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Main Characters


Otci: Hickory Nut, leader of the initiates

Nokusi Fiksico: Pitiless Bear, the initiates’ teacher, known to the initiates as “Bear”

Iste Puccauchau Thlako: the Great Leader, head of the busk rites

Taskaya Thlako: Big Warrior

Hobithli: Fog, Otci’s companion

Katutci: Little Panther, Otci’s companion

Hobayi: Faraway, one of Busk initiates

Pakahle: Blossom/Flower, Otci’s attendant and accomplice during busk fasting

Attaugee Miko: chief of Attaugee Town

Tarchachee: Otci’s uncle

McMullen: white trader

Tumchuli: initiate

Illitci: Killer, an initiate

Kunip: Skunk, an initiate

Fuswa: Bird, an initiate

Pinili: Turkey Foot, an initiate

Lojutci: Little Fist, an initiate

Halpada: Alligator, an initiate

Eli Francis: an initiate

The Strong Current

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