Читать книгу Sweet Destiny - Rochelle Alers, Rochelle Alers - Страница 12

Chapter 3


Mia woke to diffuse light coming through the sheers. The house appeared to be as silent as a tomb. Then she remembered Selena telling her the third floor was soundproof. Folding back the many quilts, she swung her legs over the side of the bed, walking barefoot over to the window. Sitting on the cushioned window seat, she wiped away the condensation with her fingers and peered out the window to find it was still snowing.

When she’d gone to college in Philadelphia, it had been the first time she’d experienced a real honest-to-goodness snowstorm. It had snowed nonstop for two days, and when it finally stopped Philly was buried under more than two feet of frozen precipitation. It had been a weekend and Mia had found herself snowed in with her cousins Belinda, Chandra and Denise, who’d come over to her aunt Roberta and uncle Dwight’s house to hang out with Chandra. They had talked to Donna Rice—Belinda and Chandra’s older sister—and her twin daughters using a webcam.

Mia felt hot tears prick the backs of her eyelids when she thought about Donna. Her cousin had died, along with her husband, Grant Rice, in a horrific head-on collision when a drunk driver swerved across the road and collided with their car. Earlier, after their daughters had been born, Grant and Donna had named Belinda and Grant’s brother, Griffin, as legal guardians to Sabrina and Layla. Ironically, Belinda and Griffin eventually married and were now the parents of three children with the birth of their son, Grant Rice II.

Mia chided herself for becoming depressed when she should have been looking forward and not reminiscing about the past. As a doctor, she’d experienced the miracle of life and the finality of death. But she didn’t want to become so far removed from the cycle of life that she became indifferent. She was a scientist and a realist, but she was also empathetic—sometimes too empathetic to be a good doctor, she thought.

Stretching her body across the window seat, she closed her eyes, willing her mind to go blank. She’d begun meditating, on the advice of her roommate, who’d shared a two-bedroom apartment with her in downtown Houston. Mia found the exercise calming, and it left her feeling balanced. As an only child she’d grown up pampered and protected. But as she matured, what most people would consider protected and indulged she thought of as being smothered. Even when she’d gotten her driver’s license, her mother had arranged to have a chauffeur at her disposal. Of course her friends loved sitting in the back of the limo pretending they were out on the town.

What they couldn’t understand was that Mia wanted to do things normal girls did: hang out at the mall, have sleepovers, go to the movies, flirt with boys and attend high school football and basketball games. But for Letitia Eaton, her daughter’s sleepovers were catered affairs, and Mia’s sweet sixteen was comparable to a high society wedding.

The clock on the fireplace mantelpiece chimed the hour, and she opened her eyes. It was nine o’clock, time to get up and face the first day of a new year.

Mia had showered, shampooed her hair, made the bed and put the bedroom in order when she skipped down the staircase to the first floor. Dressed in a pair of tailored black wool gabardine slacks, a cashmere twinset and a pair of leather ballet-type flats, she walked into a large kitchen to find Selena with three women, all of whom were talking at the same time.

“Good morning.”

The trio turned to look at her. Recognition dawned on the face of Selena’s mother. With the exception of the gray strands in her hair, Selena was a younger version of Geneva Yates. Even without a formal introduction she knew the eldest woman was Kenyon’s grandmother. He hadn’t inherited her coloring, which looked like aged parchment, but he did have her cool gray eyes. Her silky, silver hair was fashioned in a bun on the nape of her long, elegant neck.

“Good morning,” came a chorus of female voices.

Selena approached Mia, pulling her into the kitchen. “I didn’t expect you to be up this early.”

“Whenever I wake up, I usually get up. It’s been a long time since I’ve had the luxury of sleeping in late.”

“Maybe if you had a husband you’d have an excuse for staying in bed,” Lily Yates mumbled loudly.

“Grandma Lily!” Selena and Geneva said in unison.

Lily, a tall, slender, raw-boned woman, waved her hand in dismissal. “Don’t ‘Grandma Lily’ me, because you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Her eyes narrowed when she stared at Mia. “You’re not going to worry much longer about that, because I see you getting married.”

Geneva put down the wooden spoon she’d used to mix a batch of cornmeal. “Grandma Lily, please stop. You’re scaring Mia.”

“No, she’s not,” Lily countered, “even though she looks like she would blow away in a strong wind. No, Geneva. This young girl don’t scare that easily. Do you?”

“No ma’am.”

Lily clapped her hands. “See, I told you.”

