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Many thanks to Rachel Berchten and Christopher Lura, and all the editors at the University of California Press. Thanks also to Julie Christianson for her marketing acumen. And I appreciate very much the work of freelance editor Caroline Knapp. Special thanks to editor Naomi Schneider for her patience and for carefully offering great suggestions and helping me through this labor of love.

Great appreciation goes to my brother Howard, who has always helped me in trying to get this writing thing down with the highest quality I can manage and in bringing this book to fruition. Thanks to Dr. David Elpern and others who read earlier drafts of the book and provided useful insight and to those that offered endorsements. As always, I send much love to my family, friends, and patients for all I learn and share with them. Thanks to those that understand my drive for creation that sometimes cuts into the structure of our lives and time, but I hope my work in medicine and writing makes up a little for my absence.

The Blue Man and Other Stories of the Skin

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