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List of Doubtful and Irregular Readings.


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The play, evidently printed from a much altered and probably illegible manuscript, abounds in errors of every description. The following list is confined to such readings as are to some extent doubtful in the original and to a few literal misprints which might otherwise perhaps be thought due to the reprint. No irregularities recorded by previous editors are included. No variations of any importance have been found between the two copies collated.

3 plac’st
36 deele
65 because
88 Idy
109 mifled
120 Attus
203 choyseff (ff broken, read choysest)
316 drie (? read dire)
323 c.w. X. of S.
334 Beheld Venns
373 moaths
440 autthoritie
482 bettet,
493 Steu.
611 Os
618 Ba.
643 part,
646 theworld,
648 weele (perhaps we ele)
655 Simi Ranus,
661 Simeranus,
675 king,
691 wrethednesse:
702 eate.
742 loure,
757 louer
765 letter.
784 hath
801 what
834 doo shifting,
880 Ateu. (perhaps Ate u.)
918 denoũced, it
983 same.)
988 to … too
996 nye. (perhaps ny e.)
1019 consider
1026 tryees
1028 step (perhaps ste p)
1030 becauso
1045 sings.
1048 loue
1078 ean (e not absolutely certain, read can)
1094 Bur
1159 Thon
1163 Exennt.
1175 the
1183 thee
1190 Slip. (there is a faint trace of the i in the Dyce copy only)
1192 Sip.
1205 viutnerd (original viutnerd)
1213 Guatoes
1268 thon (original thon)
1279 (fe-)re ie. (space not certain)
1292 the (perhaps th e)
1294 your (perhaps y our)
1324 bettet
1332 yout
1355 esteemd, (original esteemd‘)
1367 ic pour. Yea
1370 mee,
1378 woman, (comma not quite certain)
1398 Court,,
1399 stricknesse
1405 mstaled:
1411 preuention you (original preuent ion you)
1423 Nauo.
1424 shildish
1433 appooued
1449 displac’ff, (ff broken, read displac’st,)
1451 Auteukin,
1464 bnt speakie
1497 are
1504 Mistresle
1511 you, drawe a
1546 Exeuut.
1607 Prepare (cf. c.w.)
1621 Hart,
1626 (indentation doubtful)
1626, 1627 Deiu,
1637 (speaker’s name omitted) ditte
1644 tout, vn
1646 fllattering
1681 thee Shoo-maker.
1702 progenators Cutler.
1706 edge,
1713 a (failed to print in the B.M. copy)
1720 Ohn, o (read Oh, no)
1763 thing:
1777 fals
1789 strumpet, ta Matressa
1790 foy
1791 me
1796 morglay,
1799 soule, (the comma failed to print in the Dyce copy)
1801 stay.
1803 Ie meu
1845 alreadle
1848 For
1863 alosse,
1897 on
1908 missed, (ss broken, read misled,)
1917 ouerthtow.
1924 slrange (read strange)
1990 wartes:
1993 Dambac
2000 slaine. (sl not quite certain, possibly broken ss)
2002 but
2007 Doro,
2019 effate: (ff broken, read estate:)
2024 but on the (perhaps buton th e)
2037 Nana,
2060 fontre
2092 purschase
2101 place (read plow)
2113 Lyon, (king
2114 slaine? (sl not certain, perhaps broken ss)
2142 Exeunt, (original Exeunt, or Fxeunt, apparently the latter, but the letter may be a broken E)
2144 state, (so the Dyce copy, the B.M. copy apparently has a full point, but this is probably a broken comma)
2162 sect,
2166 countriees (first e not quite certain, possibly c)
2169 toexcept:
2182 greatmens
2189 guise, (perhaps gu ise,)
2204 warre?
2215 summonies
2241 ofcontention:
2254 true, .Exeun.. (what appears like a full point after the n may be the remains of a very broken t)
2260 sarre Twearde.
2283 mistresse:
2294–5 he … she
2300 Alhough
2310 Qeene,
2331 change,
2355 these (perhaps th ese)
2370 wasmisled, (sl not quite certain, possibly broken ss)
2383 K. of S. (apparently S: in the B.M. copy, but the upper dot is accidental)
2424 (indentation doubtful)
2426 for (perhaps fo r)
2438 ttumpets
2443 Cutber tohis
2463 Scortish
2509 missed: (ss broken, read misled:)
2522 Thou (original Thou)
2540 our (perhaps ou r)
2545 ffaies, (ff broken, read staies,)
2547 reeoncile
2562 Auteukin,
2579 when,

In ll. 1062, 1090 the speaker’s name is given as ‘8. Atten.’ Whatever this may be meant for it is clear that the speeches belong to the Bishop of St. Andrews. In ll. 2015–6 a complicated error has occurred, the ‘e’ of ‘her’ in the lower line having worked its way up into an accidental space after the ‘d’ of ‘and’ in the upper.

The Scottish History of James the Fourth

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