Geneva gave her mother-in-law a disapproving look. “Please don’t start with you seeing visions.”

“Why is it everyone else believes me when I see things, but you don’t, Geneva? The only time you ever listened to me was when I told you not to marry that good-for-nothing triflin’ Jimmy Pritchett. Of course he ended up just where I said he would. In prison! But, then you redeemed yourself when you married my son.”

“Mama.” It wasn’t often that Geneva referred to her mother in-law as Mama. But when she did, Lily knew she was upset with her. “Don’t forget that we have a house guest.”

Lily shoved her hands into the patch pockets on her bibbed apron. “Must you be reminded that Mia is family, not a houseguest. In fact, she will…” Her words trailed off before she predicted what she’d seen in the vision that had flashed in her mind.

“She will what, Grandma?” Selena asked.

“Never mind,” Lily mumbled under her breath. She’d learned over the years there were some things better left unsaid. “Mia, can you cook?”

The question caught Mia off guard. “A little.”

“I can see that, because you’re skinny as a rail. Sit down and I’ll fix you something to eat.”

Mia’s gaze shifted from Lily to Selena, who nodded, then back to Lily. “Thank you, Miss Lily.”

“None of that Miss Lily business. Call me what everyone calls me. Grandma Lily.” She said Grandma as if it were a grand title, like Your Highness or Mr. President. Lily Masterson-Yates was proud of her grandmother status, and now at seventy-six she was looking forward to the birth of her great-grandchildren.

“Can I perhaps help out with something? I’m not very hungry.”

Selena reached for Mia’s hand, directing her to a round oak table in the dining nook of the expansive kitchen. “We were all going to sit down and eat breakfast before we start cooking.”

“What about Xavier?”

“He’s still in bed. So is everyone else. The men probably won’t get up until it’s time for the football games. Then you’ll have to blow them out of the family room to sit down to eat. Dinner will last about three hours—sometimes four, then everyone retreats to the family room to watch a movie or sleep it off.”

“How many bedrooms do you have in this house?” Mia asked.

“Six, not counting the one in the attic. Then there’s my grandmother’s apartment in the converted garage. I’ll give you a tour after we finish cooking. By that time everyone should be up.”

“I’m not the world’s greatest cook, but at least I can help with something.”

“How are you with slicing and dicing?”

Mia smiled. “I know how to use a scalpel.”

Throwing back her head, Selena laughed loudly. “Should I be afraid of you?”

“Nah! If I was going to go after someone I’d use a gun rather than a knife.”

Selena’s eyebrows lifted a fraction. “You know how to use a gun?”

“Girl, please. I’m from Texas. I can shoot the cap off a longneck thirty feet away.”

“Well, damn!” Selena drawled.

“There will be no talk of shootin’ ’round here,” Lily called out. “It’s enough I have to see my son and grandson carrying guns like they were attached to their bodies.”

Mia leaned closer to Selena. “She heard that?”

“My eyes aren’t as sharp as they used to be, but there’s not a darn thing wrong with my ears,” Lily said sharply.

“Would you prefer I carry a slingshot instead, Grandma?”

All gazes were trained on Kenyon as he strolled into the kitchen. Mia hadn’t realized she was holding her breath until she felt slightly light-headed. Kenyon was dressed entirely in black: T-shirt, jeans and thick black socks. He wasn’t wearing a belt, and the waistband on his jeans rode low on his waist. He also hadn’t bothered to shave, and the stubble on his lean jaw enhanced his blatant masculinity. His cropped black hair lay on his scalp without a hint of curl.

Lily glared at her grandson. “You don’t need to be sheriff.”

Kenyon ignored what had become his grandmother’s mantra, approached her and swung her up off the floor as easily as if she were a small child, kissing her cheek. “Good morning and Happy New Year, Grandma.” He released, then kissed Geneva. “Good morning, Aunt Gee.”

“Don’t you dare pick up me,” Selena warned as Kenyon came toward her. She rested her palms over her belly in a protective gesture.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt the baby.”

“What baby!?” Geneva gasped.

Selena affected a sheepish expression. “I’m still not sure. I want to wait until the end of the week to make certain.”

Geneva’s hand shook as she placed it over her mouth. She was expected to become grandmother of twins in another three months, and now the announcement that her daughter could be pregnant had shaken her normally unflappable composure.

“Why wait?”

Selena exhaled an audible sigh. “I don’t have a choice. It’s not as if I can wade through two feet of snow to buy a pregnancy kit.”

