Читать книгу Greater Intimacy With Our Creator - Robert Sr. Eldredge Sr. - Страница 12

Love Is Sacrificial


Every major move of God has always begun with a sacrifice, including the ultimate sacrificial love of Jesus who suffered and died upon a cruel cross for our redemption. His heavenly Father also suffered as well, for “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself.” (2 Corinthians 5:19)

The following are a few examples of people in the Bible who expressed their love for God by sacrificing something that they valued very highly.

•Abel gave a sacrificial love offering that was much more pleasing to God than his brother Cain’s offering.

•As a type of God’s future sacrifice of his own beloved Son, Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his own beloved son, Isaac.

•The disciples willingly sacrificed everything they had and endured many hardships in order to follow after Jesus.

•A woman sacrificed very expensive ointment from an alabaster box just so that she could anoint the feet of Jesus.

•A poor widow woman gave her very last mite into the temple treasury as Jesus watched her approvingly.

•An impoverished widow woman gave the prophet Elijah the last of her meager food supply.

Greater Intimacy With Our Creator

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