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410 | Legend of King Arthur

By the 5th century, Rome was under attack from the barbarian tribes of northern Europe. In 410, the Roman Emperor ordered Roman legions stationed in Britain to abandon the country and return to Rome to help in the city’s defence. A small population of Romano-British citizens were left in Britain, but they were unable to defend themselves from a new invasion force from Northern Germany attacking Britain’s shores – the Anglo-Saxons.

It was from this tumultuous period of history that England’s most potent legend emerged: the tale of King Arthur. If he existed at all, King Arthur may have been a Romano-British military ruler who led the defence of Britain against invading Anglo-Saxons during the 5th century. However, over the centuries medieval poets, artists and storytellers added layers of myth and legend to this outline, keen to reshape Arthur in their own image. Arthur’s story was embellished by the wizard Merlin, Arthur’s wife Guinevere, the gallant knight Sir Lancelot, and the legend of the Sword in the Stone – none of which has any grounding in historical records. Even Arthur’s Round Table, which can be visited in Winchester Castle, was created around 1290 during the reign of Edward I.


English History

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