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Оглавление“What time did you get in last night?” says Mum.
“Two o’clock,” says Natalie.
Needless to say, the question was addressed to me.
“We had a bit of trouble with the car,” I say truthfully. “I thought I’d better see it out with Geoffrey.”
“Oooh. You saw it out, did you?” says Natalie.
I ignore this piece of tasteless crudity and pop another piece of Ryvita into my mouth. For all I know the car may still be there. At least, the police silenced the horn before they took Geoffrey away. I remember how upset he sounded when they pulled all the wires out from underneath the bonnet.
That was at midnight. It took me two hours to get away from that horrible man and walk home. I have heard about people like him but I never thought I would be chased through a cemetery by one of them. I never thought people got up to tricks like that in cemeteries, either. Some of the things that were going on you would not believe if you were warned about them in the Sunday papers.
“The post is here,” says Dad. “There’s a big one for you, my girl. It must be your cards.” He drops a large buff envelope in front of me.
“I expect it’s the prospectus,” I say, trying not to let my excitement show as I slip my knife under the flap.
It is indeed. ‘St Rodence Private School For Girls, Little Rogering, Nr. Southmouth, Hants.’ There is a picture of a big house set amongst trees and rolling countryside, and an embossed coat of arms.
“Looks like a lunatic asylum,” says Dad.
Natalie laughs like he is Jack Benny.
“You recognise it?” I say. Once again, I can see that Dad is on the point of revealing that he has no sense of humour and it is as well that Mum steps in.
“Nice countryside, dear.”
“That’s one of the things that appeals to me,” I say truthfully.
“And having Southmouth so near,” says Natalie snidely.
“Perhaps you would care to elaborate on that remark?” I say grandly.
“Eeeoh I seeay,” minces Junior Nausea. “Fraytfully sorry and all that. Actually, you know, I was referring to the proximity of all those jolly jack tars. Do I make myself plain?”
“You don’t have to bother,” I say. “Somebody beat you to it.”
“Now, girls. Let’s have none of that.” Mum intervenes again. “If Rosie wants to go into teaching it’s up to us to give her all the support we can. Right, Harry?”
“Uum.” Dad sounds about as happy as Ted Heath finding that someone has locked up his organ and thrown away the key.
“There’s fourteen teachers,” I say. “And a broadly based curriculum.”
“That’s nice,” says Mum. “Your Aunt Enid used to play one of them.”
“What’s all this Oxon business after their names?” says Dad.
“Probably means they’re stupid,” says my pathetic sister.
“Don’t be an idiot,” I say. “B.A. Oxon means they’ve got an agricultural degree.”
“What’s the point of that at a girl’s school?” says Dad.
“It is in the country,” says Mum.
“They teach them to be milkmaids,” says Natalie.
I shut out their voices and read on about the acres of playing fields and the entrance scholarships won to Cheltenham Ladies College and Benenden. There is also a note from Penny:
“Dear Rosie,
Here is the official story. Don’t believe a word of it. The prospectus has not been reprinted for years. Half the playing fields have been sold as a building site and the left wing of the school—you can’t see it in the photograph—was blown down in the last gale. Luckily it had been evacuated after the school inspector fell through the floor—or ceiling—or both, dependent on which way you look at it.
But don’t let me put you off. The staff aren’t as bad as the sisters at Queen Adelaide’s and though the pupils are worse than the patients I’ve found a few very acceptable compensations—details when I see you! After receiving your letter I told Miss Grimshaw that you might be interested in the job and she is expecting a call. Hope this is O.K.? Must go now as I have a man hanging on for me—to the window sill, actually. Ho, ho, just my little joke—write soon. Love, Penny.”
“What does the letter say, dear?” asks Mum.
“Says I’ve got to get in touch with the headmistress,” I say.
“Gym mistress,” says Dad, shaking his head. “I just can’t see it somehow.”
I think Dad may be right but I don’t let on, of course. By a strange coincidence, I am on the point of picking up the telephone to call Miss Grimshaw when it starts ringing.
“Hello, it’s me,” says Geoffrey. “Are you all right?”
“No thanks to you and your Japanese wacky racer” I say coolly. “You know I had to walk all the way home?” I am expecting a profuse apology from the Chingford amateur rapist but I don’t get it.
“You were lucky,” says Geoffrey. “They’ve only just let me go.”
“It’s your own fault,” I say. “You should have zipped yourself up before you got out of the car.”
“It wasn’t only that,” groans Geoffrey. “They found your lipstick and compact in my blazer pocket. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. They thought—they thought I was some kind of pervert.”
