Читать книгу International Institutions and social, economic and cultural rights - Rodolfo Gutiérrez Silva - Страница 8
adb: Asian Development Bank
cas: Country Assistance Strategies
cao: Compliance Advisory Ombudsman
cct: Conditional Cash Transfers
cdf: Comprehensive Development Framework
cirefca: International Conference on Central and American Refugees
eclac: Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
efap: Erosion and Flood Action Plan
escr: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
icescr: International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
ida: International Development Assistance
ifis: International Financial Institutions
ilo: International Labor Organization
ifc: International Finance Corporation
jmba: Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority
mdb: Multilateral Development Bank
miga: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
ngo: Non-Governmental Organizations
payg: Pay as you go
prsp: Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
prgf: Poverty Reduction Growth Facility
rrap: Revised Resettlement Action Plan
sgr: Second-generation reforms
tanf: Temporary Aid for Needy Families
udhr: Universal Declaration on Human Rights
un: United Nations
unhcr: United Nations Refugee Agency