Читать книгу Homemade Christmas and Festive Decorations: 25 Home Craft Projects - Ros Badger - Страница 9


Knitted angel

Placing the angel at the top of the Christmas tree is traditionally the final task in the annual ritual of decorating the branches. And what could be more charming than this little knitted angel?

You will need

 4-ply wool in the following colours (use up ends to make this angel as it takes tiny amounts): cream, tan or skin tone, pink, yellow (or other colour, for hair)

 3.25mm (UK size 10; US size 12) knitting needles

 Stuffing or cotton wool

Tension over stocking stitch

14sts and 18 rows = 5cm (2in)


Arms (make 2)

Cast on 10sts in cream, 2sts in tan.

Work 6 rows in stocking st (knit one row, purl one row).

Cast off 12sts.

The arms and legs naturally roll so that the reverse side of st st is on the outside. Catch together cast-on edge to cast-off edge in the direction that they have rolled. Sew in any loose ends.

Legs (make 2)

Cast on 12sts in tan, 2sts in pink or a contrast colour.

Work 6 rows stocking st.

Cast off 14sts.

Catch and sew edges as for the arms.


Cast on 20sts in cream.

Work 17 rows in st st.

Then knit 6 rows more.

Cast off.


Cast on 4sts in tan or skin tone.

Row 1: Knit.

Row 2: Purl.

Row 3: Knit, inc 1st at either end of row (6sts).

Row 4: Purl.

Repeat rows 3 and 4 (8sts).

Work 4 rows more in stocking st.

Row 11: Knit, dec 1st at either end of row (6sts).

Row 12: Purl.

Rows 13 & 14: As rows 10 and 11 (4sts).

Row 15: Purl.

Row 16: Knit.

Cast off.

Wings (make 2)

Wings are all garter st (knit every row).

Cast on 6sts in cream.

Rows 1 & 2: Knit.

Row 3: Knit, inc 1st at either end of row (10sts).

Row 4: Cast on 4sts at beginning of row, knit to end (14sts).

Rows 5–7: Work 3 rows in garter st.

Rows 8–11: Rep last 4 rows (18sts).

Row 12: Cast on 4sts at beginning of row, knit to end (22sts).

Row 13: Knit, dec 1st at beg of row.

Row 14: Knit, dec 1st at end of row.

Row 15: Knit, dec 1st at beginning of row (19sts).

Cast off (this is the outside edge of your wing).


Cast on 44sts in cream and knit 2 rows.

Row 3: Knit.

Row 4: Purl.

Rows 5–18: Rep rows 3 and 4, ending on a purl row.

Row 19: K4, k2tog, * k3, k2tog, rep from * 6 times more, k3 (36sts).

Row 20: Purl.

Row 21: K3, k2tog, * k2, k2tog, rep from * 6 times more, k3 (28sts).

Row 22: Purl.

Row 23: K2, k2tog, * k l , k2tog, rep from * 6 times more, k3 (20sts).

Row 24: Purl.

Cast off.

Fold in half and sew the side seam of the skirt.

To make up

• For the head, sew the side seams, then stuff from base. Embroider eyes with two small over stitches for each.

• To make hair, thread a darning needle with yellow (or any preferred colour) yarn and stitch around the head with random running stitch but leaving loops instead of pulling the yarn flat.

• For the body, fold in half and catch the legs at each corner of the cast-on edge and sew across with running stitch, securing the legs in position as you sew. Sew the side seam of the body, then stuff the body and sew approximately 5mm (¼in) either side on cast-off edge for shoulders.

• Attach the base of the head to the ‘neck’ space, using over stitch or any neat stitch as preferred.

• Place the skirt over the doll’s body and use over stitch to catch the cast-off edge around the body approximately 1 cm (½in) below the garter st detail of the body.

• Sew in any loose ends.

• To attach the wings, sew the cast-on edge of each wing to the centre back of the angel’s body.


This pattern can also be adapted to make little dolls for children – just leave out the wings and change the colours of the dress. Small items such as this are great for using up any scraps of wool left from other creative projects.

Homemade Christmas and Festive Decorations: 25 Home Craft Projects

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