Читать книгу Your Best Day Today - Rontavis Ph.D. Shamar - Страница 3


Just Do It!

The time has come to move past the excuses and move into your destiny. WHATEVER He says do, just do it! Jesus is not one for excuses or doubts. He tells his mother that His time has not yet come, but He still does the miraculous.

God is not concerned with our weaknesses, our pasts, our flaws or our excuses. He just wants us to do what He asks so that He can make miracles happen. When we become more obedient to the Word and Will of God it allows the Lord to move in a mighty way. It’s our disobedience and doubt that keeps the Lord from doing the great things that He wants to do. Don’t let this be another day that you stop God from doing great things in your life. Open up and look for God to move in your life today.

Be ye holy, be ye just, be kind and be loving, don’t fret and do not doubt. Whatever He says do, Just Do It!

The Word of God tells us to work as unto the Lord, do it. The Word tells us not to be lazy, well. It tells us to act in excellence, this is practical. If you put these things into action you are bound to succeed. You don’t have to look for the Heavens to open and have a dark cloud speak to you to know what God is saying do. It’s right in His word. Just Do It!

Daily Declaration

Today will be the best day of my life. I will not let anything or anyone stop me from reaching my potential. I am the righteousness of God and I will do whatever God says do. Today will be the best day of my life because I will Just Do It in Jesus’ name.

Your Best Day Today

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