Читать книгу Deep Learning for Computer Vision with SAS - Robert Blanchard - Страница 5
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What Does This Book Cover?
Deep learning is an area of machine learning that has become ubiquitous with artificial intelligence. The complex, brain-like structure of deep learning models is used to find intricate patterns in large volumes of data. These models have heavily improved the performance of general supervised models, time series, speech recognition, object detection and classification, and sentiment analysis.
SAS has a rich set of established and unique capabilities with regard to deep learning. This book introduces the basics of deep learning with a focus on computer vision. The book details and demonstrates how to build computer vision models using SAS software. Both the “art” and science behind model building is covered.
Is This Book for You?
The general audience for this book should be either SAS or Python programmers with knowledge of traditional machine learning methods.
What Should You Know about the Examples?
This book includes tutorials for you to follow to gain hands-on experience with SAS.
Software Used to Develop the Book’s Content
To follow along with the demos in this book, you will need the following software:
• SAS Viya (VDMML)
• SAS Studio
• Python
Example Code and Data
You can access the example code and data for this book by linking to its author page at https://support.sas.com/blanchard or on GitHub at https://github.com/sassoftware.
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