Читать книгу Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide - Robert Killick - Страница 49

The first night


Before you put your puppy into his bed for the night, take him outside, wait for him to perform and then praise him enthusiastically. Spread sheets of clean newspaper all round the area where he sleeps. This is the beginning of house training, and the puppy will not want to soil his bedding. The first couple of nights are often quite difficult for both of you. Your puppy may squeak and howl with loneliness, and I am afraid that you must harden your heart because if you go to him he is, in effect, training you to come at his beck and call.

Your puppy will be safe in a puppy pen, which you can move around the house or garden. He can relax and watch the outside world.

Jack Russell Terrier: An Owner’s Guide

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