Читать книгу Fragments of a Broken Land: Valarl Undead - Robert Hood - Страница 4
“…The Eternal Man is seal’d, never to be deliver’d.
I roll my floods over his body, my billows & waves
pass over him,
The sea encompasses him & monsters of the deep are
his companions.
Dreamer of furious oceans, cold sleeper of weeds &
Thy Eternal form shall never renew, my uncertain
prevails against thee.”
William Blake, Vala, or the Four Zoas, 4.132–136
“The true existential struggle is not between Good and Evil, but between Form and Chaos. The one makes Society possible, the other shapes Existence itself. Yet the desirable outcome of this conflict is not dominance. In the struggle between Form and Chaos neither can conquer, for if either does so, Life is distorted into a monstrous parody of itself and its continuity rendered problematic.”
Hugo Drakenswode, An Existential Exploration
of the Physiognomy of the Monstrous,
Ergo Press, 1927, p. 59