I have never heard it put as strongly as that before. Poor Geoffrey, how very unpleasant.
“You should have told them about me,” I say. I am always ready with any offer of help short of actual assistance
“I did,” says Geoffrey. “But you weren’t there, were you? That made it even worse. Apparently there’s been some sex maniac up there, terrorising courting couples.”
“You don’t have to tell me that!” I scream. “Who do you think chased me through Chingford Mount Cemetery?”
“That’s terrible!” Geoffrey sounds comfortingly horror-struck. “Why didn’t you call a policeman?”
“Because there wasn’t one! They must all have been helping drag you back to the cells.”
“Oh dear. It had been quite a nice evening up until then, hadn’t it?”
“How did the breathalyser test go?” I ask.
“Positive.” Geoffrey shudders. “That was horrible too. They take your blood, you know. It’s not just a question of blowing into that bag. I took one look at the hypodermic and passed clean out. When I woke up I was covered in blood.”
“I’d banged my nose on the counter as I went down.”
“That’s terrible, Geoffrey. Are you all right, now?”
“My nose has stopped bleeding, yes. Now it’s just the charges.”
“Drunken driving, gross indecency and causing a public disturbance. I think they might drop the last two if I buy them a new mat. I bled all over the last one.”
I am speechless. Geoffrey deserved some reprimand for leaving me alone at the mercy of that terrible man in a plastic mac—he kept telling me he was a bank manager, I wonder why?—but this is surely too much.
“What did your mother say?” I ask.
“She’s terribly upset. She’s been to see a solicitor and made me an appointment with a psychiatrist.”
Typical, I think. With Mrs Wilkes everyone is guilty until they are proved innocent. After that they are guilty again.
“I don’t know what to say, Geoffrey,” I bleat. “If there’s anything I can do to help you must let me know—send you a cake, that kind of thing.”
“Well, I—er—I don’t really know how to ask you this but I was hoping you might give evidence at the trial, if it comes to that.”
“Geoffrey, you know I’m in the middle of trying to get a job as a school teacher.”
“Yes, but—”
“And at a private school, too. It might be different if it was a comprehensive.”
“But without you, Rosie, there’s no one to prove that I wasn’t—that I’m not—”
“It’s not the end of the world,” I say soothingly. “People are much more broad-minded about sexual abnormality these days. Of course, there may be a few eyebrows raised at the tennis club but they’ll soon get used to the idea. You may even find that it takes the pressure off your tennis. You won’t be worrying about your game so much.”
“But, Rosie—”
“I must go, Geoffrey. I’ve got to ring the headmistress about this job. You know how important it is to me. Good luck with the—with everything. Give my regards to your mother.”
“She’d like to have a word—”
“I wouldn’t bother to ring up in the next few days because we’re having the house rewired and the phone is being disconnected.”
“But you don’t—”
“Goodbye, Geoffrey. Thanks for taking me out.” I put the phone down quickly and start dialling the St Rodence number. Whatever happens, I must not let Geoffrey’s misfortunes undermine my confidence.
The number rings for a long time and I am just beginning to wonder if I have the right one when the dialling tone stops and a fruity voice says,
“Geood morning. St Rodence School. Headmistress’ secretary speaking.”
“Good morning. My name is Rose Dixon. I think Miss Grimshaw is expecting me to get in touch with her regarding a j—a position she needs filling.” “Job” doesn’t sound very posh, does it?
“Heold eon, please.” There is a rustling of papers followed by what sounds like a bottle falling over and a muffled oath. “I’m seorry to keep you waiting. You’ve caught us in the middle of elevenses.” I hear a belch and a burst of uncontrolled laughter.
“I’m sorry. Would it be better if I rang back?”
“Neo, it’s quite all right. I’m just looking for the appointments book. Ah, here it is. Underneath this—” The voice exhibits signs of strain and there is a sound like a heavy body falling to the floor “—pile. Neow, where are we? Ah, yes. How does tomorrow suit you?”
And that is how, the next day, I find myself sitting on the 10.32 out of Waterloo. It was originally the 9.12 but that had to be combined with the 7.37 when the driver went off on a cheap day trip to Clacton. It must be very difficult running the railways.
Little Rogering does not have a station and to get there you have to catch a bus from Pokeham which does not have a station either but is where the bus from Fudgely drops you. I am glad that Penny is meeting me with a car.
The journey down is uneventful and I am not attacked by anyone. You may think that I am being fanciful but it is amazing how often men expose themselves to me. I think I must throw out some kind of electrical impulse that activates the front of their trousers. It is just like garage doors sliding open sometimes.
