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7 Steps to a Safe, Nurturing Nursery


Dr. Frank Lipman


Robyn Griggs Lawrence

Copyright 2012 Dr. Frank Lipman,

All rights reserved.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-0936-8

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

7 Steps to a

Safe, Nurturing Nursery

You’re pregnant. You’ve stopped eating sushi and started a vitamin regimen, and you’re thinking about the nursery. Your baby will spend most of her first year sleeping, and you want to give her the safest, most nurturing space possible--a place where she can thrive. This is where things could get stressful.

Retail stores and the Internet are cluttered with baby products, from cribs to car seats. All claim to be safe, but it’s hard to determine what “safe” really means. Most baby products are treated with flame-retardant chemicals. That’s great if you’re concerned about fire but alarming when you read in the news that other countries are banning these chemicals because they’re toxic to humans. Reading that BPA and phthalates can mess with developing hormone and reproductive systems makes you want to keep plastic out of your baby’s space--and that sounds easy.

Planning a nursery doesn’t have to be overwhelming, and no mom-to-be should have to stress herself out Googling “babies and chemicals.”

Avoiding the chemicals of most concern is easier than ever. In the past decade, the marketplace for organic, chemical-free cribs, mattresses, bedding and furnishings has blossomed. Made of natural materials such as organic cotton and wool, solid woods and milk paint, these products feel better, smell better and provide more comfort for your baby. Let your maternal common sense guide you. Soft, absorbent wool just instinctively feels better than plastic. Your nose knows the difference between chemical and non-chemical paint. You naturally gravitate toward solid wood over less durable particleboard and vinyl.

To create the safest, most nurturing bedroom for your little one, you need to remember only these seven simple steps. Your baby will sleep better, and so will you.

Natura’s Classic Crib Set provides a naturally healthy, soothing sleep environment, free of harmful chemicals and offgassing.

7 Steps to a Safe, Nurturing Nursery

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