Читать книгу Under the Fig Tree - Roger Hutchison - Страница 14


Newtown’s Trinity Episcopal Church invited Roger, bringing his

special skills, to minister to the traumatized survivors and their fami-

lies. There, under his benevolent gaze, the children could work out their

distress as the painting table became the image of the Lord’s Table where

they received communion and the promise of healing. You could almost

call it art therapy, but such a term would be reductive. Roger’s Christian

faith combined with his artistic gifts enlarges his work into a higher


Now, Under the Fig Tree appears with its invitation to adults. Above

all, it is deeply biblical, which commends it especially to those seeking

a closer identification to the Gospel. Roger’s seemingly simple sketches

catch the eye, but more important, his way of combining biblical texts

and pictures gives rise to thought. There is humor, yes, and surprise, but

also depth. Passages from the Old and New Testament have inspired his

images in a way that brings the participant deeper into the narrative of

salvation. It is a joy to commend this lovely book to adults and older

children alike.

Fleming Rutledge

Rye Brook, New York

April 21, 2015

xii Under the Fig Tree

Under the Fig Tree

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