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Table of Contents


The Forms of Matter—Shape of the Earth—Probability of the Mass forming this Planet having existed in a Nebulous State—Zodiacal Lights—Comets—Volatilization of Solid Matter by Artificial means—The principle of Gravitation—Its Influence through Space and within the smallest Limits—Gravitating powers of the Planets—Density of the Earth—Certainty of Newton’s Law of the Inverse Square—Discovery of Neptune—State of a Body relieved from Gravitation—Experiment explaining Saturn’s Ring, &c.—General inference.

Let us suppose the earth—consisting of three conditions of matter; the solid, the fluid, and the aëriform—to be set free from that power by which it is retained in its present form of a spheroid flattened at the poles, but still subject to the influences of its diurnal and annual rotations. Agreeably to the law which regulates the conditions of all bodies moving at high velocities, the consequence of such a state of things would be, that our planet would instantly spread itself over an enormous area. The waters and even the solid masses of this globe would, in all probability, present themselves amidst the other phenomena of space in a highly attenuated state, revolving in an orbit around the sun, as a band of nebulous matter, which might sometimes be rendered sensible to sight by still reflecting solar light, or by condensation in the form of flights of shooting stars.[13]

This may be illustrated by experiment. If upon a rapidly revolving disc we place a ball of dust, it will be almost immediately spread out, and its particles will arrange themselves in a series of regular curves, varying with the velocity of the motion. In addition to the disintegration which would arise from the tendency of the atoms to fly from the centre, the motion, in space, of the planetary mass would naturally occasion a trailing out, and the only degree of uniformity which this orb could, under these imaginary conditions, possibly present, would be derived from the combined effects of motions in different directions.

Amid the remoter stars, some remarkable cloud-like appearances are discovered. These nebulæ, presenting to the eye of the observer only a gleaming light, as from some phosphorescent vapour, were long regarded as indications of such a condition as that which we have just been considering. Astronomers saw, in those mysterious nebulæ, a confirmation of their views, which regarded all the orbs of the firmament as having once been thin sheets of vapour, which had gradually, from irregular bodies traversing space, been slowly condensed about a centre, and brought within the limits of aggregating agencies, until, after the lapse of ages, they become sphered stars, moving in harmony amid the bright host of heaven.[14] Geologists seized on those views with eagerness, as confirming theoretical conclusions deduced from an examination of the structure of the earth itself, and explained by them the gradual accretion of atoms into crystalline rocks from a cooling mass.

The researches of modern astronomers, aided by the magnificent instruments of Lord Rosse,[15] have, however, shown that many of the most remarkable nebulæ are only clusters of stars; so remote from us, that the light from them appears blended into one diffused sheet or luminous film. There are, however, the Magellanic clouds, and other singular patches of light, exhibiting changes which can only be explained on the theory of their slow condensation. There is no evidence to disprove the position that world-formation may still be going on; that a slow and gradual aggregation of particles, under the influence of laws with which we are acquainted, may be constantly in progress, to end, eventually, in the formation of a sphere.

May we not regard the zodiacal light as the remains of a solar luminiferous atmosphere, which once embraced the entire system of which it is the centre?[16] Will not the strange changes which have been seen to take place in cometary bodies, even whilst they were passing near the earth—as the division of Biela’s comet and the ultimate formation of a second nucleus from the detached portion—strongly tend to support the probability of the idea that attenuated matter has, in the progress of time, been condensed into solid masses, and that nebulous clouds must still exist in every state of tenuity in the regions of infinite space,[17] which, in the mysterious processes of world-formation, will, eventually, become stars, and reflect across the blue immensity of heaven, in brightness, that light which is the necessary agent of organisation and all manifestations of beauty?

