Читать книгу The Enemy Within - robert Psy.D. firth - Страница 2
ОглавлениеThe Enemy Within
robert firth
Copyright 2011 robert firth,
All rights reserved.
Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com
ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0180-5
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
America has many problems. Some can be fixed, many cannot. The following chapters detail what has happened to our country and hopefully, explain why. I describe the countries problems, as I understand them and point out who’s to blame. I try to define a progressive and a liberal and explain how and why they got that way.
The liberal view of society is difficult for a normal individual to understand. Most of us are just trying to get on with life and are concerned with our families and jobs. Only a very few weird individuals see fit to mess with the lives of others as do progressives. For some it’s as though somehow they believe they were given special dispensation by God (if, indeed, they believed in God, which mostly, they don’t) to meddle in society.
For others, the very worst kind of liberals, they long ago, beginning with guys like Bertram Russell, Woodrow Wilson and the Fabian Society, understood that the greatest flaw in democracy was the one man one vote concept and, if they could corrupt this system, they could hugely benefit and, in the process, gain enormous power and riches.
It is this second kind of scoundrel we have to thank for the terrible situation we in America find ourselves in today. We will show, step by bloody step, how these miserable creatures have crippled our lovely, free and once great country- how they originated, hatched and engineered nefarious plots to bring us down and themselves up.
We will show, with no chance of the guilty escaping our scrutiny, who these swine are and how they did what they have done. Once you have read and comprehended the contents of this book, your view of liberals, progressives, democrats, socialists, communists and fellow travelers will never again be the same. You will hate them with every fiber of your being! You will fight them at every turn, to the death, if that is what it will take.
Robert J. Firth
January 2011
The filthy libs, socialists, progressives, democrats and fellow travelers in America understand, just as did the Bolsheviks in Russia, that, to be victorious over the people, they first had to rid themselves of the opposition- that’s us by the way, the productive, thinking, educated, independent, take no fed freebees guys. Of course, they know very well that we have arms…and, you know, this does have them a tad worried. But, brighten up, they’re working on ways of confiscating your weapons and I’m sure they will figure it out. After all, they are the elite, educated leader class and God meant them to rule the idiots like us.. didn’t he?
The libs positively hate us. We are the tea party, the gun and gold owners, the Independents, the soldiers, thinkers, doers, business owners and the entrepreneurs. In short, we are the cows that these bastards have been milking for a hundred years. Once we’re gone, taxed and regulated out of existence, the progressives, socialists and commies can and will take total control. Are you beginning to see their plan for America yet? They will finally be able to run things their way forever- no more bothersome elections, just a vicious dictatorship! Exactly what Marx, Ingles, Lenin Stalin, Hitler, Obama and all the rest of these sicko megalomaniacs have done in every country where they have wormed their way into positions of power- and we let them do it…hell, some of us probably voted for the little swine!