Читать книгу Up Against The Clock: How You Can Double Your Time? - Ronald C. Mendlin - Страница 12



Start with where you live. Your desk, in a sense, is your home, your touchstone, your base of operations. Some might even say your desk is a reflection of your state of mind.

Chances are you spend a significant amount of time at your desk. So your desk should be organized in a way that compliments your rhythm and style of work.

Almost everyone works better at an uncluttered desk. Even if you’re a creative genius, it does little good to have random piles of paper that you have to sort through whenever you’re looking for a particular document, or to have multiple files and projects open at the same time.

Keep it simple. If there’s something for you to sign, sign it immediately and be rid of it. If there’s something to file, file it immediately or, at the very least, place it in a designated To Be Filed pile.

FIRST RULE OF THE DESKTOP: Only keep on your desk those items that you need easy access to today, or that you use on a regular basis.

SECOND RULE OF THE DESKTOP: Keep closest to you those items that you use the most frequently.

Up Against The Clock: How You Can Double Your Time?

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