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“I looked up your girlfriend online,” Carroll tells me.
It’s a Friday night, and we’re in the lounge carbing up on microwave pasta before we go out. There’s a club Carroll’s been bugging me to try since our first day of classes. Plus my bus to Boston leaves crazy early tomorrow morning, so we figured it would be easier to just stay up all night. It’ll be my first time seeing Toni since school started.
“Oh, yeah?” I say. “Are you and T officially best buds now?”
He laughs. “No. I mean I looked up that genderqueer thing you told me about.”
Crap. I still haven’t mentioned that conversation to Toni. I’ll come clean first thing after I get to Harvard. No, wait, I should do it before I get there. Toni might be upset, and I don’t want to ruin our first visit with this.
“So what did you find out?” I ask Carroll.
“The site said a lot of genderqueer people are just kids who haven’t made up their minds yet whether they want to be a guy or a girl,” Carroll says, turning the faucet on full blast. “It said in the end, most of them either get over it or wind up full-on trannies.”
I sigh. “Don’t say ‘tranny.’ It’s offensive.”
Carroll holds up his hands in surrender. He drops the bowl he was supposed to be rinsing out. It clatters into the sink.
“See?” Carroll says, pointing to it. “Another casualty of political correctness.”
I roll my eyes. “Ha, ha.”
“So, is it true?” He wipes off the bowl. “About genderqueers?”
I’m pretty sure adding an s to genderqueer is offensive, too—it’s offensive to just say queers, I think, and the principle would be the same, right?—but I don’t know that for sure, so I don’t say anything about it.
“I think that’s just a stereotype,” I say, though I’m uncertain. What Carroll read sounds like the kind of thing people say about bi people—that bisexuality isn’t real, and they’re really all either gay or straight and are just being indecisive. Since I have lots of bi friends, and I used to think of myself as kinda-sorta bi, I know that whole thing is bull. Being bi isn’t any less real than being gay or straight is.
The problem is, I know stuff about being bi. I don’t know enough about being genderqueer to argue with whatever Carroll’s been reading. Toni and I talked about this stuff some back when T first told me about it, but it’s all so complicated and it’s hard to remember all the details. I really need to go online and read some websites that are better than the one Carroll found. How will I know which websites are the good ones, though?
I guess I could ask Toni, but—well, I don’t want T to know I’m still kind of confused. A good girlfriend would remember all the details. Actually, a good girlfriend would just instinctively understand all of this.
Of course, a good girlfriend probably wouldn’t have lied about where she was going to college, either.
Okay. Enough. We’re going out. I can berate myself later.
A half-drunk girl wanders into the lounge and says hi to Carroll. He says hi back. She lives on a different floor, but she’s in Tisch with him, I learn.
“Hey, have you met my girl Gretchen?” Carroll asks. “Gretch, this is Tracy.”
The girl looks at me. “Oh, right. I heard there was a lesbian on this floor.”
I laugh. “Yeah, two of us, even.”
The first week of classes, I ran into this girl I knew from debate, Briana. After we stopped laughing about how funny it was that we’d both wound up at NYU, she recruited me to join this volunteer project she’s doing with a middle school in Inwood. She also introduced me to her friends. One of her friends, Heidi, turned out to live on my floor.
It’s nice to have some gay friends at school who are girls. They aren’t nearly as much fun to hang out with as Carroll, though.
“I need to call Toni before we go out,” I tell Carroll.
“Take your time,” he says. “Suck up to the ball and chain. I’m nowhere near finalizing my outfit anyway.”
“Whatever. You’ll wind up in that new shirt you got on Tuesday.”
“Not necessarily! There’s also the faux-vintage one you made me buy at Urban. I have to do a compare and contrast.”
Tracy laughs.
“Don’t encourage him,” I tell her.
I take my pasta back to my empty room. My roommate, Samantha, is already out at a party with her goth friends. She wandered out earlier wearing a black dress, red fishnets and knee-high boots. I’m not sure exactly what look she was going for, but I don’t think it quite worked out the way she was hoping.
Toni isn’t available on video chat, but when I call, T answers the phone on the first ring. I can hear voices in the background.
“Hey, Gretch!” I can hear the smile in Toni’s voice, and I automatically smile back. It’s so weird thinking it’s been more than two weeks since we were last in the same place. I thought that much time apart would be unbearable, but getting to hear Toni’s voice helps a lot. “I was about to call you! Are you going out?”
