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Chapter 2

Wednesday afternoon found 2LT Karen Rivera standing in front of LTC Steven Reynolds in his small barren office. She listened to the ranting of the old dinosaur.

“You just don’t listen to instructions. You think you can do anything you want.”

“Sir, I just…”

“I don’t want to hear it. You think you’re better than me, that you can do what you want, when you want. Well, you’ll be restricted to the barracks until Monday. Officer training was wasted on you. If I could kick you out, you’d be gone yesterday. Now get out.”

As Karen walked to the barracks, Adam Palomalu caught up with her.

“What did the old man say?”

“That we didn’t follow our orders—we cheated to beat the other team.”

“That’s crazy. We found a problem with the tactics that we could exploit.”

“Well, I’m restricted to the barracks until Monday.”

“Maybe you should bend over backward and kiss his butt.”

“No, I won’t do that. I can’t help it if he is so stuck on these old tactics that a baby could beat him.”

“No, but if he doesn’t pass you, what will happen?”

“He told me he can’t kick us out. Maybe I can show someone how inept the old man is.”

“Who would that be.”

“I don’t know. I’m going back to the barracks to study.”

With the exercise cut short, Adam went to a small clear area to work with rest of the company. The area had no trees or bushes, but they worked on fire and movement drills. After twenty minutes, the soldiers became bored. Adam opened a book of infantry company tactics to see what they could do. Adam started with some advanced assault tactics with different formations. After two hours of practice, they stopped.

Betty-Jo asked Adam, “Can we get Karen to come with us?”

“Not likely. Reynolds was mad at getting beat by her again.”

Betty-Jo countered, “But we can go to Karen’s room to study advanced tactics. Race you back to the barracks.”

I returned to Fort Benning early Wednesday morning to a confused and frantic Katie. She had a clipboard, fifteen semitrucks parked on every street, and all the drivers talking at once.

“Katie, staff meeting in thirty minutes in the S3 conference room.”

Katie returned with the staff as I closed the conference room door.

I looked at Katie. “I thought you were to call me if there were problems.”

“Not a problem from my point of view.”

I looked to address my staff.

“We have about 1600 troopers in training. They say training will be about six months. But I think they will be here sooner.”

Pam asked, “Where do we put them all, sir?”

Candice remarked, “We need more barracks space.”

“I’ll have to contact the post commander.”

A tall young African-American girl knocked on the door and entered.

“Sir, there is a COL Jeffries on the phone.”

I picked up the call in the conference room on the monitor. “Good morning, Bob, what do you have for me?”

“Jimmy, how are you?”

“Doing fine, how is Paula doing?”

“She’s in college now.”

“That’s great, but I don’t think this is a social call.”

“That’s right, The four buildings you have now will be the center of the regiment. You will get four buildings east and four buildings west and a smaller three-story building north for the regimental command. Major Endicott will bring papers and tour the buildings with you.”

“Thanks, Bob, we’ll have to try to get together later.”

“That would be great. After things settle down, call me.” After the call, I looked at everyone. “Pam, call formation. We have to inform the troopers we have work to do.”

“What do you mean?”

“We have to get the buildings ready for the troops. Beds, wall lockers, chests of drawers, bedding. It all has to be set up before they get here.

I heard Pam call, “Attention,” to the formation. I marched out to Pam. Pam turned about, saluted, and reported, “Sir, the battalion is formed.”

I returned her salute, looking over the battalion. “Commanders, prepare your units for inspection.”

I watched as they opened ranks, the first row taking two steps forward. The second row took one step forward. The fourth row took two small steps back.

“Commanders, inspect your units.”

I went to Alpha Company to review the inspection. I pointed out a few small minor uniform problems. The inspection went smoothly, with the troopers looking good. After inspection, the commanders closed ranks.

“At ease. We are a regiment. We will get about 1,600 more troopers in. We will get more buildings and will have to get them ready before they get here.”

John Gregory asked, “When will they be here, sir?”

“They can be here anytime in the next six months.”

