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For many years, I have felt the presence of guiding beings in my life. I cannot pinpoint when my awareness opened to them; rather, it seemed to be a gradual expansion of consciousness that reached out beyond the physical realm. The presence of these beings became more pronounced in adulthood after I embarked in earnest upon my own spiritual quest, both personally and professionally. The more I focussed my attention upon them, the more defined these beings became.

My initial intuitive sense was that these helping beings were ‘angels’ and that is what I have always called them. The interpretation of nonphysical entities is subjective – what one person calls an angel, another will call, for example, the guiding presence of Jesus, or the Virgin Mary, or God, or Goddess, or the spirit of a beloved one who has died, or an animal spirit guide.

I sense a small group of angels who are around me all the time, connected to my personal and professional lives. They are joined by other angels who come and go depending on circumstances. Perhaps angels, in their individual expressions, have ‘specialties’ the way humans have in order to make a living.

When I began work on An Angel in your Pocket, the angels came out in force. It seemed I had a small army looking over my shoulder to weigh in with their various influences. When I set off to interview someone, my angelic band came with me, and was joined by another band of angels attached to the person I was meeting. Indeed, David Cousins, a clairvoyant and healer whom I met at his home in Cardiff, commented that the room was packed with angels who wished to participate in our conversation.

Angels do much more than guide us in our work. There are angels that look after our relationships, our health, our spiritual growth and our homes. There are angels that come into our lives just to assist us with major transitions. There are angels that accompany us when we travel. Whenever I drive in my car, I visualize ‘travelling angels’ riding on the hood, bonnet, and roof and clinging to the sides.

Sometimes angels arrive in our lives with a single purpose mission, and depart when that mission is accomplished. When I was going through a dark night of turmoil, which involved the breakup of my marriage, an upheaval in my work, and more than one relocation, I was assisted by angels of healing.

I believe in angels, and I believe that the more we believe in angels, the more they manifest in our lives. That has certainly been my own experience, and the persons who shared their experiences for this book attest to that as well. Angels are ready to help us. All we have to do is acknowledge them.

Rosemary Ellen Guiley

An Angel in Your Pocket

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