“Yeah, to a club with Carroll. How about you?”
“I’m out now, actually. Derek and the guys are having a party in their room.”
“For real? Do people at Harvard have really huge rooms?”
“Some do.” Someone says something in the background, and Toni laughs. “Hey, I meant to ask you, do you want to come up here for Halloween weekend? There’s a dance. It’s supposed to be cool.”
My face breaks into a full-on grin.
Two weeks ago, I’d emailed Toni a list of potential bus times for me to come visit. Toni had replied with a one-sentence note about being too busy.
When I first read that email, I thought that was it for us. I thought Toni was so mad about what I’d done that T had decided never to see me again. I’d gotten embarrassingly hysterical about it, actually. Then Samantha came in from the bathroom and I had to pretend I was all emotional from watching a sappy video about cats.
Then Toni sent me a totally normal text about dining hall food, and we’d gotten on video chat that night and gushed about how much we missed each other, and it seemed like things were back to usual between us. I guess Toni really was just overwhelmed in those first few days of school. I was so relieved I started crying as soon as we signed off the chat.
Now I’m going up tomorrow, and we’re planning another trip for after that. I guess things really are back to how they’re supposed to be.
“Sure!” I tell Toni. “I was thinking about going to the Village Halloween parade, but that’s okay. I’ve been before. Should I get a costume for the dance?”
“Yeah. Get something sexy, all right? I want to show you off.”
I laugh. Toni doesn’t usually say stuff like that. “Okay. Carroll can help me find something. Listen, do you have a sec to talk? It’s kind of serious.”
“Yeah, sure. Hang on.” A door closes on Toni’s end of the phone. “What’s up?”
I tell Toni about what I said to Carroll that first night. I don’t mention what Carroll said back, or how I didn’t know the answers to his questions. I’ll set him straight once I’ve read the websites and know the details.
Toni doesn’t react the way I expected.
“Oh, everyone knows now,” Toni says. “Even my roommates. Joanna’s in a class with someone who’s in the UBA, so they found out last week. It’s not a big deal.”
“Wow.” I sit down on the bed. I can’t believe Toni didn’t mention this before. I keep my voice normal, though, because Toni’s acting like it’s nothing special. “Really? Are they being cool?”
“Felicia’s being a bitch, but Felicia was a bitch already. Everyone else is acting extremely normal. Like they’re making a point of it. Ebony even asked me what pronouns to use.”
“What did you tell her?”
“That I didn’t care, yet.” I can hear Toni fidgeting. “Derek and Nance and those guys use male pronouns for me.”
Toni’s never used male pronouns before. What does this mean? Is Toni, like—becoming a guy?
Will Toni still like me as a guy?
I slide down from the bed onto the floor. I shake my head even though Toni can’t see me. “Why?”
“They assumed.”
“Oh.” I nod. That’s good. That means Toni didn’t tell them to do it. “Did you tell them to stop?”
“No. Actually, I kind of like it.”
“It’s kind of making me wonder if maybe someday I’ll start asking other people to do that, too.”
“Oh. Oh.”
I shake my head again. I don’t understand what’s happening here. I don’t like this.
Wait. No. That’s wrong of me. It isn’t up to me to like or not like this. This is Toni’s decision.
Wait, but—is it a decision? Being genderqueer is like being gay, right? Being gay isn’t a choice, obviously. My parents gave me a book about that in elementary school when my brother first came out. Being gay or trans is no more a choice than being Australian.
There’s silence on the other end of the phone. Toni’s waiting for me to talk.
“Oh,” I say. “Really? When?”
“I don’t know. I need to think more. I’ve talked to Derek about it. He’s cool. Easy to talk to.”
I can’t tell if that was an accidental pronoun slip or if it was on purpose. I can’t remember the last time I heard Toni use a gendered pronoun. Well, if they’re already out at a party, they’ve probably been drinking, so...
“Derek sounds great.” I swallow, still trying to sound normal. It’s not like I’m freaking out or anything. I’m just kind of...confused? Lost? “I’ll get to meet him when I come up tomorrow, right?”
“Yeah! Of course. They all can’t wait to meet you. I showed them your picture. Nance called you a hottie.”
I laugh. A little bit of the tension goes out of me. I can’t wait to actually see Toni again. Everything would be so much better if we could just touch each other. Just occupy the same space.