The countryside outside the window is rolling and wooded and I get quite excited as I see all those exotic names I have only read about in divorce actions: Guildford, Godalming, Haslemere. I can’t really believe that a posh school like St Rodence will accept a simple girl from Chingford—or West Woodford as Mum prefers to call it. The whole thing is probably just a dream. Anyway, it will make a nice day in the country.
“Fudgely. Change here for Milldrew and all stations to Rotting Parva.”
Here already? It seemed only a second ago we were pulling out of Petersfield. I grab my bag and stumble out into the corridor. Beside me are two girls wearing gymslips. It is funny but they look just like the two girls wearing tank tops and sequined hot pants who were waiting outside the toilet when I wanted to get in. Not quite as much eye make-up, though.
“Oh, well, back to the crummy old dump,” sighs one of them. “Still, at least we’ve got a few memories.”
“You bet,” sighs the other one. “You can’t beat the Yanks when it comes to lobbing the lolly about.” They push in front of me and jump off the train while it is still moving. I can hear them shouting for a taxi as they run out of the station.
“Rosie, darling!” Penny comes out of the refreshment room with a glass of gin and tonic in her hands and kisses me on both cheeks. She is very upper class like that. “I never expected the train to be on time. Let me look at you. You look ghastly! Where did you get that suit from? You don’t look old enough to have been in the land army.”
“I got it specially,” I say, feeling hurt. “I thought I’d better turn up in something fairly sober.”
“Sober!?” Penny knocks back her drink and hands the glass to a surprised porter. “That’s enough to put you off the stuff for life. You could be mistaken for a member of the staff wearing that.”
“That’s the idea,” I say.
“I know, I know. I was only teasing. Grimmers will love you—if she can see you. She’s been knocking it back a bit lately.”
“She drinks?” I say.
“Like a fish. You can’t blame her though. My God, I’d drink if I didn’t have sex to keep me going.” Penny smiles at the man on the barrier and pushes me towards a battered sports car. “You kept your ticket, didn’t you? Good. You can use it again next time.”
“If there is a next time,” I say.
“Don’t worry, darling. At this place you usually get the job by bothering to telephone. There’s a chronic shortage of teachers you know. Most of them have got more sense than to work at Dothegirls Hall.”
“Dothegirls Hall?”
“You remember Dotheboys Hall? It was in Nicholas Nickleby or Great Expectations or Biggles Flies East—I can’t remember which. I’ve stopped taking English this term.”
“English? I thought you were games mistress.”
“Oh I am, but you have to be flexible here. When Miss Carstairs ran off with the man who came to mend the boiler I had to fill the gap that he was filling—if you know what I mean.” Penny turns to me and winks and we narrowly miss a furniture van.
“Is there a large turnover of staff here?” I ask.
“Yes and no,” says Penny. “There are the elderly dead beats who stay here because they know they will never get a job anywhere else—and can’t be bothered anyway—and the dynamic young graduates who want to turn the educational system upside down and leave, disillusioned after two weeks.”
“Which lot do you fit into?” I ask.
“Oh, there’s a third category of escaped convicts, murderers and retired female impersonators—nice countryside, isn’t it?”
“Lovely,” I say. “I gathered from your letter that you’ve met a few locals?”
“Yes, the area isn’t badly equipped hunk-wise. One of my little chums hangs out over there. Do you want to pop in and say hello?” Penny indicates a collection of low, ramshackle buildings with a sign outside saying Branwell Riding Stables.
“I don’t think I’ve got time,” I say. “Miss Grimshaw is expecting me at twelve.”
“Don’t worry about that,” says Penny swinging the wheel over. “She’ll expect the train to be half an hour late. Anyway, I bet she’s already started glugging down her lunch. You don’t usually get much sense out of her after ten o’clock.”
“Don’t worry, darling. This isn’t Queen Adelaide’s. We live life at a slower pace down here—oops! Did I get it?” I watch the chicken dive under the barn door and shake my head.
“This guy is called Guy Hark-Bach,” continues Penny, unperturbed, “I met him at the hunter trials.”
“Did they get off?” I ask.
“You’re terribly unspoilt, aren’t you?” muses Penny after a moments silence. “Come on, let’s squeeze a quick G. and T. out of the old horse dropping.”
I don’t know what she is talking about but I meekly follow her into a building that looks like a good pull-in for tennis court marking machines—like primitive.
“Penelope, mon ange, what scented zephyr wafts you into my aegis?”
