Читать книгу Zero Waste Cooking For Dummies - Rosanne Rust - Страница 55
Keeping the Environment and Your Wallet in Mind
ОглавлениеA lot of things may come to mind when you think about the environmental impact of your grocery shopping habits. You may think about how foods are packaged, whether they’re grown organically or conventionally, and whether they’re local or international. However, throwing away less of the food you buy likely has a greater impact. In addition, shopping only for what you need and wasting less food, saves you money.
Adopting more of a zero waste lifestyle requires you to ask yourself a few questions. For example, how are you going to use the food you buy? Are some of the foods on your list multipurpose items that you can use in multiple ways (such as fresh produce, rice, or canned beans; see Chapter 6)?