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Units specify how a particular quantity is measured. Tables 1.1 and 1.2 list the standard physical units for measurements.

Table 1.1 Units for fundamental quantities.

Quantity Units Abbreviation
mass kilogram kg
length metre m
time second s
electric current Ampere A
temperature degree Celsius °C

Table 1.2 Units for derived quantities.

Quantity Units Abbreviation
energy Joule J
power Watt W
intensity Watt/cm2 W/cm2
pressure Pascal Pa
velocity metre/sec m/s
frequency Hertz Hz

It is common to use prefixes to modify these units to make them more convenient. For example, length may be measured in metres, centimetres or millimetres (abbreviated m, cm and mm) and time may be measured in seconds, milliseconds or microseconds (sec, msec, μsec). Table 1.3 defines the meaning of the commonly used prefixes.

Table 1.3 Common prefixes for units.

Quantity Abbreviation Meaning
giga G × 109
mega M × 106
kilo k × 103
centi c × 10-2
milli m × 10-3
micro μ × 10-6

Whenever you are making a calculation, make sure the units are consistent (e.g. if one length is in mm and one in cm, convert one of them so they are both in the same units).

You should also look at the units you are using to determine the units that your answer will be in. Write the units after each number or symbol, and multiply and divide units just as if they were numbers.

For example, you are asked to calculate

where ap and λ are both measured in mm. Then

Dividing top and bottom by mm gives

and so the answer will be in mm.

If you want to change units, once again just write the units as if they were numbers. For example, if λ = 0.3 cm and we want to express it in mm instead, we simply replace [cm] with [10 mm] (since 1 cm = 10 mm) and then take the 10 out of the square brackets and multiply by it:

The Physics and Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound: A Practitioner's Guide

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