The inferences drawn from a careful study of the condition of our own globe are in favour of the assumption of the existence of nebulous matter. By the processes of art and manufacture, by the operation of those powers on which organisation and life depend, solid matter is constantly poured off in such a state that it cannot be detected, as matter, by any of the human senses. Yet a thousand results, daily and hourly accumulating as truths around us, prove that the solid metals, the gross earths, and the constituents of animal and vegetable life, all pass away invisible to us, and become “thin air.” We know that, floating around us, these volatilized bodies exist in some material form, and numerous experiments in chemistry are calculated to convince us, that the most attenuated air is capable, with a slight change of circumstances, of being converted into the condition of solid masses. Hydrogen gas, the lightest, the most ethereal of the chemical elements, dissolves iron and zinc, arsenic, sulphur, and carbon; and from the transparent combinations thus formed, we can with facility separate those ponderous bodies. Such substances must exist in our own atmosphere; why not in the regions of space? Whether this planet ever floated a mass of nebulous matter, only known by its dim and filmy light, or comet-like rushed through space with widely eccentric orbit, are questions which can only receive the reply of speculative minds. Whether the earth and the other members of the Solar System were ever parts of a Central Sun,[18] and thrown from it by some mighty convulsion, though now revolving with all the other masses around that orb, chained in their circuits by some infinite power, is beyond the utmost refinements of science to discover. This hypothesis is, however, in its sublime conception, worthy of the master-mind that gave it birth.

All we know is, that our earth is an oblate sphere, which, by the effects of its rotation around an axis, is somewhat enlarged at the equator and flattened at the poles;—that it maintains its regular course around the sun, in virtue of the operation of two forces, one of which, acting constantly, would eventually draw it into the body of the sun itself; but that it is opposed by the other, centrifugal force, and the varying momentum of the revolving mass;—that the same force acting from the centre of the earth itself, and from the centre of every particle of its substance, resolves the whole into a globular form.

The principle of Gravitation[19] is that force which resides in every form of matter, by which particle is attracted by particle, and mass by mass, the less towards the greater. What this may be, we scarcely dare to speculate. In the vast area of its action, which opens before the eye of the mind, we see a power spanning all space, and linking together every one of those myriads of worlds which spangle the robe of the Infinite, and we are compelled to pause. Is this principle of gravitation a property of matter, or is it a power higher than the more tangible forces, is the question which presses on the mind. If we regard it as a subtile principle pervading all space, we compel ourselves to look beyond it for another power yet more refined; and we cannot halt until, ascending from the limitable to the illimitable, we resolve gravitation and its governing influences to the centre of all power—the will of the eternal Creator.

Science has developed the grand truth, that it is by the exercise of this all-pervading influence that the earth is retained in its orbit—that the pellucid globe of dew which glistens on the leaf is bound together—that the débris which float upon the lake accumulate into one mass—that the sea exhibits the phenomena of the tides—and the aërial ocean its barometric changes. In all things this force is active, and throughout nature it is ever present. Our knowledge of the laws which it obeys, enables us to conclude that the sun and distant planets are consolidated masses like this earth. We find that they have gravitating power, and by comparing this influence with that exerted by the earth, we are enabled to weigh the mass of one planet against another. In the balance of the astronomer, it is as easy to poise the remote star, as it is for the engineer to calculate the weight of the iron tunnel of the Menai Straits, or any other mechanical structure. Thus throughout the universe the balance of gravitating force is unerringly sustained. If one of the most remote of those gems of light, which flicker at midnight in the dark distance of the starry vault, was, by any power, removed from its place, the disturbance of these delicately balanced mysteries would be felt through all the created systems of worlds.

From the peculiarity of the laws which this power called gravity obeys, it has been inferred that it acts from centres of force; it is proved that its power diminishes in the inverse ratio of the square of the distance, and that the gravitating power of every material body is in the direct proportion of its mass. In astronomical calculations we have first to learn the mass of our earth. Experiment informs us that the density of our hardest rock is not above 2·8; but from the enormous pressure to which matter must be subjected, at great depths from the surface, the weight of the superincumbent mass constantly increasing, it is quite certain that the earth’s density must be far more than this. Maskelyne determined the attraction of large masses by a plummet and line on the mountain Schehallion.[20] Cavendish, with exceedingly delicate apparatus, observed the attraction of masses of known weight and size upon each other. Applying the powers of arithmetical calculation, and the data obtained from the small experiments to the larger phenomena, Maskelyne determined the earth’s mean density to be 4·71, whilst Cavendish made it 5·48, but the more recent refined investigations of Baily have determined it to be 5·67.[21]

From data thus obtained by severe inductive experiments and mathematical analyses, the astronomer, by observing the deviations of a distant star, is enabled to determine the influence of those stellar bodies near which it passes, and, hence, to calculate the relative magnitudes of each. The accuracy of the law is in this way put to the severest test, and the precision of astronomical prediction is the strongest proof of its universality and truth.