Someone bangs on my door. “Gretchen! Let me in! I need your help with this shirt dilemma!”
I laugh again.
“Did you hear that?” I ask Toni.
“Yeah. Have fun tonight. It’s a gay club, right?”
“Don’t do any drugs, okay? You would be so embarrassing high.”
I laugh. “Will do. Have fun hanging out in somebody’s room.”
We laugh some more.
“I love you,” Toni says in a low voice that brings a whole new smile to my face, because I know that voice is meant for only me to hear.
“I love you, too. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.”
“I know. Me, too.”
We get off the phone. Carroll, who’s kept up a steady beat on the door, acts all annoyed when I let him in. He’s topless, holding a stack of T-shirts.
“Finally.” He plops down on my bed and holds the first shirt up to his chest. “Thoughts?”
“Red works for you,” I say. “But isn’t it a bit much?”
“‘A bit much’ isn’t necessarily a bad thing.” He holds up another. “Too boring?”
“No, but won’t every other guy in the club be wearing that exact same shirt?”
“Maybe not. I heard straight people go to this place on Friday nights, too.” He tries the one he bought at American Apparel last week. “This is the safest choice.”
“I agree. It’s hot, though.”
“Yeah, it is.” Carroll pulls on the T-shirt and saunters over to Samantha’s mirror to play with his hair. “I must say, for someone who dresses herself like a slacker hippie, you have decent taste in guys’ clothes. Maybe you’re really a gay man trapped in a lesbian’s body.”
“No way,” I say. “I have a really strong gag reflex.”
He laughs. “So it’s another boring T-shirt and jeans ensemble for you tonight?”
“All I have is T-shirts and jeans. Oh, and that reminds me, I need you to come shopping with me soon. I’m going to a Halloween dance up at Harvard.”
Carroll’s looking through my closet. He nudges aside the backpack I’ve already filled with clothes and books for the bus tomorrow. “You don’t need to go shopping for that. No one at Harvard has any clue how to dress. Here, wear this tonight.”
He hands me a blue silk top I borrowed from someone last year and never gave back. I go in the bathroom to put it on.
I’ve got to stop stressing out. I want to be normal tonight.
Is it normal to have a girlfriend who doesn’t use the word girl, though? Wait, if Toni starts using male pronouns, would that make Toni my boyfriend?
No. Not thinking about this now. Tonight I will be Fun Gretchen. Then tomorrow I’ll go see Toni and everything will work itself out.
“Apparently this dance thing is a big event,” I say through the open door. “Toni told me to get something sexy.”
Carroll laughs. “Okay, whatever the missus commands. For now, though, could you please hurry up and do your makeup so we can get out of here?”
I slide on my Chapstick. “All set.”
* * *
The club is enormous. I’ve been to clubs in DC but nothing anywhere near this massive. Carroll’s never been to a club at all. I try to tell him this place is crazy huge, but as soon as our under-twenty-one hand stamps are in place and the doors have closed behind us, there’s no point talking. All we can hear is the pulsing music.
But it’s fun. It’s so, so amazingly fun.
We did a couple of shots before we came out, in Tracy’s room. (Tracy turned out to be awesome, actually.) Between the alcohol buzzing in my brain, the music pounding in my ears and the sight of hundreds of half-dressed guys grinding up against each other, I feel like I’m in a whole other fabulous universe. I stop thinking about everything that happened before this moment. I close my eyes and let the beat of the music flow up into my chest until it takes over my entire body.
And I dance. I never, ever want to stop dancing.
Carroll, for his part, starts grinning the second we walk through the doors and never stops. He’s entered his own personal heaven.
We dance to Beyoncé. We dance to Britney. We dance to Taylor Swift. Carroll makes the sign of the cross when “Like a Prayer” comes on, and I laugh because Toni’s sort of Catholic, too, and apparently I am destined to spend my life surrounded by sort-of Catholics, and right now that’s hilarious. Right now everything’s hilarious.
Carroll and I dance together for what feels like hours because each song is about twenty minutes long. Carroll’s an okay dancer, but he needs to loosen up. He gets a drink from somewhere, and that seems to help.
Suddenly there’s a sketchy guy dancing next to us. He has a mustache and a gold necklace that says Mama’s Boy. His bare chest is superhairy and soaking with sweat. I turn around so I won’t have to look at him while I dance.
