Читать книгу The Billionaire's Fake Engagement / Man From Stallion Country - Robyn Grady - Страница 11

Chapter Two


Party noise filtered back into Alex’s conscience as Joe Davidson’s arms knotted over his dark polo shirt. “I take it you won’t object to a paternity test.”

Alex forced the words past the lump of wood stuck in his throat. “I need to speak to Bridget.”

“Hoping to pay her off?” Davidson’s burning eyes narrowed. “No amount will save you from taking responsibility for this.” The corners of his mouth dragged down in distaste. “You and your high-and-mighty family. Everyone knows where your grandfather got his money. Juan Ramirez was nothing better than a mobster.”

Alex eased forward, a subtle but one-time-only warning. “I’ll forget you said that.”

“Bridget kept this to herself,” Davidson went on. “Tonight she finally admitted the truth to her mother.” His voice cracked on a humourless laugh. “Can you believe it? Her life is ruined and she wants to save you from public scrutiny.”

Natalie shouldered past Alex. “Your daughter’s life isn’t ruined. She’ll have a beautiful baby and—”

Alex curled a quietening hand around her arm and tipped his chin at the exit. “It’s time you left, Joe.”

Paul Brennan edged forward. “I’ll escort you out.”

“You can’t sweep this under the mat,” Davidson seethed. “This isn’t the old days where families like yours shut people up. My daughter’s entitled to compensation.” Paul’s giant hand on Joe’s shoulder steered him toward the door. “You’ll hear from my lawyers…”

As the threats faded and Joe was marched to the lifts, Alex linked his arm through Natalie’s and turned at the same time the music paused. Below a sky of swaying balloons, curious faces were angled their way, including Teresa’s worried gaze, which found his from the far end of the room.

Straightening to his full height, Alex gave an “everything’s fine” salute, then led Natalie back to the dance floor.

The music faded back up but Natalie’s heels dug in. “How can you think about dancing?”

He studied her eyes, darker than their usual shade of green and yet full of indignant fire. “Nothing can be done tonight.”

He could strangle Davidson for making a public display of such a private matter, although it seemed obvious that performance had as much to do with Joe evening a past score. Joe Davidson was a successful hydraulics engineer. When Alex won a government contract for a purifying design four months back, Joe had accused him of “following family tradition” and bribing officials.

In truth, Alex had worked like a dog to assemble the right people with the right knowledge at the right price. That’s what he did best. He seized opportunities and made them work.

Her brow pinched, Natalie absently touched one pearl drop earring. “You’re right,” she murmured. “There’s nothing you can do right now. And if the child is yours…?”

Reaching the dance floor, he took her in his arms and began to lead. “I’ll cross that bridge if I come to it.”

God willing, there’d be no need.

Admittedly he’d had his share of intimate partners, but from the outset of each affair he was honest. He wasn’t after long-term. Recently, however, the attraction of short-lived affairs had worn thin. The reason was clear.

Natalie Wilder.

He’d never been smitten before and he couldn’t pinpoint why Natalie had taken such a hold of his sensibilities. His rational side said it was absurd, yet it was difficult not to think of her day and night.

She was beautiful, certainly. Intelligent, wellread, dignified. Everything any man could want in a companion. But the attraction—the deep-seated, powerful need—went beyond that. Something in her slumberous emerald-green eyes spoke to him. Something defiant yet almost sad. Something that begged to be released if only he found the right key.

Fact was, whatever unintentional spell she’d cast over him, he wasn’t prepared to have their affair end just yet. This misunderstanding with Bridget would be fixed, life would return to normal, and he and Natalie could go back to enjoying each day and each other.

“Alexander, I haven’t met your date.”

Brought back, he stepped aside then, smiling, dropped a kiss on his sister’s cheek. “Teresa, this is Natalie Wilder.”

Shaking back her exuberant mane of raven’s wing hair, Teresa clasped her hands under her chin. “At last! The mystery woman.”

Natalie hesitated. “Alex’s spoken of me?”

Teresa took Natalie’s hand. “More than once. My brother says you’re in real estate.”

Alex circled Natalie’s waist with his arm. “Agent of the Month, three months running.”

Teresa’s deep blue eyes flashed. “I’m impressed.”

Natalie wasn’t the type to brag so Alex blew her horn for her. “Natalie’s boss invested a lot teaching her the ropes, sending her to the best seminars, and it’s paid off. She’s his star agent.”

“Good for you!” Teresa exclaimed, genuine excitement shining in her eyes. “Do you plan to have your own agency one day?”

Natalie tilted her head. “As a matter of fact, I do.”