“Then we have plenty of time before they get here.”

“No, they could be here in two weeks up to six months. So we have to get the buildings ready now.”

A thin, averaged-sized major approached me and saluted. I returned his salute.

“Colonel Preston, I’m Major Endicott.”

“Major, let’s get started on the tour. Katie and Jim, come along. Pam, take command of your battalion.”

“COL Preston, we will go to the four buildings to the west, the four to the east, and finish with the smaller building to the north.”

“Lead the way, Major Endicott.”

The inspection was tedious and time consuming. The buildings were dirty but in good shape.

“Katie, we need to start on the buildings.”

“We need supplies and tools to get started.”

“Call Jim in here for me.”

Jim came in. “What do you need, Colonel?”

I gave him the supply card. “Here is the card you will need to get supplies. Get what you need to fix up the buildings.”

“Can I take Katie with me?”

“Take Katie, two trucks parked out front, and six troopers with you.”

Jim smiled. “Thanks. Come on, Katie, let’s get going.”

After they left, I sat in my chair, thinking how a unit is activated. No unit has been activated with all young inexperienced troopers. My choice to promote within these young troopers makes it even harder. They need to gain ten years of experience in a few weeks. Not sure if I bit off more than I can chew. I called Bob to request support. “Bob, I need a car until my unit gets some in.”

“Sure, Jimmy. I can have it there in an hour.”

“Thanks, Bob, it will help me get around.”

I walked out of my office, looking around. The room was deserted, not a trooper in sight. I walked to Katie’s office, looking in the door. The African-American girl was placing papers on Katie’s desk.

“What’s your name?”

“2LT Jamie Terrell”

“What is your job?”

“I’m helping out Candice.”

“Well, you can help Candice, but I need you to be my driver.”

“Yes, sir. What do I drive?”

“Post will be sending a car over on loan. If I need you, I’ll call you.” I went back to my office and called Jane.

“This is Jane Minder, how may I help you.”

“Hi, Jane. Can you help me to check on my units training?”

“Let me send you an e-mail you can use to inspect the training records of the soldiers.”

“Thanks, Jane. This will be of big help when I go review the training data.”

Friday afternoon, I hollered for Jamie.

“Right here, sir. What do you need?”

“Let’s go. I’m heading for the infantry training brigade to review the training data.” As we left, I called Katie to let her know where I was going. I asked Jamie about her family.

“You promise not to tell anyone?”

“This will be our little secret.”

Jamie related, “I don’t know my parents. We grew up in a group home of about twenty-five of us. We had six adults raising us.”

“I take it none of you knew your parents.”

Jamie replied, “Not that I know of.”

“That kind of makes you part of an extended family.”

Jamie smiled. “I like to think so, sir.”

“Did any others join the army?”

Jamie grinned. “We all joined, some in my unit. Some are in infantry training now.”

We pulled up to the infantry center and schools headquarters.

“Here we are, come with me.”

“Yes, sir. Right with you.”

Getting out of the car, we parked behind the brigade commander’s car. As the commander stepped out of his car, I recognized my friend, William Carlisle.

“How are you doing, Billy?”

“Jim, what are you doing here?”

“I have something to show you.”

“Let me see what you have.”

I gave Bill the e-mail from Jane. As he read it, he glanced at me. “What do want to see?”

“Bill, I would to see all training evaluations and all discipline records for my troopers.”

“So you’re the one stuck with the youngsters.”

“Yeah, I asked Jane why they picked me.”

Bill asked, “What did she say?”

“She said they wanted a teacher.”

“Well, Jim, it will take a little time to get it all together. Come in and have some coffee while we get it together.”

“Thanks, Bill. How is the family?”

“The family is fine. Tammy is dating a young lieutenant. Jeff just made captain.”

We followed Bill into a three-story building and down a long hallway to Bill’s office to wait for the information. Jamie waited outside the office for me. After twenty minutes, a young sergeant entered to inform us the information was in the conference room. Bill showed the way, with Jamie following us.

