications for him at any given step (e.g. listen to a child read, etc.).

Staff will proceed through each 30 min. period individually. The child should be working on the assigned step for that time period only.

At the end of a session, the staff should note any appropriate comments on the lesson plan regarding length of tasks, difficulty, enthusiasm, etc. The lesson plan sheet, worksheets, answer sheets and any other material should then be returned, in the folder, to the office.

(Please see afternoon lesson plan, which follows.)

Each 30 min. doing school work: Definition – Being in physical space provided for in the lesson plan. Being in proper place with proper material. If a group situation:

1. Child will keep voice at normal level.

2. Child will raise hand to respond to questions.

3. If child needs help, he either raises hand or asks for help in a quiet voice.

4. Child will keep remarks to the subject matter.

Any child who does the above will receive 1 BLEU dollar per 30 min. If a child needs more than one reminder about the rules he will not receive credit.


Teacher or designated control person will check with staff member who has been working with child and give dollars as requested by that staff member. Dollars will be paired with social statement about good classroom behavior.

Correct Answers: Definition – The subject content which each child will be dealing with will be stated on the lesson plan sheets. An answer folder and/or answers in the child’s folder will be available to check answers for correctness. Staff and/or the child can check this folder at the decision of the staff member concerned. A child will receive 1 BLEU dollar per 2 correct answers or as otherwise specified on lesson plan, up to 80 BLEU dollars.


Staff will validate correct answers. Report the correct answers to the teacher or control person at the end of each half hour block. The staff member will either get the correct number of BLEU dollars and give them to the child, or get the control parson or teacher to give the dollars to the child. Child will be told for what he is receiving the payment.

Please Note: A child can behave poorly, i.e. yells twice during 1/2 hour and still receive all possible dollars for correct answers, while not receiving behavior dollar or dollars.


1. Any child who has received all available dollars for behaving well will receive the saving credit.

2. Any child who has earned a total of 70 or more BLEU dollars will receive savings credit.


Teacher or control person will notify child of savings credit and for which activity child received credit. This will happen at the end of school or near the end of the last step in the lesson plan.


a. Outside Activity OFF Silvermine Grounds: This activity will take place in any area other than the immediate Children’s Unit grounds. Pin Oak is off Silvermine Grounds, as is the pool, gym, etc.

These activities can include:Hikes
Long Bike Rides
Activity at Pin Oak
Swimming at Pool
Going to Gym
Going on Ride in Briar


Hikes: Children are to walk within 20 feet of the staff member at all times. Children should follow all directions that staff member gives concerning safety on the hike. Return to ward is immediate when it is time to come back and children are told so. Hikers should move in direction that staff member indicates or in direction that majority decided upon before leaving ward.

Long Bike Ride: Child who rented bike must return bike in same condition as it left. Staff member should lead and children should be within 40 feet of staff at all times. When out on road, riders must stay on right side of road with traffic. They must follow all traffic laws. Riders must keep in a single line. The kickstand must be used and if there is no kickstand, the bike should be placed on the ground such that there is no noise and the bike does not dig up the ground from impact. Children must follow all staff directions with regard to safety. Return when asked, with no argument.

Activity at Pin Oak: Children must walk over to Pin Oak within 20 feet of accompanying staff member. Take part in activity which staff has clearly spelled out for the children. Use any material in the manner for which it was intended. Return when activity is over, with little argument.

Swimming at Pool: Children will walk when near pool. Children will swim with no horseplay. All water safety regulations will be explained and followed by staff and children.

Gym: Children will take part in Gym activity which is planned, following rules and using equipment as intended.

Briar Ride: Children will sit quietly in car. There can be talking, but no yelling, pushing, shoving, etc. Children will keep hands to themselves and not stick anything or part of themselves out of the Briar. Children will remain in the Briar or car until told to leave by staff. Children will not fight for seats in the Briar. Children will not touch the driver.

Other: In all cases before leaving the ward, the expectations for the activity should be clearly stated to the children. These expectations should be written down as soon as is possible. Fishing or skiing would be included here. Any staff member can structure an outside off-grounds activity as long as expectations are spelled out and activity receives approval from both recreation and Director of BLEU.


