Читать книгу Ephesians - Robert D. Cornwall - Страница 5



There was a song that came out during my college years sung by Art Garfunkel, Paul Simon, and James Taylor (the song actually goes back to 1960 and Sam Cook), that seems to celebrate love over knowledge.

Don’t know much about history Don’t know much biology

Don’t know much about the science book Don’t know much about the French I took But I do know that I love you

And I know that if you love me too

What a wonderful, wonderful world this would be.

Religion, theology, and the Bible don’t make it into the song, but from the reports that emerge from recent polls and surveys, American Christians “don’t know much about religion” either. In fact, it may be that this isn’t a recent phenomenon either. We seem to be quite happy with a faith that is focused on love and not understanding and knowledge.

Of course, one need not choose between love and understanding. The Shema, that confession of faith that defines the Jewish faith, calls for adherents of the faith to “love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” It then goes on to suggest that the people of God should keep the commandments, recite them to one’s children, talk about them, bind them on your hands, fix them on the foreheads, and write them on the doorposts and gates (Deut. 6:4-9). In other words, our faith should involve both love and understanding.

This book offers a study of the Letter to the Ephesians that seeks to combine mind and heart. It is part of the Participatory Bible Study series that was developed by Henry Neufeld, which seeks to build upon the devotional principles of the lectio divina model of reading scripture. It is an invitation to inhabit the text of Scripture, so that one might experience oneness with God. Although this has a strong devotional foundation to it, the method also invites critical investigation of the text.

The Ephesian letter offers an interesting opportunity to bring these two elements of biblical study together. There is much here that stirs the soul and draws one into the life of faith. It is both theological and practical. It is in many ways a pastoral letter that has been written to a number of churches, offering encouragement and advice. At the same time there are important critical questions to be answered. These include the identity of the author – is it Paul or a disciple of Paul? There are conversations about slavery and gender roles, the wrath of God and the grace of God, and even spiritual battles that will attract some and repel others. The hope is that at the end of the study, one will not only have a better understanding of the text, but they will also be moving toward a more mature faith in God. We have been invited by the author of this letter to see ourselves as part of a body, with Christ as its head. Our calling is to work together, having been equipped by the Holy Spirit, to build up the body so that it might fulfill its purpose (Eph. 4:11-16).

Faith and understanding are not mutually exclusive categories, and this study seeks to draw them together. It is a study that can be undertaken by individuals in the quiet of their own homes, but it is also designed for use by groups. So, whether in groups or alone, my prayer is that you will experience the blessings of God’s continuing grace.

Before the journey is undertaken, I must give thanks to Henry Neufeld, my publisher and editor for inviting me to participate in this series of studies. Henry laid the format of the study, which I have followed closely, but he also gave me the freedom to set my own tone and texture in writing this study. I’d like to also thank the members of my Wednesday Bible Study groups at Central Woodward Christian Church, who have been attentive to the study of scripture and have pushed themselves and me into new understandings of the faith. Finally, I wish to thank my wife Cheryl who has given me room to write works such as this, but most of all has been a constant companion in life.

“Peace be to the whole community, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who have an undying love for our Lord Jesus Christ” (Eph. 6:23-24).


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