“When you’re done with this, come see me. The information isn’t to leave this room. I’ll see you when you are done.”

I sat down and started to scan through all the information. I could see they were ready now. They worked well together and had a good grasp of infantry tactics. LTC Reynolds commanded the first battalion, LTC Rice commands the second battalion. In just two weeks, they were using advanced tactics with complex formations in the first battalion.

Looking over the disciplinary records, it look mostly normal for a training unit. However, Karen Rivera, Adam Palomalu, and Betty-Jo McDonald had been disciplined for failure to follow orders.

“Look here, Jamie, some of the troopers like to take the initiative. They got in trouble for it, but they think on their feet.”

Jamie related, “Some in my platoon did it once, but not after the first time.”

“Why, what happened?”

“They got in trouble. They spent a week cleaning toilets.”

“Jamie, these troopers are in the first battalion. I need to talk to the commander.”

Jamie followed me into Bill’s office. Bill was at his desk, with papers he was reading.

“Bill, can I talk to LTC Reynolds?”

“Sure, Jim, what about?”

“The discipline of three troopers.”

“Oh, well I can see why you want to check them out. From what I know, those soldiers didn’t follow the assigned tactics.”

“Bill, they did it three times.”

Bill held up the papers in his hand. “Four times”.

“Let’s go talk to LTC Reynolds.”

Bill lead us out of the building, across the street to the first battalion headquarters. Once inside, we went down another long hallway to LTC Reynolds office. We waited outside until LTC Reynolds was able to see us.

Bill introduced us. “Steven, this is COL Preston.”

“How are you, COL Preston?”

“Fine. How have you been, Steven?”

“I made lieutenant colonel without your help.”

“Steven, I would like to talk about the three soldiers you disciplined.”

Steven countered, “What’s your interest in this?”

“They’re my troopers, I need to evaluate all of them.”

“Well, they don’t obey orders. I set the formation, and they change it on their own.”

I asked, “What were the formations used?”

Steven said, “I was using basic company line formations for a ground assault.”

“Did you stipulate that these tactics be used only?”

“I don’t have to tell them. They haven’t learned advance assault tactics yet.”

I told him, “Thanks, Steven, that should be all for now.”

Walking back to Bill’s office, we talked about the troopers. I decided to see if I could get my troopers released from here early.

“Bill, can we talk to these three troopers?”

“I don’t see why not. Let me call them down here.”

As we waited for the troopers to arrive, we talked about the four exercises.

“You know, Jim, I’m not sure if Steven was more upset about losing than the soldiers improvising on the fly.”

“That I can understand. How about if we make the next exercise a little competition?”

“What are you suggesting exactly?”

“Let LTC Reynolds take Bravo Company and I’ll take Alpha Company on a field exercise. Each company will spend time on defense and offense. See who does a better job.”

“I like the idea, but what will that prove?”

“Well, I’ll delegate control of Alpha Company to someone in the company.”

“Who would you get to run the company?”

“I’m not sure just yet, but I have some ideas. By the way, don’t tell them I’m the regimental commander.”

Bill’s administrative assistant knocked and entered. “Sir, the soldiers are here.”

“Pat, please send them in.”

Karen Rivera a raven-haired Hispanic girl, Adam Palomalu, a big tall Polynesian, and Betty-Jo McDonald, a tall Irish girl with green eyes and flaming red hair, entered the room. All three stood at attention, looking straight ahead. I waited to see what they might do. Not a move, no flinching, no roving eyes.

Bill started, “At ease, soldiers. We want to talk about your performance.”

I jumped in, “I would like to hear your side of the story.”

Karen started, “It’s my fault, sir. We’ve been studying basic tactics for two weeks.”

Bill countered, “Training normally is six weeks of infantry tactics before graduation.”

Betty-Jo countered, “Sir, we know basic tactics. We got bored and wanted to tried more advanced tactics.”

“Jim, they won the exercises in twenty minutes.”

“Bill, I think we should have one week to practice the tactics we will use in the exercise.”

“Jim, should we use the MILES system for this?”

