Читать книгу The Religion of the Future - Roberto Mangabeira Unger - Страница 6



1.Beyond Wishful Thinking: Life without Illusion





Religion and the flaws in human life

The common element in past religious revolution

What religion is, or has been

2.Overcoming the World

Central idea, historical presence, and metaphysical vision

Incitements to overcoming the world

Serenity and benevolence

Criticism: betrayal of the past

Criticism: the school of experience

Criticism: betrayal of the future

3.Humanizing the World

Central idea, historical presence, and metaphysical vision

Making meaning in a meaningless world

Our situation and our task

The ennoblement of our relations to one another

Criticism: betrayal of the past

Criticism: the school of experience

Criticism: betrayal of the future

4.Struggling with the World

Central idea, spoken in sacred and profane voice

Metaphysical vision

Conception of the self

Only one regime

Spirit and structure

Self and others

Twin orthodoxies suppressed

Criticism: strength and weakness of the struggle with the world

Criticism: estrangement from life in the present

5.Religious Revolution Now: Its Occasions and Instruments

Reasons for religious revolution

The unique position of the struggle with the world

Resolving the ambivalence of the higher religions to the transformation of the world

Radicalizing the significance of the struggle with the world for our ideas and institutions

Achieving a greater life, without Prometheanism

Recognizing the defects in human existence

Occasions and sources of religious revolution

In what sense a religious revolution

The practice of religious revolution

A tragic contradiction in the history of religion

Philosophy and religion

Direction and indirections of the religion of the future

Christianity as the religion of the future?

6.Deep Freedom: The Politics of the Religion of the Future

Political theology without God

Conception of a free society

Four principles

The principle of apostasy

The principle of plurality

The principle of deep freedom

The principle of higher cooperation

7.Becoming More Human by Becoming More Godlike: The Conduct of Life in the Religion of the Future

The enhancement of life

Method and vision

The overthrow: from self-subversion to self-transformation

Virtue as self-transformation

Virtues of connection

Virtues of purification

Virtues of divinization

The course of life: decentering

The course of life: downfall

The course of life: mutilation

The course of life: mummification

The reward


Life itself

A Note on the Three Orientations and the Idea of the Axial Age


Proper Name Index

Thematic Index

The Religion of the Future

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