“I have a kit.”

Turning slowly, Kenyon stared at Mia. He’d thought her single, but now there was the possibility that she might be carrying another man’s baby. “Do you also suspect you’re pregnant?”

Mia felt a shiver of annoyance and embarrassment flood her body. If she was or wasn’t pregnant, it still was none of Kenyon’s business. Why, she thought, was he so interested in her personal life? “No. I am not pregnant. But I always carry a kit in my medical bag.” She felt a modicum of redemption when he managed to look embarrassed at her come back.

“Sorry about that,” he mumbled.

“Apology accepted.” Mia winked at Selena. “Do you or don’t you want to know?”

Geneva nodded her head like a bobblehead doll. “Say yes.”

Selena stared at her grandmother. “Do you want to know, Grandma Lily?”

Lily sat on a stool at the cooking island. “Take the test, Selena.”

“You already know, don’t you?”

“Stop badgering your grandmother and take the damn test,” Geneva spat out.

Selena jumped as if she’d been struck by a sharp object. She’d never known her mother to be so testy. “Oooo-kay,” she drawled. She sighed at the same time she blew out a breath. “Let’s go, Dr. Eaton. You just got your first patient.”

Mia gave Kenyon her best saccharine grin. “Kenyon, I need you to do something for me.”

Inky-black eyebrows lifted questioningly. “What is it?”

“I’m going to need you to help me get to my car. My medical bag is stored in a locked compartment under the hatch.”

She’d made arrangements for two drivers, one driving her SUV and the other a rental, to leave her car in Matewan. They were instructed to drive north to Charleston, leave the rental at the airport and take a return flight to Houston. If she hadn’t had to attend Denise’s wedding in Philadelphia she would’ve made the thousand-mile drive by herself.

Kenyon held out his hand. “Give me your keys and I’ll get it.”

“It’s upstairs.”

He motioned with his head. “Let’s go, Doc.”

Mia felt the heat from Kenyon’s gaze on her back as she walked out of the kitchen. Although the staircase was wide enough to walk two abreast, he decided to follow several steps behind and was no doubt staring at her rear end.

“There should be a key fob under the driver’s seat. The set I’m going to give you has a special key that will open the compartment.”

Kenyon smiled, staring intently at the way the fabric hugged Mia’s hips and concluding she wasn’t as skinny as she was slender. There was no way anyone would ever mistake her for a boy because her hips were much too curvy.

“Why didn’t you carry your bag onboard?”

“I would have if I’d taken a private jet. A bag filled with scalpels, syringes and narcotics would definitely raise a red flag. What I didn’t want to do was spend my New Year’s locked up or having my medical supplies confiscated.” She peered over her shoulder once they reached the second floor. “Do you ever travel with your firearm?”

“Not as a sheriff. But I did when I was federal flight deck officer.”

Mia stopped suddenly and Kenyon bumped into her. She would’ve fallen if not for his quick reflexes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have stopped like that.” The apology was breathless, as if she’d run a long, grueling race. It was hard for her to breathe when Kenyon’s arms were around her.

Kenyon wanted to tell Mia he wasn’t sorry, because it gave him an excuse to hold her, the curves of her body fitting perfectly against his as if they were interlocking puzzle pieces. “Are you all right?”

No, I’m not all right, Mia thought. Her heart was pounding a runaway rhythm, her legs were shaking slightly and her stomach muscles were tightening with each breath. She took indescribable delight in the press of his hard body against hers and the scent of his masculine cologne wafting in her nostrils.

“I’m okay.”

Kenyon released his hold when it was the last thing he wanted to do. “Are you certain?”

If she’d been her mother, Tish Eaton would’ve feigned feeling faint if only to remain in Kenyon’s arms a bit longer. Nodding and smiling, Mia said, “Quite certain. I was a little shocked, because I hadn’t realized you are a pilot.”

“I was a pilot,” he said, correcting her.

“Just because you’re a sheriff that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to fly.”

“I’m a licensed pilot who no longer flies for a living.”

“I see.”

Reaching for her hand, Kenyon continued up the staircase. “Ask me, Mia.”

She gave him a sidelong glance. “Ask you what?”

“Why I gave it up to police a town with less than six hundred people.”

“Why did you?”

A beat passed. “I missed my home and my family.”

“But didn’t you get time off?”

“Not enough. Now I work around the clock for four straight days, then I’m off for three. I can sleep in my own bed, make repairs to my house in my spare time and I can hang out with family and friends on my downtime.”

