Читать книгу Strangers - Rob Taylor - Страница 14
A Normal Day
ОглавлениеRain. The sound of it on the roof. A song on the radio
I’ll almost remember tomorrow. Just enough light
to write by. A lamp I know I should switch on.
Soda crackers. Hot water with lemon. Dishes in the sink,
few enough I can put them off a while. In the afternoon
I’ll call my mother and we’ll talk about nothing,
the weather. I’ll ask if it’s raining there and she’ll say yes.
We’ll share some news about family or football,
and maybe reminisce a bit: my childhood, my father,
her life before us both. But mostly the rain,
which will lighten and finally stop around dinner
while my wife and I are filling the house with our talk
so we will not notice the change until hours later,
sitting in bed. One of us will lower their book
and mention it in passing. Or maybe
it will still be raining then, so we’ll say nothing
and in the morning we won’t be certain
if it ever stopped, or when it did
and when it started up again.