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Day the 2nd of the Grain Moon

Year the 6th of the Independent Alliance of Traders

From Kim, Keeper of the Birds, Cassarick to Erek, Keeper of the Birds, Bingtown and Detozi, Keeper of the Birds, Trehaug

Keeper Erek and Keeper Detozi, when this position was given to me I was told firmly that the messenger birds were to be used only for official Council business, although Traders may be allowed to pay for the use of them for private messages. It was emphasized to me that Keepers have no special status that allows them to send messages for free. This, it seems to me, would include appending personal messages to official communications. I have no desire to report you for violating these rules, but if evidence of personal correspondence reaches me again, as it did by chance this time, I shall report you to all three Councils, and I am certain you will be liable for the expenses of all the free messages you have sent.

Respectfully, Keeper Kim

The Rain Wild Chronicles: The Complete 4-Book Collection

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