Rolling onward its lonely way, in the far immensity of our system, the planet Uranus was discovered by the elder Herschel—so great its distance that its diminished light could scarcely be detected by the most powerful telescopes; but since its discovery its path has been carefully watched, and some irregularities noticed. Most of these disturbances were referable to known causes; but a little alteration in its rate of motion observed when the planet was in one portion of its vast orbit was unexplained. Convinced of the certainty of Newton’s law, and having determined that the attraction of known masses was insufficient to produce the disturbance observed, these deviations were referred to the gravitating influence of a mass beyond the known limits of our Solar System. By the investigations of Adams in England,[22] and Le Verrier in France,[23] the place of the hypothetical mass was determined, and its size computed. As a grand confirmation of the great law, and to the glory of those two far-searching minds, who do honour to their respective countries and their age, the hypothesis became a fact, in the discovery of the planet Neptune in the place determined by rigorous calculation. Astronomy affords other examples of the sublime truth of the law of gravitation, than which science can afford no more elevated poetry.

So completely is all nature locked in the bonds of this infinite power, that it is no poetic exaggeration to declare, that the blow which rends any earthly mass is conveyed by successive impulses to every one of the myriads of orbs, which are even too remote for the reach of telescopic vision.

An illustrative experiment must close our consideration of relative operations of rotation and gravitation. We well know that a body in a fluid state would, if suspended above the earth, it being at the same time free to take any form, naturally assume that of a flattened spheroid, from the action of the mass of the earth upon it: whereas the force of cohesive attraction acting equally from all sides of a centre, would, if uninfluenced, necessarily produce a perfect sphere. The best method of showing that this would be the case, is as follows:—

Alcohol and water are to be mixed together until the fluid is of the same specific gravity as olive oil. If, when this is effected, we drop globules of the oil into the mixed fluid, it will be seen that they take an orbicular form;—and, of course, in this experiment the power of the earth’s gravitating influence is neutralized. The same drops of oil under any other conditions would be flattened. Simple as this illustration is, it tells much of the wondrous secret of those beautifully balanced forces of cohesion and of gravitation; and from the prosaic fact we rise to a great philosophical truth. Our experiment may lead us yet farther in exemplification of known phenomena. If we pass a steel wire through one of those floating spheres of oil, and make it revolve rapidly and steadily, thus imitating the motion of a planet on its axis, the oil spreads out, and we have the spheroidal form of our earth. Increase the rapidity of this rotation, and when a certain rate is obtained the oil widens into a disc, a ring separates itself from a central globe, and at a distance from it still revolves around it.[24] Here we have a miniature representation of the ring of Saturn. This is a suggestive experiment, the repetition of which, by reflective minds, cannot fail to lead to important deductions. The phenomena of cohesion, of motion, and gravitation, are all involved; and we produce results resembling, in a striking manner, the conditions which prevail in the planetary spaces, under the influence of the same powers. If we take a glass globe, and having filled it with a fluid of the proper density, drop into it large and small globules of oil, we may produce an instructive representation of the stellar vault, with its beautiful spheres of light revolving in their respective orbits; and though crossing each other’s paths, still moving in obedience to attracting and repelling forces—onward in perfect harmony.

From the centre of our earth to the utmost extremity of the universe—from the infinitely small to the immensely vast—gravitation exerts its force. It is met on all sides by physical powers acting in antagonism to it, but, like a ruling spirit, it restrains them in their wildest moods.

The smallest dust which floats upon the wind

Bears this strong impress of the Eternal Mind.

In mystery round it, subtile forces roll;

And gravitation binds and guides the whole.

In every sand, before the tempest hurl’d,

Lie locked the powers which regulate a world,

And from each atom human thought may rise

With might to pierce the mysteries of the skies—

To try each force which rules the mighty plan,

Of moving planets, or of breathing man;

And from the secret wonders of each sod,

Evoke the truths, and learn the power of God.


[13] Three hypotheses may be used to account for this most curious phenomenon.

1st. The body shines by its own light, and then explodes like a sky-rocket, breaking into minute fragments too small to be any longer visible to the naked eye.

