Читать книгу The Times History of the World - Richard Overy - Страница 4




Geoffrey Barraclough

Late President, Historical


Chichele Professor of Modern


University of Oxford

Norman Stone

Professor of History

Bilkent University, Ankara

Geoffrey Parker FBA

Andreas Dorpalen

Distinguished Professor of History

The Ohio State University

Richard Overy

Professor in History

University of Exeter


David Abulafia

Daud Ali

F R Allchin

R W Van Alstyne

David Arnold

John Barber

James R Barrett

Iris Barry

Peter Bauer

Christopher Bayly

W G Beasley

Ralph Bennett

Amira K Bennison

A D H Bivar

Brian Bond

Hugh Borton

Hugh Bowden

David Brading

Warwick Bray

John Breen

Carl Bridge

F R Bridge

Michael G Broers

Hugh Brogan

Tom Brooking

Ian Brown

Anthony Bryer

Muriel E Chamberlain

David G Chandler

John Cannon

Eric Christiansen

Colin Coates

Peter Coates

Frank Cogliano

Irene Collins

Michael Crawford

James Cronin

Douglas Dakin

John Darwin

Ralph Davis

Kent Deng

Robin Dunbar

I E S Edwards

Robert Evans

John Ferguson

Felipe Fernándo-Armesto

Stefan Fisch

David H Fischer

John R Fisher

Kate Fleet

Michael Flinn

Timothy Fox

Alan Frost

Robert I Frost

Clive Gamble

W J Gardner

Carol Geldart

John Gillingham

Ian Glover

Martin Goodman

Graham Gould

D G E Hall

Norman Hammond

John D Hargreaves

Tim Harper

David R Harris

Jonathan Haslam

Ragnhild Hatton

M Havinden

Harry Hearder

W O Henderson

Colin J Heywood

Sinclair Hood

Albert Hourani

Henry Hurst

Jonathan Israel

Edward James

Nicholas James

Richard H Jones

Ulrich Kemper

Hugh Kennedy

David Killingray

George Lane

Mark H Leff

Karl Leyser

Colin Lewis

James B Lewis

Wolfgang Liebeschuetz

D Anthony Low

David Luscombe

John Lynch

Rosamond McKitterick

James M McPherson

Isabel de Madriaga

J P Mallory

P J Marshall

A R Michell

Christopher D Morris

A E Musson

Thomas Nelson

Linda A Newson

F S Northedge

Joan Oates

David Ormrod

Caroline Orwin

J H Parry

Thomas M Perry

David Phillipson

Sidney Pollard

Andrew Porter

Avril Powell

T G E Powell

John Poynter

Benjamin Ravid

Tapan Raychaudhuri

B H Reid

Michael Roaf

Francis Robinson

A N Ryan

Gören Rystad

H W F Saggs

S B Saul

Peter Sawyer

Chris Scarre

Roger Schofield

D J Schove

H M Scott

H H Scullard

Andrew Sharf

Stephen Shennan

Andrew Sherratt

Peter Sluglett

R B Smith

Frank C Spooner

Jocelyn Statler

L S Stavrianos

Zara Steiner

Sarah Stockwell

Melvyn Stokes

W C Sturtevant

Julian Swann

Alan Sykes

Martin Thomas

E A Thompson

Hugh Tinker

Malcolm Todd

R C Trebilcock

Hugh R Trevor-Roper

Denis C Twitchett

Frans von der Dunk

F R von der Mehden

Ernst Wangermann

Geoffrey Warner

Anne Waswo

D Cameron Watt

Bodo Wiethoff

D S M Williams

Glyn Williams

H P Willmott

David M Wilson

Jon E Wilson

Peter Wilson

George D Winius

The Times History of the World

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