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Whenever I have quoted from Scripture in this book I have used the King James Bible, sometimes called the Authorised Version, though Adam Nicolson tells me it never was authorised. Anyway, after a lifetime of modern translations of the Bible, I have gone back to the King James, for two reasons. There are many Christians who claim to believe that the Bible is a contemporary or living text, a sort of running Web Page from God. I never really believed that, even when I thought I did, but I certainly don’t believe it now; which is why I have used a text that makes no bones about being an obviously archaic document. We are talking about the olden days here, and I think the King James makes that point obviously and without argument. But the other reason is just as important. I continue to think that the Bible, like many ancient myths, goes on bringing great wisdom to the human community, and great beauty as well. I think the splendour of the King James Bible helps to carry both of those truths.

I would also like to acknowledge my gratitude to Jamie Byng, my enthusiastic publisher, and to Mairi Sutherland, my consistently helpful editor, for all their suggestions. My warm thanks are also due to Ruth Scott for lots of good advice during the crafting of this text; and to Amy Purden for suggesting the Hafiz poem to me that seems to sum up so much of what the book is about.



Looking In the Distance

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