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Every medical man who will study to investigate as far as possible, in every case, the original channel through which disease or constitutional disorder first found its entry into the system, will be astonished at the mass of human suffering which may be traced up to a venereal origin, although its primary symptoms may have been for years apparently eradicated from the frame. The malady generally commences its attack in early life, before experience has overcome the short-sighted heedlessness of youth, and taught it to look beyond the pains and pleasures of the passing moment. Delicacy or shame will not allow him to seek assistance, until the poison has acquired strength and virulence too alarming to be neglected; and the patient then, instead of applying to his usual professional friends, flies to some empirical practitioner, who temporarily arrests the external symptoms, and discharges him as cured. Thus matters go on, until the malady becomes constitutional; and the patient is at last compelled to place himself under the treatment of those who, at an earlier period, might have preserved his constitution untainted, and his body comparatively uninjured by the ravages of this insidious disease.

Some years ago the idea first occurred to me that a popular treatise, divested as much as possible of technical phraseology, explaining to the non-medical reader the structure and anatomy of the parts primarily affected by the venereal disease, and describing its first as well as its subsequent and aggravated symptoms, and pointing out the safest treatment of it in inexperienced hands, while in its simple form, would be of much avail in counteracting the effects of the complaint resulting from mal-treatment or neglect among the young and thoughtless. This work is intended to teach him where serious danger exists, or may be apprehended; for the treatment in a great degree, and under any circumstances, must fall upon the patient himself: and every medical man knows that, in very many instances, those who are fully alive to the injury that may arise from such self-management, are yet reduced, by considerations of delicacy and secrecy, to practise it; and it is hoped that a perusal will contribute to give him a knowledge and confidence which he never could acquire from the uneducated empiric. Under these impressions have I ventured to submit the following pages; and while I hope their utility may be acknowledged, I would remark, that they are not intended to supersede medical aid in any stage of the disorder, but that, on the contrary, I would impress upon the reader, if he need it, the prudence of having immediate recourse to a well-educated physician in the earliest stages of the disease, and to beware of advertising quacks. But where, from circumstances which, in venereal complaints, very frequently occur, the party can not have recourse to professional aid, the next best step is certainly to place in his hands a formula of that treatment which is most likely to be successful with himself.

In thus publicly unfolding the mysteries of this department of the profession, I expect some reprehension from those who assume that all medical knowledge should be limited to the regular practisers of the science; but I would fain remind all parties that, although this branch of medical writing has hitherto been in the hands of mercenary empirics, it is equally conducive to the honor of the profession, and the interest of the patient, that these pretenders should be driven from the field. Conscious of my integrity as a regularly educated surgeon, and not altogether destitute of successful practice to rest my claim upon, it is with less hesitation I depart from professional ceremony; and whatever opinion may be pronounced, as to my success in performing the task I have undertaken, I may be allowed to hope, without arrogance, that I am at least entitled to the praise of industry and humanity.




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