“So, flying to different cities and countries isn’t as glamorous as the travel brochures?”

“Not when you’re cooped up in a hotel room trying to recover from jet lag or get enough sleep to remain alert. When I felt as if I couldn’t sleep in another strange bed or eat another precooked restaurant meal, I decided it was time to get out.” Kenyon followed Mia into the bedroom. “It was years before Selena would allow me or her brothers to come up here.”

“Did she have a sign on the door that read No Boys Allowed?”

He nodded, smiling. “How did you know?”

“My friends had brothers who used every trick in the book to get into their bedrooms.”

“What about your brother?”

Mia eased her hand from Kenyon’s loose grip. “I don’t have a brother.”


She shook her head. “I’m an only child.”

“So you’re a spoiled brat.” Kenyon had spoken his thoughts aloud.

Mia gave him a withering look. If she had been Medusa he would’ve turned to stone on the spot. “So, that’s where the questions and snide remarks are coming from. It’s because you believe I’m a snob.”

“Unless you show me differently, then yes.”

“Why? What have I said or done to make you say something so asinine?”

“When you came here for Selena’s wedding you walked around with your nose in the air. At first I thought you were probably not used to the smell of hay, but when you didn’t bother to interact with any of my relatives I knew then you were looking down on us. And, it didn’t help that you kept looking at your watch.”

Kenyon’s assessment of her left Mia speechless. He’d judged her without knowing anything about her. “You are so wrong,” she whispered.

“Am I, Mia?”

Heat that began in her chest, washed over her face, bringing with it a light sheen of moisture. She wanted to smack the smirk off Kenyon’s face instead of attempting to explain who Mia Eaton was, then decided it wasn’t worth the time disclosing why she’d been so distant that night.

She waved her hand. “Forget it. Let me get you the key.”

Reaching out, Kenyon’s fingers circled her upper arm, pulling her close. “No. I’m not going to forget it. If I’m wrong, then I want to know why.”

Tilting her chin, Mia felt the moist warmth of his breath over her lips. Their mouths were close enough where each could swallow the other’s breath. Her gaze moved slowly over sharply defined features that made for an arresting face. However, it was his steely gray eyes that pulled her in, holding her captive. He looked like a large black cat with hypnotic, luminous orbs that had the power to penetrate her thoughts and see how much his presence unnerved her. She didn’t want to find herself drawn to a man who had a woman in his life. It unknowingly had happened to her once, and Mia wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice.

“Selena is waiting for us.”

“Stop stalling, Mia.”

She jerked her arm away. “Right now I’m not Mia, but Dr. Eaton. If you want to talk, then we can do that later.”

Kenyon stared at her from under lowered lids. She was right. They could talk later because it wasn’t as if they were going anywhere—at least not until it stopped snowing and the roads were plowed. He nodded, acquiescing.

“We’ll talk later. But it will have to be after the football games.”

“Okay.” Turning away, she retrieved her tote. Searching in the cavernous leather bag, she found the key chain and handed it to Kenyon. “The key is magnetic, so you have to put them in the right grooves for the lock to disengage.”

Kenyon extended his hand, and he wasn’t disappointed when Mia placed her smooth palm on his. Tightening his grip, he led her out of the bedroom and down the staircase to the front door. He stopped, sat on a low bench and slipped into his boots.

“Where do you think you’re going?” he asked Mia when she reached for her boots.

“I’m going out with you.”

“No, you’re not.” Standing, he reached for his jacket on the coatrack. “This will go a lot faster if I go by myself. What good would you be to your patients if you’re laid up after a bad fall?”

Her eyes narrowed. “What if you fall?”

Leaning down, Kenyon brushed his mouth over her parted lips. He winked at her shocked expression. “Maybe I’ll fall on purpose just to see how good a doctor you are. It will be the first time we’ll have a doctor in the family.”

Her jaw dropped. “What are you talking about?”

“My cousin married your cousin, and in my book that makes us cousins.”

“Where I come from cousins don’t kiss cousins.”

Kenyon smiled. “And where I come from they do. Besides, that really wasn’t a kiss.”

Mia didn’t want to debate him. “Whatever,” she drawled.

She waited on the porch, trying to see beyond the curtain of white as Kenyon made his way gingerly down the steps and around the house to the carport. Leaning over, she noticed that the carport had been constructed to accommodate at least half a dozen vehicles and that snow had accumulated only around the tires. Thankfully her Volvo was the last one parked beside Kenyon’s black Yukon. It took all of three minutes for him to retrieve her bag and make it back to the house.

