Читать книгу One Passionate Night: His Bride for One Night / One Night at Parenga / His One-Night Mistress - Miranda Lee, Robyn Donald - Страница 18
‘I’M SORRY about this, sis,’ Daniel said as he hastily repacked the clothes he’d unpacked a couple of days earlier. ‘I know you must be disappointed.’
‘Yes, and no,’ Beth replied.
Daniel flicked her a questioning glance. ‘Meaning?’
‘I had been looking forward to your stay. I won’t deny it. I’ve been lonely since I gave up work to have this baby. But I’m willing to sacrifice the immediate pleasure of your company for the long term.’
Daniel zipped up his natty travelling case then glanced up at his sister again. ‘Meaning?’
She smiled. ‘I know my big brother well enough to know when he’s finally fallen in love.’
Daniel’s smile was wry. ‘Have I been that obvious?’
‘Afraid so. Vince said it was written all over your face at the wedding. Says he’s never seen a groom so much in love with a bride.’
‘It took me a while to realise the truth. But when I did, I have to tell you, Beth, I was blown away. True love’s pretty powerful, isn’t it?’
Her eyes went all soft. ‘Yes, Daniel. It is.’
‘I’d do anything for her.’
‘I can see that.’
He sighed. ‘I’m worried Charlotte might never feel the same way. I mean…this could all be rebound stuff.’ He didn’t like to say he thought it might be just sex.
‘Could be,’ Beth replied. ‘She must have at least thought she was in love with that other man, if she was going to marry him. But she’s obviously very attracted to you. The girl I met on Friday would not be taking you with her on her honeymoon if her own feelings weren’t pretty powerful. She didn’t strike me as the promiscuous type.’
‘She’s not,’ Daniel agreed, feeling marginally better with Beth’s reminder of Charlotte’s good character.
‘Then be careful, Daniel. She has to be confused right now. She’s going to need time to sort out her feelings.’
‘How much time?’
‘You’ll have to play it by ear, darling. Just be your usual confident, charming self and I’m sure she’ll be yours in the end.’
Daniel wasn’t so sure. Charlotte was different from every woman he’d ever been with. She didn’t seem all that impressed with his charm. Or his wealth. She only seemed interested in his body.
Which was certainly putting the boot on the other foot. In the past, that was all he’d been interested in when it came to women. Sex. Most of them hadn’t liked being reduced to sex objects. He could now understand exactly how they felt.
‘Charlotte inferred over breakfast that after this honeymoon holiday was over, we were over.’
‘Maybe she’s protecting herself. She thinks you’re the love ’em and leave ’em type, so she’s getting in first.’
Daniel glared at Beth. ‘She wouldn’t have thought that if you hadn’t said as much.’