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Occurs chiefly in old people, whose bones contain an undue proportion of earthy matter, are endowed with little vascularity, and filled with an oleaginous fluid. They contain an undue quantity of phosphate of lime compared to the gelatin; and the liability to fracture is further increased by the interstitial absorption of the outer shell. They are in an atrophied state, and this is often in part attributable to disuse of the limbs. This state of the osseous system very often follows upon an attack of rheumatic fever, and is met with in patients who have laboured under cancerous affections.

The bones, when in this condition, often break from the slightest force applied; as from the action of the muscles when the patient turns himself in bed, whilst walking across the room, or when endeavouring to attain the erect posture when seated on a chair. After fracture the process of reunion is extremely slow, and it does not take place at all in patients very old and of worn-out constitution. With a view to prevent the occurrence of fracture when the bones are in this condition, for it is impossible by any treatment to prevent the change in the texture of the bones, the only rational indications seem to be to keep the patient on a generous diet, and to prohibit him from making any great muscular exertion—to avoid, in fact, all circumstances likely to produce a sudden action of any particular set of muscles.

Elements of Surgery

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