2nd. Such a body, having shone by its own light, suddenly ceases to be luminous. “The falling stars and other fiery meteors which are frequently seen at a considerable height in the atmosphere, and which have received different names according to the variety of their figure and size, arise from the fermentation of the effluvia of acid and alkaline bodies which float in the atmosphere. When the more subtile parts of the effluvia are burned away, the viscous and earthy parts become too heavy for the air to support, and by their gravity fall to the earth.”—Keith’s Use of the Globes. According to Sir Humphry Davy, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1847, “the luminous appearances of shooting stars and meteors cannot be owing to any inflammation of elastic fluids, but must depend upon the ignition of solid bodies.”

3. The body shines by the reflected light of the sun, and ceases to be visible by its passing into the earth’s shadow, or, in other words, is eclipsed. Upon the two former suppositions the fact of the star’s disappearance conveys to us no knowledge of its position, or of its distance from the earth; and all that can be said is, that if it be a satellite of the earth, the great rapidity of its motion involves the necessity of its being at no great distance from the earth’s surface—much nearer than the moon; while the resistance it would encounter in traversing the air would be so great that it is probably without the limits of our atmosphere. Sir J. W. Lubbock leans to the third hypothesis.—Sir J. W. Lubbock, On Shooting Stars: Phil. Mag. No. 213, p. 81.

Sir J. Lubbock also published a supplementary paper on the same subject, in No. 214, p. 170.

Mr. J. P. Joule entertains an hypothesis with respect to Shooting Stars similar to that advocated by Chladni to account for meteoric stones, and he reckons the ignition of these miniature planetary bodies by their violent collision with our atmosphere, to be a remarkable illustration of the doctrine of the equivalency of heat to mechanical power, or vis viva.

If we suppose a meteoric stone of the size of a six-inch cube to enter our atmosphere at the rate of eighteen miles per second of time, the atmosphere being 1/100 of its density at the earth’s surface, the resistance offered to the motion of the stone will in this case be at least 51,600 lbs.; and if the stone traverse twenty miles with this amount of resistance, sufficient heat will thereby be developed to give 1° Fahrenheit to 6,967,980 lbs. of water. Of course by far the largest portion of this heat will be given to the displaced air, every particle of which will sustain the shock, whilst only the surface of the stone will be in violent collision with the atmosphere. Hence the stone may be considered as placed in a blast of intensely heated air, the heat being communicated from the surface to the centre by conduction. Only a small portion of the heat evolved will therefore be received by the stone; but if we estimate it at only 1/100 it will still be equal to 1° Fahrenheit per 69,679 lbs. of water, a quantity quite equal to the melting and dissipation of any materials of which it may be composed.—Mr. J. P. Joule, On Shooting Stars: Phil. Mag. No. 216, p. 348.

[14] “Laplace conjectures that in the original condition of the solar system, the sun revolved upon his axis, surrounded by an atmosphere which, in virtue of an excessive heat, extended far beyond the orbits of all the planets, the planets as yet having no existence. The heat gradually diminished, and as the solar atmosphere contracted by cooling, the rapidity of its rotation increased by the laws of rotatory motion; and an exterior zone of vapour was detached from the rest, the central attraction being no longer able to overcome the increased centrifugal force. This zone of vapour might in some cases retain its form, as we see it in Saturn’s ring; but more usually the ring of vapour would break into several masses, and these would generally coalesce into one mass, which would revolve about the sun,”—Whewell’s Bridgewater Treatise.

The following passage is translated by the same author from Laplace:—

“The anterior state (a state of cloudy brightness) was itself preceded by other states, in which the nebulous matter was more and more diffuse, the nucleus being less and less luminous. We arrive in this manner at a nebulosity so diffuse, that its existence could scarce be suspected. Such is in fact the first state of the nebula which Herschel carefully observed by means of his telescope.”

Sir William Herschel has the following observations on these remarkable masses:—

“The nature of planetary nebulæ, which has hitherto been involved in much darkness, may now be explained with some degree of satisfaction, since the uniform and very considerable brightness of their apparent disc accords remarkably well with a much condensed, luminous fluid; whereas, to suppose them to consist of clustering stars will not so completely account for the milkiness or soft tint of their light, to produce which it would be required that the condensation of the stars should be carried to an almost inconceivable degree of accumulation.

