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To whoever seeks spiritual roads beyond

the hackneyed paths, hoping

that on them the promise of Jesus is fulfilled:

“. . . seek and you will find . . .

the one who seeks finds . . .” (Matt. 7:7-8)


It has been said: “every important decision in life, every great love, emerges from an encounter.”1 Indeed, much of what we become is owed to others. Throughout our existence, we gradually shape ourselves; from encounter to encounter we build and destroy ourselves. Fortuitous, expected or feared, banal or extraordinary, our encounters mark us, some in a decisive way.

Disoriented in our search, trapped in the clutches of our own routines or surprised by the storm—in the most unexpected occasions of life, at the turn of a corner, in the face of an accident, before an open tomb—we face an encounter, an idea, a word, a glance, a gesture, an embrace, a kiss (who knows . . . ?) that decides our destiny.

At a given moment divine grace also bursts into our lives. It can occur at random from circumstances or arrive at the end of a long wait, like love at first sight or a friendship. And that encounter becomes the crossroads of our most personal, most profound story. The consequences, often irreversible, can be eternal.

Contrary to what some believe, apart from rare exceptions, those encounters do not usually present themselves as irrefutable supernatural interventions. They most frequently occur without us realizing it: something happens to us that questions us and changes the course of our existence. It may even be the case that the encounter is so subtle that is goes unnoticed, and we go on as if nothing had happened. However, the marvelous miracle of memory waits as long as necessary, crouched down in us with divine patience. A day arrives over time when, without knowing how the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle are put in place, we clearly see an image that stands out as a revelation. Pieces may be missing, but we can already recognize the message. We then rescue from our memories that which we ignored in its day. And it dawns on us that at some moment providence placed itself within our reach. That strange mystery makes sense, and our contact with God begins to flourish. Without realizing it we are living, on a spiritual level, “the non-transferable experience of the encounter.”2

In the pages that follow I attempt, simply, to share reflections arising from some decisive moments from the lives of men and women—not too different from us—who changed their destiny upon contact with Jesus. I have already explored this exercise of reflection and imagination with unexpected success in my book Encounters. Since its publication, already some years ago, many readers have asked me to publish more “encounters.” Due to my work and the vicissitudes of life, with its priorities and matters of urgency, I have not been able to do so until now. Finally, you have the expected book. But it is not a continuation of the first one. In twenty years my topics and approaches have changed. And my style also.

In the writing of this book, even more so than on other occasions, I have availed myself, as the scribe of the parable, of “things new and old.”3 I give my heartfelt thanks herein to all who have contributed to providing me the ideas from which I have drawn upon to write these pages. Deserving special mention is Marta Prats Fábregas who, once again, has not spared efforts in the editing of my texts.

The book is especially intended for those who say to themselves, along with the poet: “I live in the hope of meeting with him; but this meeting is not yet.”4 If these reflections manage to reveal any clue that brings them closer to the Teacher, I will feel doubly happy because of the hours I enjoyed meditating on him and writing for them.

1 . Phrase attributed to Dr. Albert Schweitzer by Gilbert Cesbron, in his theatre play Il est minuit, Dr. Schweitzer.

2 . Martín Gelabert, Salvación como humanización: un esbozo de una teología de la gracia, Madrid: Ediciones Paulinas, 1985, p. 13.

3 . Matthew 13:52.

4 . Rabindranath Tagore, “Song Offerings” poem 13 (cited from Select Works, Madrid: Edimat, 2015, p. 76).

Decisive Encounters

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