“Nice bag,” he said, handing it to her.

“Thank you.” Her parents had given her the more feminine version of the medical bag in brown crocodile with her monogram in gold as a gift when she passed the examination to earn her medical degree. A combination lock had replaced the regular key-type lock.

She headed for the kitchen, walking in and finding Selena sitting on a stool while her mother and grandmother were basting a large, fresh ham. Mia motioned to Selena to follow her.

“I’m going to give you a small paper cup. Void in the cup and then leave it on the vanity in the bathroom. I’ll take care of the rest.”

Selena held up the cup. “It’s so small.”

“I only need a few drops.”

“We’ll use the bathroom off the family room.”

Mia followed Selena into the family room. She sat down to wait on a leather sectional arranged in front of a large flat-screen television. There were club chairs with matching ottomans, floor and table lamps and a commercial popcorn machine. She glanced around the room, looking for a refrigerator that would be stocked with beer. The space wasn’t as much a family room as a man cave. Ashes in the fireplace were evidence of a recent fire.

Selena had mentioned her great-grandfather and grand father had built the house, and she wondered how many years it had taken them to complete the three-story, multi room farmhouse. There was no doubt they’d taken meticulous care in selecting the wood for the floors, staircase, banister and newel posts. They weren’t carpenters or furniture makers, but artisans. “It’s done.”

She turned to find Selena standing only a few feet away. The expectant look on her face spoke volumes. Selena wanted to be pregnant.

“I’ll be back with the results in a few minutes,” Mia said. She removed a pair of gloves from her bag and a box with a wand. She walked into the bathroom. The space contained a free-standing shower, commode, sink and vanity. Slipping on the gloves, she removed the wand, dipping it into the cup. By the time she’d emptied the remaining liquid into the toilet then rinsed and discarded the cup in a plastic-lined wastebasket, the results of the test were visible.

“Selena,” she called. “Come and look.”

With wide eyes, the pastry chef walked tentatively into the bathroom. The readout on the wand indicated she was pregnant. “I can’t believe it,” she chanted over and over. “I just didn’t think it would happen so quickly.”

Mia smiled as she placed the wand in the box, leaving it and the gloves in the basket. Together, they left the bathroom. “Do you want to know your due date?” With tears streaming down her cheeks, Selena nodded. “I need to know the first date of your last period.”

Selena mentally calculated. “November twenty-third.”

Mia reached into her bag again, this time taking out a round object that spun like a pinwheel. “November twenty-third,” she said under her breath, “would make your due date August thirtieth.” She wasn’t given time to react when Selena threw her arms around her neck, hugging her tightly. “Congratulations.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Selena took off running, while Mia closed her bag.

“It looks as if you’ve made someone very, very happy.”

Mia looked up to find Kenyon leaning against the carved oak door, powerful arms crossed over his chest. “It was the news she was hoping for.”

“What about you, Mia?”

“What about me?” she asked.

“Do you want children?”

An uncomfortable silence followed his query. It was the first time any man had asked whether she wanted children.

Jayden had asked her to marry him even though they’d never talked about whether either of them wanted children.

“I suppose I’d like a couple.”

“You suppose?”

“If I met someone and loved him enough to marry him, then of course I’d want to have his children.”

“Why do you make marriage sound like it’s a gift wrapped up in a neat little bow?”

“Why are you so cynical, Kenyon? Please don’t tell me you don’t believe in marriage?”

His lids lowered, the gesture hiding his innermost feelings. “I believe in marriage. In fact I tried it once.”

“What happened?”

“We weren’t as compatible as we thought we were.”

“Was she a local girl?”

Kenyon shook his head. Closing the distance between them, Mia patted his shoulder. “That’s where you went wrong. Next time you should look for someone who is geographically compatible.”

“I’ll try and remember that the next time I date a woman,” Kenyon said over his shoulder when Mia walked past him, the subtle scent of her perfume trailing in her wake.

He nodded, thinking about her response. Maybe Mia was right. If his ex-wife had been a local woman, beyond a doubt they would’ve remained married. But he was never one to dwell on the past and what wouldn’t or couldn’t be. He’d dated a number of women since his divorce, yet none were able to touch that part of him that made him want to commit. When he thought about them he was forced to admit that none were like Dr. Mia Eaton—sexy and totally unforgettable.

Sweet Destiny

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