Читать книгу The Case for a Debt Jubilee - Richard Vague - Страница 2




Series Page

Title Page


1 High Levels of Private Debt Stifle the Economy The Private Debt Problem in the Twenty-First Century High Private Debt Is a Harmfully Consequential and Yet Largely Ignored Problem

2 The Paradox of Debt Why Debt Grows New Money Is Created by Debt Other Reasons Why Debt Grows Is There a Limit to Private Debt Growth?

3 Policy Solutions That Won’t Work Growing Our Way out of Debt Inflating Our Way out of Debt Paying Our Way out of Debt Exporting Our Way out of Debt Moderating Our Way out of Debt

4 The Path to Private Debt Jubilee How Debt Restructuring Works – and Why We Need It Is Debt Amnesty Fair? Too Costly? Morally Hazardous? Student Debt Relief Mortgage Debt Relief Healthcare Debt Relief Bankruptcy Law Reform Small Business Debt Relief Moderating the Debt Bias in Tax Law The Social and Economic Benefits of Jubilee Turning to Government Debt Jubilee

5 The Enigma of Government Debt Welcome to the World of Monetary Sovereignty Is There a Limit? The Red Herring of Economics Debunked: Money Supply and Debt Growth Don’t Cause Inflation Consequences of Rising Government Debt Can the Government Create Money Without Debt? Is It Dangerous to Create Perpetual Money?

10  Epilogue: Concluding Thoughts The Opportunity Before Us

11  Appendix

12  Works Cited

13  End User License Agreement




Series Page

Title Page


Begin Reading



Works Cited

10  End User License Agreement











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The Case for a Debt Jubilee

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