1. Children are to be informed of possibilities.

2. Dollars collected.

3. Expectations stated.

4. Upon return to ward if expectations are met, child is informed of amount and reason for award or non-award of savings dollars.

5. Child can receive not more than two reminders of rules and receive savings dollars for that activity.

6. Some cases, the pool for example, necessitate a Briar Ride. Thus, to receive savings credit for swimming would include a good Briar ride.

b. Outside Activity ON Silvermine Grounds: These activities will take place outside the ward, but still on the Silvermine Building grounds.

Activities offered can include such things as:

1. Swing Set

2. Ball Game

3. Digging and Gardening

4. Bike Riding

5. Walks

6. Other


1. Swing Set: Child’s walking up to area with staff person within 20 feet of staff. Playing appropriately with equipment, i.e. uses swing as intended, swings in right direction, does not endanger another person, does not throw swing over top bar, does not endanger self, does not throw self off swing, does not run up slide the wrong way, watches where walking and does not come close to people swinging. Stops immediately when told is time to return to ward. Walks back within 20 feet of staff. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

2. Ball Game: The rules are as set up by group living staff member before leaving ward. They are to be followed. If there is a group playing, each is to get equal chance – no one child should monopolize the game. It should be played such that it would not endange anyone, i.e. if an object is being thrown in some way the person throwing object should make sure the person to whom the object is being thrown is knowledgeable of the hurled object. No throwing an object to someone who is not facing you.

The game will be played immediately outside ICU, on lawn beside Cottage C, or outside of downstairs double doors.

Game must be played with proper decorum. Materials ad equipment must be used in manner intended, i.e., bats for hitting ball, not rocks, the ground or people.

3. Digging and Gardening: Equipment taken out by child must be returned and in same condition. If holes or ruts are made, they are to be filled in. When told it is time to clen up the mess, job should be done immediately. Receives notification of payment upon return to ward.

4. Bike Riding: Bike must be returned by child faking it out, and in same condition as when picked up. The bike riding area is the road in front of ICU from the corner to the driveway to Kitchen, the Kitchen dropoff area, and the tarred area right in front of Cottage C. The child should always be in sight of the staff person. These is to be no running into people, purposefully running into the curbs, no riding too closely to another person on a bike. Using the kickstand to stand bike up, if there is one. Gently lying bike on ground if there is no kick stand. Gently means placed on ground such that there is no noise, it does not dig up the ground from impact, or let fall from a distance of more than 6 inches from the ground. The child must be watchful of cars and if they are in the road or near it, they must stop as soon as they notice a car is nearing them.

5. Walk: Unlike the morning walk, this walk is not confined to the immediate Silvermine area, but should last 1–1/2 hours, such that the staff and children involved return to the ward by the end of the period. Children must stay within 20 feet of the staff member leading the walk.

6. Other: Any staff member can structure an outside activity of at least 1/2 hour but not more than 1–1/2 hours, but must clearly spell out expectations and receive approval for activity from the Director of BLEU.

c. Downstairs: Downstairs means in downstairs Day Room, Bathroom or Jeanne’s room (if specifically requested and granted). This excludes the hallway, Carl’s office, outside double doors. For a child to receive credit, he or she must remain within the prescribed area and meet expectations of activities taking part in.

Activities offered:

1. Pool

2. T.V.

3. Ping-Pong

4. Arts & Crafts


1. Pool: Cue stick is to be used the right way. It is to be held with both hands. The tip of the stick is to be used to hit the balls. No balls should for any reason bounce off the table or be picked up unless they have mistakenly been knocked in a pocket or it is time to rack up. The cue stick should not be damaged in any way, nor should the felt be torn. The cue stick should never be raised perpendicular to the floor nor should the point ever be pointed toward a person. Kids are to take turns playing, i.e. if four want to play, two play, then the other two, etc. There is to be no food or drink on the pool table or rim. The cue stick should never touch another person unless it is being handed gently into the other person’s hand. (The person to whom it is being handed should know cue stick is being handed to him.)

2. T.V.: Staff will decide in conjunction with the children involved what station or program is to be viewed. Children will sit quietly in the furniture, keeping their hands to themselves and keeping their voices at a low level. When told to leave, the child responds quickly with little protest and returns quietly to the ward.

