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1  1 There are many different terms to describe the same phenomenon: Deleuze and Guattari use the terms ‘the Majority subject’ or the Molar centre of being (1987). Irigaray calls it ‘the Same’, or the hyper-inflated, falsely universal ‘He’ (1985b [1977]; 1993 [1984]). Hill Collins calls to account the white and Eurocentric bias of this particular subject of humanistic knowledge (1991). Sylvia Wynter calls it ‘Man1’ (2015).

2  2 The story of Odysseus’ encounter with Polyphemus and the Cyclops can be found in book 9 of Homer’s Odyssey.

3  3 It is significant to remember that Beauvoir herself experienced discrimination in that she was not allowed into the elite ‘Grandes Écoles’ of the French education system, though she was allowed to attend the Sorbonne university.

4  4 The first Greenham Common Women’s Peace and anti-nuclear Camp in the UK began in September 1981.

5  5 In the early 1970s several fascist dictatorships still existed in Europe, notably Spain (1936–74), Portugal (1933–74) and Greece (1967–74).

6  6 Source: European Commission. 2018. The Gender Pay Gap in the European Union, https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/aid_development_cooperation_fundamental_rights/equalpayday-eu-factsheets-2018_en.pdf

7  7 Source: ILO. 2019. Global Wage Report: How Big Is the Gender Gap in Your Country?, ILO.org, https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/multimedia/maps-and-charts/enhanced/WCMS_650829/lang--en/index.htm

8  8 Laurie Anderson, Home of the Brave, 1986.

9  9 The subindex Power of the Gender Equality Index 2017 of the European Institute for Gender Equality gets a score of 48.5 per cent, which is the lowest score of all domains. https://eige.europa.eu/sites/default/files/documents/mh051704enn.pdf. The Global Gender Gap Index of the World Economic Forum has a gender disparity gap of 77.1 per cent worldwide. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGGR_2018.pdf

10 10 Source: EIGE. 2017. Gender Equality Index 2017: Power indicators in EU-28: Data table, eige.europa.eu, https://eige.europa.eu/gender-equality-index/2015/domain/power

11 11 Statistics on the exact rate of female ownership of wealth and assets are widely divergent. The 10 per cent figure was suggested by Oxfam in 2019.

12 12 With thanks to Premesh Lalu for our ongoing dialogues.

Posthuman Feminism

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