“How far the light that is perpetually emitted from millions of suns may be concerned in this shining fluid, it might be presumptuous to attempt to determine; but notwithstanding the inconceivable subtilty of the particles of light, when the number of the emitting bodies is almost infinitely great, and the time of the continual emission indefinitely long, the quantity of emitted particles may well become adequate to the constitution of a shining fluid or luminous matter, provided a cause can be found that may retain them from flying off, or reunite them.”—Observations on Nebulous Stars: Philosophical Transactions, vol. lxxxi. a.d. 1791.

In addition, the following Memoirs on the same subject, by Sir William Herschel, have been published in the Philosophical Transactions:—Catalogue of 1000 Nebulæ and Clusters of Stars, vol. lxxvi.; Catalogue of another 1000, with remarks on the Heavens, vol. lxxix.; Catalogue of 500 more, with remarks as above, vol. xcii.; Of such as have a cometary appearance, vol. ci.; Of planetary nebulæ, ibid.; Of stellar nebulæ, ibid.; On the sidereal part of the heavens, and its connection with the nebulous, vol. civ.; On the relative distances of clusters of nebulous stars, vol. cviii.

[15] Lord Rosse’s beautiful telescopes have been formed upon principles which appear to embrace the best possible conditions for obtaining a reflecting surface which should reflect the greatest quantity of light, and retain that property little diminished for a length of time. The alloy used for this purpose consists of tin and copper in atomic proportions, namely, one atom of tin to four atoms of copper, or by weight 58·9 to 126·4.—On the Construction of large Reflecting Telescopes: by Lord Rosse. Report of the Fourteenth Meeting of the British Association, 1844, p. 79.

[16] The best description of the Zodiacal Light occurs in a letter furnished by Sir John Herschel to the Times newspaper in March, 1843:—“The zodiacal light, as its name imports, invariably appears in the zodiac, or, to speak more precisely, in the plane of the sun’s equator, which is 7° inclined to the zodiac, and which plane, seen from the sun, intersects the ecliptic in longitude 78° and 258°, or so much in advance of the equinoctial points: in consequence it is seen to the best advantage at, or a little after, the equinoxes; after sunset, at the spring, and before sunrise, at the autumnal equinox; not only because the direction of its apparent axis lies at those times more nearly perpendicular to the horizon, but also because at those epochs we are approaching the situation when it is seen most completely in section.

“At the vernal equinox the appearance of the zodiacal light is that of a pretty broad pyramidal, or rather lenticular, body of light, which begins to be visible as soon as the twilight decays. It is very bright at its lower or broader part near the horizon, and, if there be broken clouds about, often appears like the glow of a distant conflagration, or of the rising moon, only less red, giving rise, in short, to amorphous masses of light such as have been noticed by one of your correspondents as possibly appertaining to the comet. At higher altitudes, its light fades gradually, and is seldom traceable much beyond the Pleiades, which it usually, however, attains and involves, and (what is most to my present purpose) its axis at the vernal equinox is always inclined (to the northward of the equator) at an angle of between 60° and 70° to the horizon, and it is most luminous at its base, resting on the horizon, where also it is broadest, occupying, in fact, an angular breadth of somewhere about 10° or 12° in ordinary clear weather.”

[17] “The assumption that the extent of the starry firmament is literally infinite has been made by one of the greatest of astronomers, the late Dr. Olbers, the basis of a conclusion that the celestial spaces are, in some slight degree, deficient in transparency; so that all beyond a certain distance is, and must remain for ever, unseen; the geometrical progression of the extinction of light far outrunning the effect of any conceivable increase in the power of our telescopes. Were it not so, it is argued, every part of the celestial concave ought to shine with the brightness of the solar disc, since no visual ray could be so directed as not, in some point or other of its infinite length, to encounter such a disc.”—Edinburgh Review, p. 185, for January, 1848; Etudes d’Astronomie Stellaire.

