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RETURNING home to shower and change, Marly wished Nan wasn’t working late, for they both enjoyed their pre-dinner gossip, and right now she had plenty to gossip about!

She was dressed and ready half an hour before Kevin was due, and enjoyed wearing her own clothes. She had gone slightly overboard, with citron and white linen a dramatic contrast against her olive skin, and the smooth sleekness of her centre-parted hairstyle had been replaced by her usual one of tonged curls cascading to her shoulders.

‘Here comes the Marly I recognise!’ Nan’s mother exclaimed as the girl she had seen grow from a tomboy into a beautiful woman entered the living-room, high-heeled sandals clicking on the polished wood floor. ‘I take it you aren’t seeing Mr Hamilton tonight?’

‘Thank heavens, no. It’s an awful strain pretending to be a docile young lady and agreeing with everything he says.’

‘There’s no reason why you can’t disagree with him,’ the older woman stated. ‘In the last ten years my countrywomen have become much more emancipated, and many of them run big companies and are highly successful.’

‘Alex hasn’t realised that, so I’m still playing up to his outmoded ideas!’

‘He’ll change them when he’s lived here a little longer.’

Marly knew this to be true, for the twentieth century, with its satellite television and world-wide communication, was having the same impact here as in the West. Yet family bonds were still important, religion remained strong, and young people continued to treat their parents with respect.

Professor Damrong came in, and watching him greet his wife—smiling without touching, the smile itself being an embrace—Marly thought it a nicer salutation than the meaningless peck on the cheek of a Western couple.

A few moments later Kevin arrived, and after a drink and the usual social chat they set off for the cinema.

‘The professor was telling me what a success the show was,’ he commented as they strolled down the street in search of a cab. ‘I wish I could have seen your act.’

Marly almost told him she was still acting, then decided against it. Alex Hamilton was occupying enough of her thoughts without allowing him to impinge on her evening with Kevin.

An empty cab cruised past and he flagged it down and ushered her inside. But they had only gone a few blocks when she asked the driver to stop.

‘I think we’ll be better off walking the rest of the way,’ she suggested. ‘This traffic jam is dreadful.’

‘Suits me.’ Kevin paid the fare and helped her out. ‘As long as your high heels are up to it!’

Give A Man A Bad Name

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