“I think we need the MILES for this exercise.”

Karen asked, “What are you talking about?”

“We’re talking about a small wager on a field exercise.”

Adam responded, “What are you wagering on this exercise?”

I smiled. “Freedom.”

Karen asked, “What do you mean by that?”

“We win, both battalions are released to me. We lose, and you all stay to finish the whole training program.”

Karen looked at me. “What do you mean released to you?”

“I’m your first commander. Everyone will be assigned to my regiment.”

Karen asked, “What do I have to do?”

“Fight one field exercise against Bravo Company.”

Betty-Jo asked, “What’s MILES?”

“MILES is Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System. It is a sort of laser tag system. When you are hit with a laser, a laser on the rifle stops working, and the load-bearing straps flash red lights.”

“Jimmy, don’t do it. Steven will be mad if you do.”

I looked Karen in the eyes. “You know me better than that.”

Bill sighed and added, “Yeah, I know you better than anyone. You’ll put that little spitfire in charge of the exercise.”

Karen slowly smiled, thinking, Is this exercise mine to win or lose?

The drive back started out quiet. As I contemplated my brash decision, Jamie spoke up.

“Sticking your neck out, Colonel?”

“Maybe I’m sticking it out a little, but I think we can pull it off.”

“I wish you came to my unit.”

“Why do you say that?”

“You’re giving them a chance we never had. By week three, we were so bored we started fighting with everyone. After that, they accelerated the training schedule.”

I responded, “After that, I would think they would accelerate the training for these units.”

“Not according to what I heard.”

I looked at a training schedule. “The schedule is for another three weeks of infantry tactics training.”

As we left infantry training regiment, I saw Katie sitting with Paul Minder. What is his connection to Katie and my unit? We continued on to the new regimental headquarters.

“Well, that made for a fun afternoon.”

Jamie asked, “Will I get to watch the fun?”

“I’ll coordinate for drones to transmit the battle for First and Second Battalions to watch. You should be able to watch it with them.”

“Thanks for the opportunity, sir.”

Entering, I went to my office. It was finished—a small room on the first floor with one large desk with a high-back office chair, one file cabinet, a five-drawer safe, and two extra chairs. I sat down and looked over all the items that needed a signature. After two hours of signing my name, Katie came in.

“How was your day, Katie?”

“It went OK. We’re getting the barracks ready. I heard you are doing an exercise with other soldiers.”

“Your brethren in the infantry training brigade.”

Katie asked, “Can you win the exercise?”

“Katie, I’m not the one commanding the troopers.”

“What? Who is going to command them?”

“Karen Rivera. She was disciplined four times for using advanced tactics.”

Katie asked, “Can she win this exercise?”

“I think she will carry the day in the exercise. I’m going to get something to eat. Want to join me?”

Katie looked at the papers on my desk. “No, I’ll go to the mess hall and do some reading afterward.”

“OK. Next time you see Paul, tell him I said hi.” I left the office with Katie standing stunned. By the time I got to my car, Katie was at my side.


“A little tongue-tied, Katie? Hop in and we’ll get some dinner.”

“How do you know about Paul?”

“I saw you and Paul talking on my way back. I dated Jane a couple of years ago. What has me baffled is what is Paul’s connection to you.”

“Paul is my father.”

“Why different names?”

“Paul said it’s to keep me safe.”

“What would be the danger of your name?”

“Dad didn’t specify the danger.”

“How do you know he is your father?”

“He visited us every month when I was ten. Jane was with him. Jane noticed me right away. Two months later, I talked to Jane and learned the truth.”

“What does he want?”

“Just to see me. That’s all.”

“I know Paul. He wants something.”

“No, he just came to visit me.”

“Katie, I know he wants something, and I’m going to find out what it is.”

I called Jane Friday night. “Hi, Jane, can we get together for dinner?”

“When and where do you propose?”

“Carlo’s is very good. Saturday, 6:00 p.m.”

“What’s the reason for this dinner date?”

“I want to talk to you and Paul. I won’t go into anything over the phone.”

