Читать книгу The Alien's Secret Volume 2 - Robert M. Doroghazi - Страница 3
Author’s Note
ОглавлениеI hated college English class. The word symbolism brings back nothing but unpleasant memories. My interpretation of everything was inevitably different than the instructor’s, which meant I was always wrong. A guy in a wife-beater undershirt kills a woman in a drunken rage with a pick ax between the eyes: that sounded pretty nasty to me. Sorry, Robert: you didn’t appreciate the irony, the sarcasm, the pathos, and the inner turmoil. Nope, guess I missed that. I’m not sure whether it was my crew cut, or that I suggested we read Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island or Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn, rather than Eldridge Cleaver’s Soul on Ice that upset them. I was told I would never get into medical school with an attitude like that. You’re lucky to get a B minus there, fella. Looking back, I think they were all just a bunch of pot-smoking hippies.
I’ll save you all that phooey and tell you straightaway what this story is about. There is no doubt who the bad guys are: they say bad things and do bad things; they manipulate people, steal from them, lie to them, and abuse, then discard them. The good guys are the Lone Ranger, Sergeant York, Audie Murphy, June and Ward Cleaver type: clean-cut, hard-working, loyal, honest people of character, willing to die for what they believe in.
Since political (in)correctness now mandates trigger warnings, I caution you that this book will make you sad, mad, and happy, make you laugh and cry, make you feel humbled, proud and embarrassed, make you want to hug and kiss your kids—and could offend you.