Alex’s brows jumped. First he’d heard of it. But then they knew so little about each other, or rather he knew so little about her.

Natalie cast an appreciative look around the ballroom, so alive with music, laughter and light. “It’s a beautiful party. Is your wedding date set?”

Teresa sighed. “Four torturously long months from now. Zach and I hope to have babies right away,” she explained. “Zach’s a twin, so two straight off would be wonderful. Having a happy family is so important to us both. Which reminds me…” She addressed her brother. “Alex, I was telling Zach about the Ramirez doubloon—”

Natalie cut in. “I’m sorry. Would you excuse me, please?”

With a polite but wooden smile, Natalie wheeled away and headed for the balcony doors, the folds of her silk gown undulating behind her in weightless silver-white waves.

Teresa cursed herself in their grandparents’ tongue. “Alexander, I’m so sorry. I’m not sure what I said but I didn’t mean to upset her.”

“You didn’t upset Natalie. Someone else did.”

“Your visitor?”

He squeezed his sister’s hand. “Get back to your party. I’ll explain later.”

He found Natalie standing by the ornate stone balustrade of the ballroom balcony, a harbor breeze lifting sable ribbons off her slender shoulders. Her hands were poised at her breast, her chin raised high as she stared off over the water as though seeing something he couldn’t.

In that timeless gown, standing composed in the moonlight, she looked like a goddess. A real-life Venus. Ravishing. Ephemeral. Tonight she was his.

Hands slipping into his pockets, Alex ambled forward. “Wishing on a star?”

She blinked out of her trance and met his gaze, an apologetic smile touching her lips.

“I’m sorry.” Dropping her hands, she set them on the railing. “Guess this night’s proving to be bigger than I’d expected.”

Joining her, he filtered a gaze over her lithe feminine form. Her scent reminded him of morning, like fresh dew on petals moments after dawn. Sunrise was the best time of day, particularly when he woke with Natalie nestled against his chest, her soft, even breathing blending with his.

He brushed a fragrant wave of her hair from her cheek. “I told you Teresa would like you.”

“Even after being so rude?”

“She’ll understand.”

Whether Natalie would come to terms with Joe Davidson’s news was another matter. He’d been jolted, too, but he wasn’t convinced he was the father of that baby. He needed proof positive and if the child turned out to be his…

Easing his other hand from its pocket, he perused the mysterious moonlit waters.

If the baby was his, of course he’d do what was right. First he’d need to figure out what “right” was. Financial and emotional support, no dispute. But marriage? Were gold bands going too far? Or was tying the knot, giving the child two full-time parents, the least he could do?

Following a talk with his father many years ago, Alex had made a vow: he would marry only after serious evaluation and an intelligent choice had been made. His father emphasised that choosing the right woman to be the mother of your children—choosing the right woman with whom to share your life and your bed—wasn’t a decision to be made lightly. Although his father admitted he’d been lucky, the kind of love about which the great poets lamented was rare and therefore not a true consideration; it was better not to love at all than to fall in love with the wrong type. Nonnegotiable, however, was the mutual respect that came from two people sharing the same values, principles and goals.

Alex had taken that conversation to heart. As a consequence, he looked for a certain criteria in his companions. For instance, he didn’t date single mothers—too many potential problems with exes for one. And yet tonight Joe Davidson had stated that he might have helped to create one. Talk about irony.

Releasing a breath, he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll get you a drink.” He could do with a stiff one himself.

She caught his sleeve. “This air’s calming enough.”

“We can leave if you’d rather.”

She pretended to scowl. “This is your only sister’s engagement party. We’re not going anywhere.”

Leaning back against the balustrade, he folded his arms, crossed one ankle over the other. “Guess I’ll be meeting your clan next.” Not that he’d envisaged sipping tea with her folks when they’d begun dating. He was curious, is all. He knew so little about her, which went against his usual rule where women he spent more than a little time with were concerned. Of course, paying her parents a visit would have to wait until after this pregnancy issue was sorted. He’d check with his obstetrician friend, Mateo, tomorrow. This confusion should be cleared up in a week, two at most.

When she kept her eyes on the flickering blankets of cityscape lights, as though she hadn’t heard his question, he angled his head. She’d closed up when Teresa had enquired about family, because of Bridget’s surprise pregnancy, no doubt. Still…“Do you realise you’ve never mentioned where you’re from?”

“Haven’t I?”

With a knuckle, he turned her chin and her wide eyes met his. “No, Natalie,” he said pointedly over a grin. “You haven’t.”

Her return grin included an overly patient look that said he was making a big deal of nothing. “I come from a very small, very ordinary town.”


