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Sharkstone International, LLC

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LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING IN PUBLICATION DATA Library of Congress Control Number: 2010911455

Wood, Rob.

The Kingfish Way – Rob Wood.

Cover Design by

Nemanja Vlaškovic´

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Copyright © 2011 Rob Wood

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9829-0651-4

Published in eBook format by Sharkstone International

Converted by http://www.eBookIt.com

For Dr. Tonia Shatzel, the one person who said

“Other than your inability to hold a constant

thought for more than thirty seconds, and your

inability to sit still for more than five minutes,

and the fact that you don’t know the difference

between a noun and a verb, I think you might be

able to write a book.”

Thank you for kind of believing in me.

I love you too.

From the Author

I’ve always enjoyed working with college-aged kids, mostly under the age of twenty-five. Bright-eyed and eager to take on the world, they were easy to coach. “Set goals, get a plan, love what you do…” was my standard message. Some of it took, some of it didn’t.

The idea behind The Kingfish Way came to me as I saw middle-aged people struggling each day with their careers, their families, and their lives. Life had become difficult, tiresome, and not much fun. These people had good jobs, nice families, and plenty of money, but they were miserable. I watched jovial, interesting friends turn into angry, venomous shells of their former selves. Why do we put ourselves through such pain, I wondered?

So I read just about everything I could get my hands on regarding this behavior and what we could do as individuals to turn things around. Book after book, I found the solution. It went by many names, but the message was the same: Be in harmony with your desires. As we age, our desires change, and if we don't tend to those changes, we will soon find ourselves drowning in monotony.

This story is about a man who lost his harmony (and his way) and what he did to get it back. It’s a simple read with a serious message. Maybe, just maybe, some of it will take.

Let the journey begin…

Rob Wood

The Kingfish Way

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