I close my eyes again and sing along at the top of my lungs to the chorus of “Born This Way.” When I open my eyes, Carroll has his tongue down the sketchy guy’s throat.
Oh. Okay.
I dance by myself for a while. Then a guy with brown hair comes over and dances next to me. He shouts something that sounds like, “You’re full of snot!”
“What?” I shout back.
“YOU’RE REALLY HOT!” he shouts.
Oh. This must be one of the straight guys Carroll said might be here. I shout back, “I’m gay!”
“I’M GAY!”
I laugh.
The guy takes both my hands and we start dancing the way you do in middle school—step-together, step-together, one-two-three. I’m laughing even harder now. We dance like that through all of “Hips Don’t Lie.” Then the guy leans in and yells, “IS YOUR FRIEND OK?”
“WHY?” I look where he’s pointing. Carroll and the sketchy guy have broken their lip-lock, and the sketchy guy is talking really emphatically to Carroll. Carroll’s trying to back away, but he can’t get through the wall of bodies behind him.
I wave goodbye to the brown-haired guy and push my way through the crowd.
“IT’S TIME TO LEAVE!” I shout at Carroll. I grab his hand and tug him toward the door.
He tugs back, not moving. “IT’S EARLY!” he yells.
I look at Chest Hair Man. He’s grinning at me. It’s creepy.
“HEY, SORRY, WE GOTTA GO,” I tell the guy. Then I have a brilliant idea. “HIS MOM WILL KILL US IF HE MISSES CURFEW.”
I expect Chest Hair Man to be horrified at the implication of underage debauchery. Instead he licks his lips.
Okay, ewww. I stop smiling and turn back to Carroll.
This time I tug on both of Carroll’s hands. After a second of resistance, he lets me pull him across the floor.
I look behind us a few times as we fight our way through the crowd, but Chest Hair Man has upgraded (downgraded?) to a kid with bleached hair who doesn’t appear to have entered puberty.
We have to wait ten minutes for a cab. Carroll’s annoyed with me at first. I’m irritated, too. I was having fun before.
It all fades fast, though. We’re both too exhausted to be mad now that the high of the club music is gone. And suddenly we’re both starving.
We get the cabdriver to let us off at the pizza place down the block from our dorm and eat our slices as we walk home, the grease dripping down our chins and onto our sweaty clothes.
“Can I tell you something superembarrassing?” Carroll asks me in the elevator after he’s shoved the last chunk of crust into his mouth.
“Course.” I wipe grease off his cheekbone and reach for my phone. I haven’t looked at it since we got to the club. I have twelve new texts.
“That—” Carroll grins up at the ceiling, but he doesn’t look amused. “That was my first kiss.”
I gape.
“Don’t laugh,” he says.
“I’m not!” I sort of am, though, so I bite my lip. “But—seriously?”
“Yeah.” We’re at our floor, so I follow Carroll to his room. It’s empty. Juan is always out all night on Fridays. Some sort of track team hazing thing I don’t want to know the details of. “I told you before. I wasn’t lying. There were no other gay people in Arneyville.”
“I didn’t think you were lying.” I lie down on Carroll’s bed while he changes. “Anyway, congratulations.”
“Thanks. At least it’s over with, right?”
“Right.” I yawn. I’m tired but not sleepy. My muscles ache from dancing. I want to curl up here and not get up for hours, but I have to stay awake until it’s time to leave for the bus. “Wow, and on your very first night at a club.”
“With an ugly guy, though. Then I look over and see you dancing with a hot one.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure that guy was straight.”
“Like it matters.” Carroll pushes me over to one side of the bed and lies down next to me. “Your turn. When was your first kiss?”
I laugh and start thumbing through my texts. Two are from Briana, asking my advice about whether to ask out a girl she thinks is cute. “You really want to hear about that?”
“I want to hear everything about that. I’m praying it’s more humiliating than mine. Was it the girlfriend?”
“Oh, no. Toni and I didn’t get together until we were sixteen.”
I smile. That night was magic.
It feels like a lifetime ago. I was a different person back then. We both were.
I have a bunch of texts from Toni, too. I glance down the stream. Something about the trip tomorrow.
“So, how old were you the first time?” Carroll asks.
I shift my head onto his shoulder so I won’t have to meet his eyes. “Um. Eleven.”