“Called Constance Plains.”

“Doesn’t sound as if you miss it.”

“I don’t.”

“So you don’t plan on leaving Sydney anytime soon?”

“Not unless there’s a reason to leave.”

He pushed off the balustrade. “I can think of at least one good reason to stay.” The full moon’s light disappeared behind a cloud at the same time he gathered her close.

There hadn’t been a time when she’d denied his affection and tonight her body held no less warmth. Her mesmerising eyes searched his, the message in their jewelled depths unreadable but for one request. She wanted his kiss. Happy to oblige, he lowered his head.

When he covered her sweet mouth with his, the breath seemed to leave her body. Boneless, completely compliant, she dissolved against him as her hands on his chest wove up to hold his working jaw.

Raw desire licked through his veins as his hand on her shoulder hooked her slightly in. When he deepened the kiss, the quiet moan in the back of her throat confirmed that tonight’s news couldn’t affect how she felt.

She wanted him more than ever.

It had been such a long week. He couldn’t wait to get her home, to love her again the way she deserved to be loved.

But first…

Softy, reluctantly, he broke the kiss. Enjoying the heavy thrum of his heartbeat, he murmured, “We should get back.”

He was more than happy to celebrate this night with his sister, but frankly, he couldn’t wait to get Natalie Wilder back home and in bed.

Three hours later, he and Natalie thanked their hosts and left the thinning party crowd.

Alone together as the hotel lift door closed, Natalie asked, “Why do you have a bodyguard?”

Alex hit the ground floor key knowing he’d explained before, when they’d first begun dating. “Paul was my father’s man.”

“Was your father afraid for his life?”

She was alluding to Davidson’s barb about his grandfather being a mobster. Or was the inference closer to real time?

“You mean, am I afraid for my life?”

“Powerful men tend to have powerful enemies.”

The lift doors parted and they moved out into the hotel foyer, which was relatively quiet but for a group of vocal Canadians checking in.

“I’m not concerned about Davidson, if that’s what you mean. Besides there’s other duties a bright man like Paul can perform.”

Outside, a silver Bentley pulled up with Paul at the helm and Natalie grinned. “You mean like chauffeur?”

Placing a guiding hand on her back, Alex ushered Natalie out into an opulent sandstone forecourt, which was fringed by rustling palm trees and the hum of late-night traffic. “Paul wouldn’t like anyone else driving the Bentley.”

“It’s his baby, then?”

He stopped, quizzed her eyes. The B word hadn’t been mentioned since Teresa’s gaffe earlier. Now he had the biggest feeling Natalie would drive herself crazy with worry over the weekend when nothing could be done.

He waved off the hotel’s uniformed doorman then held her dainty hand in his. “I thought we agreed. I’ll speak with my people, but until then…”

“You really don’t think the child is yours.”

His jaw shifted and they began to walk again. He’d assure her as best he could. “I don’t. But I’m not so arrogant as to rule it out completely.”

That night Bridget had said she was protected. He certainly had been, but he could think of only one form of contraception that was infallible, and it was too late to talk about abstinence now.

They moved farther out into the cool night air at the same time Paul opened the Bentley’s back passenger door. Alex thought nothing of the man dressed in a rumpled jacket and jeans approaching. But when the man stopped and reached for something from beneath his jacket, Alex’s protective instincts flew into action.

“Can we get a statement, Mr. Ramirez?” the man said, revealing his notepad at the exact moment Alex stepped in front of Natalie and Paul shot forward to seize the man’s shoulders. The man stumbled back, the camera case slung over his shoulder swinging as his voice rose. “Is it true you’re denying the paternity of a child conceived six months ago?”

Alex served the reporter a withering look as Paul tussled him away.

But the man only raised his notepad higher. “How does Bridget Davidson feel about you abandoning her for another woman?”

“Paul.” Alex hooked an arm. “Let’s roll.”

With a parting shove, Paul rounded the hood as Alex helped Natalie into the backseat.

But the jerk wasn’t giving up. Someone had dropped him a tasty lead. Now he fought for the story like a rat after cheese.

Near the back window, the man dipped his ginger head and peered inside the car. “Are you Natalie Wilder?”

Alex caught the notepad and flung it in the gutter. “No comment.”

Perhaps a broken jaw would convince this guy to quit.

Either suicidal or just plain dumb, the reporter slung off another question. “Is it true you plan to marry Ms. Wilder?”

His face hot with temper, he slid into the seat beside Natalie as Paul revved the engine. Before closing the door, Alex gave his unequivocal answer.

“Yes. It’s true.”

The Billionaire's Fake Engagement / Man From Stallion Country

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