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– The most distinct feature of these lizards is the large ruff of skin which usually lies folded back against its head and neck. The neck frill is supported by long spines of cartilage which are connected to the jaw bones.

– The species’ main predators are eagles, owls, larger lizards, snakes, dingos and quolls.

– The Frilled-neck lizard is a solitary hunter. This lizard is an arboreal animal, spending most of its time quietly camouflaged on trees and coming down only at sunrise and sunset in order to feed. The Frilled-neck lizard is a very territorial animal.

– Like many lizards, frill-necked lizards are carnivores, feeding on cicadas, beetles, termites, and mice. They especially favour butterflies, moths and their larvae. Though insects are their primary source of food, they also consume spiders and occasionally other lizards.

Fauna of Australia. Photo Album 2020.

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