Читать книгу A Sense of Place - Robin Laurence - Страница 9



Introduction xii I A Sense of Place 1


The Heart of the Airport

International Terminal Building


33 Welcome Figures

Joe David

34 The Spirit of Haida Gwaii: The Jade Canoe

Bill Reid

38 The Great Wave

Lutz Haufschild


Musqueam Welcome Area

Canada Customs Hall


19 Musqueam Welcome Figures 23 Flight (Spindle Whorl)

Susan Point

27 Out of the Silence

Krista Point, Robyn Sparrow,

Debra Sparrow, Gina Grant

and Helen Callbreath


Sea to Sky

Domestic Terminal Building


68 The Rivers Monument

Marianne Nicolson

70 Snuw’uy’ulth

John Marston

75 Freedom to Move 78 Sea to Sky

Steve Smith

80 Split Bear Panel 81 Thunderbird Panel 83 Raven House Posts

Roy Henry Vickers


Supernatural World

Domestic Terminal Building


86 Hugging the World

Robert Davidson

91 Human/Bear Mask 92 Bear/Human Mask

Dempsey Bob

94 Thunderbird and Killer Whale

Richard Hunt

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A Sense of Place

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