“I see, I’ll call Dad and we’ll be there.”

“Thanks, I’ll see you both soon.” I called Katie into my office. “Pack an overnight bag. We’re going to Washington DC.”

“What’s the reason for the trip?”

“Going to see some friends, and you can use a little time off.”

“What about the unit?”

“Pam will be in charge of the unit.”

“OK. Let me get ready.”

We left on the redeye for Reagan National Airport. The shuttle was full of tourists heading for DC. We slept at the hotel. Saturday morning, I gave Katie a tour of the city. We went everywhere—the Library of Congress, the monuments, The Capital Building, lunch at a small diner.

Katie said, “This is fun. I never had such a good time.”

“Too bad we have to return to the real world.”

We arrived at the restaurant early and were seated first. We waited only ten minutes when Jane and Paul arrived.

Paul stammered, “W-What’s she doing here?”

I responded, “It’s good to see you too, Paul.”

Jane was mad. “Jim, I think this was a stupid trick.”

I looked Jane in the eyes. “Why is Katie the only name for the regiment?”

Jane replied, “I don’t know what you mean. Everyone is listed for the regiment.”

“Maybe they are now, but two weeks ago, Katie was the only one.”

Jane offered, “I don’t know why. However, now you have the First Battalion listed. Let me know when you need soldiers promoted.”

“Thanks. Can you help me with something?”

Jane asked, “What are you up to now?”

I smiled at Katie. “I have a bet with Bill Carlisle on an exercise.”

Jane’s eyes got big, and then she squinted at me “Why do I get the feeling it isn’t for a case of beer?”

“If Alpha Company beats Bravo Company, both First and Second Battalions will be graduated and released to my command.”

Paul replied, “Wow, you sure do things on a grand scale. Who are the company commanders?”

“LTC Steven Reynolds will command Bravo Company.”

Jane said, “Let me guess, you’re commanding Alpha Company.”

“I put Karen Rivera in command of Alpha Company. She was disciplined four times by Reynolds.”

Jane gasped. “My god, Jim, what were you thinking? He’s a trained veteran with over twelve years’ experience.”

“She was disciplined because she beat him four times. Reynolds has a hard time adjusting to the flow of combat.”

Jane smiled. “And you need me to get them released.”

“Well, I have a lot more freedom with this unit, but I can’t get them released.”

Jane held my arm down. “Can I come and watch the battle?”

“I was hoping you would.”

I looked at Paul. “Paul, Katie said you don’t want anything. Well, you won’t get anything from us then.”

Dinner arrived. We made small talk about my unit and the troopers. Paul looked deep in thought. After dinner, Paul suggested a walk in the park. It was a nice night for a walk. Paul was quiet until we were deep in the park.

“Jim, I need data from the soldiers in your unit.”

I asked, “Why?”

“I can’t say why.”

I told Paul, “You can say, you just won’t tell me.”

Paul was quiet for a few minutes. “OK, I’ll tell you, but this must stay between us please.” Paul started with a history of his grandfather’s work. When we finished the walk, I promised to provide anything he wanted.

At the hotel, Katie joined me in my room. I saw a strange look in her eyes.

“Thanks for being so understanding.”

I looked at Katie. “It makes sense, the troopers are so different that no one understands them. So how much can you bench press?”

Katie smiled. “How much do you think?”

“Probably more than me.”

Katie asked, “What about the exercise?”

I looked at Katie. “What of it?”

“Are you going to let them run the battle.”

“Katie, I will meet with the company on Monday to pass some information.”

“Like what?”

“I have to instill in them the fact they must adapt to the battle. It doesn’t work the other way around.”

Katie looked lost. “What do you mean?”

“A battle plan is only good until you meet the enemy. The enemy is trying to outmaneuver your forces. You have to do it to the enemy first.”

“Then what do you do?”

“Katie, you must adapt to the flow of battle to win. Counter anything the enemy does.”

Katie lit up. “I see. What if they don’t?”

“Then they will lose.”

Katie's Command

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