[18] In the Astronomische Nachrichten of July, 1846, appeared a Memoir by M. Mädler, Die Centralsonne. The conclusions arrived at by Mädler may be understood from the following quotation from a French translation, made by M. A. Gautier, in the Archives des Sciences Physiques et Naturelles, for October, 1846:—“Quoiqu’il résulte de ce qui précède que la région du ciel que j’ai adoptée satisfait à toutes les conditions posées plus haut, il n’en est pas moins convenable de la soumettre à toutes les épreuves possibles. Plusieurs essais de combinaisons différentes m’ont convaincu qu’on ne pourrait trouver aucun autre point dans le ciel qui pût tenir lieu, même d’une manière approchée, que celui que j’ai adopté. On pourrait maintenant m’addresser l’objection que, si la région du ciel où se trouve le centre de gravité de notre système d’étoiles fixes, est déterminée par ce qui précède entre certaines limites, il n’en résulte pas la nécessité de choisir Alcyone pour ce centre, attendu qu’il pourrait bien tomber sur quelqu’autre étoile située dans le groupe ou dans son voisinage. Mais outre que c’est tout près de là que se trouve le groupe le plus brillant et le plus riche en étoiles de tout le ciel, et qu’il ne s’agit point ici d’un point arbitraire situé dans le voisinage peu apparent et qui n’ait rien qui le distingue, il ne se trouve nul part, même dans la région voisine, une aussi exacte concordance des mouvements propres qu’ici, et ces mouvements correspondent mieux que tous les autres aux conditions établies plus haut. Or si l’on doit considérer ce groupe central, entre les étoiles également éloignées, on peut présumer que la plus brillante de beaucoup présente la plus grande masse. Outre cela Alcyone, considérée optiquement, est au milieu du groupe des Pleïades; et son mouvement propre, déterminé par Bessel, est plus exactement en accord avec la moyenne de ceux des autres Pleïades; ainsi que des étoiles de cette région jusqu’à 10° de distance. Je puis donc établir comme conséquence de tout ce qui précède, que le groupe des Pleïades est le groupe central de l’ensemble du système des étoiles fixes, jusqu’aux limites extérieures déterminées par la Voie Lactée; et que Alcyone est l’étoile de ce groupe qui paraît être, le plus vraisemblablement, le vrai Soleil central.

[19] See the article On Gravitation, Penny Cyclopædia, from the pen of the Astronomer-Royal.

[20] Delambre dates the commencement of modern astronomical observation in its most perfect form from Maskelyne, who was the first who gave what is now called a standard catalogue (a.d. 1790) of stars; that is, a number of stars observed with such frequency and accuracy, that their places serve as standard points of the heavens. His suggestion of the Nautical Almanack, and his superintendence of it to the end of his life, from its first publication in 1767, are mentioned in the Almanack (vol. i. p. 364); his Schehallion Experiment on Attraction in vol. iii. p. 69; and the character of his Greenwich Observations in Greenwich Observatory in vol. ii. p. 442.

[21] Experiments to determine the Density of the Earth. By Henry Cavendish, Esq., F.R.S. and F.A.S.—Philosophical Transactions, 1798.

[22] Adams: An Explanation of the observed irregularities in the motion of Uranus, on the hypothesis of disturbance caused by a more distant Planet.—Appendix to Nautical Almanack for 1851.

[23] Le Verrier: Premier Mémoire sur la théorie d’Uranus, Comptes Rendus, vol. xxi.; Sur la planête qui produit les anomalies observées dans le mouvement d’Uranus.—Ib. vol. xxiii.

[24] The experiment alluded to is one of a series by M. Plateau, who thus describes his arrangement of the fluid:—“We begin by making a mixture of alcohol and distilled water, containing a certain excess of alcohol, so that when submitted to the trial of the test tube it lets the small sphere of oil fall to the bottom rather rapidly. When this point is obtained, the whole is thrown upon filters, care being taken to cover the funnels containing these last with plates of glass; this precaution is taken in order to prevent, as much as possible, the evaporation of the alcohol. The alcoholic liquor passes the first through the filters, ordinarily carrying with it a certain number of very minute spherules of oil When the greater part has thus passed, the spherules become more numerous; what still remains in the first filters, namely, the oil and a residue of alcoholic liquor, is then thrown into a single filter placed on a new flask. This last filtration takes place much more slowly than the first, on account of the viscosity of the oil; it is considerably accelerated by renewing the filter once or twice during the operation. If the funnel has been covered with sufficient care, the oil will collect into a single mass at the bottom of the flask under a layer of alcoholic liquor.”—On the Phenomena presented by a free Liquid Mass withdrawn from the action of Gravity. By Professor Plateau, of the University of Ghent. Translated from the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Brussels, vol. xvi.; in the Scientific Memoirs, vol. iv. part 13.

The Poetry of Science; or, Studies of the Physical Phenomena of Nature

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