3. Ping-Pong: Game played by vollying ball such that ball goes over net and hits the other side of table. On service, ball is to be hit so touches both sides of table. Throwing paddles, banging paddles on table, ripping net, purposely mashing balls, hitting ball at opponent and not table, will all be behaviors for which credit will be lost. Game should be played according to rules.

4. Arts & Crafts: Using arts $ crafts material at the arts & crafts table or room. Using crafts materials for purpose intended. This means scissors for cutting paper, clay for modeling, paste for pasting paper. Children will work on projects which they can keep upon completion. Children will clean up fully either before leaving the activity or 15 minutes before end of period. Children must clean up to receive credit and leave unfinished projects at Arts & Crafts area.


Staff who will run Arts & Crafts will announce which Arts and Crafts activities will be offered, provide these materials. At end of time, child will be told to clean up. Children can only take finished projects with them. All unfinished projects will be marked and put in a safe place. Staff will only remind child of expectation two times before child will lose savings credit.

On Ward

d. T.V. in Day Room: Sitting quietly in chair, not “messing” with T.V. or other children watching T.V. Child is to sit quietly in chairs or on floor, keeping hands to themselves and voices at a low level. When told that period is ended, child responds quickly and prepares for next activity. Child is to be in Day Room and only leaves Day Room with permission of staff.


Staff sets up T.V. in Day Room with volume at a low level. In conjunction with the children who purchased that activity, a channel is picked. Channel is only to be changed with staff permission. Door to Day Room will be closed in order to prevent children who did not pay from watching T.V.

e. Game or Cards in Room: Any child can rent games, puzzles, cards, toys, etc. during this time for use in room or Day Room. Games can be exchanged once during any given period.


1. Games must be used for the purpose intended.

2. The rules of the game should be followed.

3. The game must be returned immediately upon the end of the period in the same condition as it was when they left the office.

4. If the game is an interpersonal game, both children involved must pay for the use of the material.

5. If two children rent a game, they must use the game appropriately together to get savings credit.

6. Games must be returned immediately upon being called in by the staff.


As each child rents game materials, the staff member will not only collect monies but will also make a brief statement about how the equipment is to be used. If material is misused, the child will not receive savings credit. If material is used correctly, then the child will be praised and receive credit.

f. Visitor in Room: Definition – Both children must pay to have the visit. The room owner pays to have the visitor in his room and the visitor pays to be allowed in the room. Both children must remain in the room interacting in a socially appropriate manner. They must keep their voices at a normal level. The room is defined as the room itself and whatever other adjoining rooms that room has access to.

The key here is the social appropriateness of the children’s interaction. Such things as talking and playing are acceptable and to be encouraged. Such things as name calling, yelling, and unsupervised roughhousing will lose both parties concerned the savings credit.

Children will terminate the visit at the end of the period.


Staff will collect the monies and remind the children of the visiting rules. The door to a room where visitors are will be left closed but ajar. Children who have good visits will be praised and given credit.

g. Radio in Room: Definition – The ear plug is kept in the radio such that there is no sound on the ward. The radio is kept in the child’s room. The radio is returned promptly and in the same physical condition as it left the nurses station.

If an ear plug radio is not available, then the child must keep the volume low enough such that it cannot be heard outside the room if the door is closed.


Staff will collect the dollars and remind the child of the radio rules. The staff will remind the child to return the radio at the end of the period. To receive savings credit, the radio must be returned immediately upon request. Should the volume get too high, the child will be asked to turn the radio down. If a child has to be asked to turn the radio down, then he will have lost savings credit. If her persists in keeping the volume high, then he will lose the radio

h. Candy Bar: Any child can buy up to two candy bars. This must be done at the beginning of the cash-in period.

i. Juice: Definition – Juice can be bought as specified by schedule.


Child must ask for juice, pay money and can drink juice at his or her pleasure. Child can make purchase at any time during activity period.

24. Wash-up: Definition – Any child who has washed hands such that hands are clean and smell from soap. To have faces clean and hair combed. To accomplish this without yelling, shouting or arguing.

Riverview Hospital Staff Manuals

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