For a moment I think that the fella must be speaking manx. Then I grab the peakless cap pulled low over the nose and the hounds-tooth hacking jacket and I realise it must be Penny’s mate.
“Guy, if I didn’t know you well I’d think you were an idiot. And if I did know you well I’d be ashamed of myself.” Penny smiles sweetly. “While you think about that I’d like to introduce you to someone I used to nurse with at Queen Adelaide’s. Rose Dixon.”
“Not another outbreak of food poisoning, I hope?” murmurs Guy, brushing the back of my hand with his lips.
“Rosie has come to teach, not nurse,” says Penny. “There’s no need to be unkind about the school cuisine. Just because you found a fly in your soup when you had supper with us.”
“It wasn’t the fly I was worried about,” says Guy. “It was the cockroach that was eating it.”
“Guy has an exquisite sense of humour as you can see,” purrs Penny.
“‘Sense of humour’ nothing!” spits Guy. “The farmers round here haven’t forgiven your girls for the last outbreak of Foot and Mouth Disease.”
“They were carriers?” I ask.
“They were originators.”
“Absolute nonsense!” snaps Penny. “Foot and Mouth Disease can’t be transmitted by human beings.”
“You want further proof?” says Guy.
“Guy, don’t be ridiculous. These stories about the school are totally without foundation. The minute the Health Inspector came out of the maximum care unit he said that reports of a smallpox epidemic were vastly exaggerated.”
“Yes, but he was delirious at the time.”
“That’s a lovely horse,” I say. Shrewd readers will observe that I am trying to do a mum and steer the conversation into less controversial waters.
“What? Oh yes. Yes, he is a handsome beast, isn’t he? Served a few mares right in his time, I can tell you.”
“Uuuhm,” says Penny. She sucks in her breath. “I always find gees very sexy, don’t you? Steaming flanks, all that sort of thing? Guy can tell you some fascinating stories about his time with the R.H.G., can’t you Guy?”
“I’d love to hear them,” I say, wondering what the R.H.G. is or are. “But I do think I ought to be getting along to the school.”
“Rosie is incredibly conscientious,” says Penny.
“Yes.” Guy studies me thoughtfully through cornflower blue eyes. He is a very tall man with strong features and a fuzz of down on his cheeks. I don’t usually go for upper class types but there is something reassuring and rather sexy about his riding breeches and highly polished boots. I can see what Penny saw in Mark What’s-his-name. I wonder if he is still around? She has not mentioned him. Probably better not to ask.
“Why don’t you drop in for a drink this evening?” says Guy. “A few of the locals are popping round for a quick noggin.” That must be some kind of game, I think to myself. I hope it’s not like skittles. I was useless when Geoffrey took me ten pin bowling. I even managed to get one of the balls on someone else’s lane.
“Not one of your rowdy evenings, I hope?” says Penny, raising an eyebrow.
“I sincerely hope not,” says Guy. “Do you remember how long it took us to catch the horses last time?”
“And Fanny Scutterbuck fell in the cow byre—in every sense of the word.” They both laugh lightly.
“Well, it’s here if you want it,” says Guy.
Penny touches his arm. “I know. And it’s a great source of comfort to me.”
“He’s nice, isn’t he?” says Penny as we speed on our way. “We might drop in there later.”
“Yes,” I say. “Tell me, Penny. All that talk about food poisoning and epidemics. That was just a joke, wasn’t it?”
“Of course,” says Penny. “You have been immunised against the Black Death, haven’t you?” She sees the expression on my face and laughs. “No, seriously. Reports of creaking tumbrils bearing the dead away from the school gates have been vastly exaggerated. There was a spot of bother with the cook, but once he stopped doubling up as biology master that soon resolved itself. I always wondered why the frogs legs tasted of formalin. And as for the school cat, well, I hated the bloody thing anyway, so—what’s the matter?”
“Just trying to get a window open,” I say, struggling desperately. “I find it a bit stuffy in here.”
“Yes, it is a bit niffy, isn’t it? I think we must have stood in something at the stables.”
I gulp in a few mouthfuls of fresh air and try to think of any topic of conversation that will get us away from the school cuisine. Luckily, a large barrack-shaped building looms up in front of us.
“There it is,” says Penny. “It used to be a lunatic asylum, you know.”
“Really,” I say, thinking back to Dad’s remark. “It doesn’t look a bit like it does in the photograph.”
“That was taken from the other side,” says Penny. “The side you see when you’re in the head mistress’s garden—which you are on Commemoration Day and Sports Day if you’re lucky.”
“What are they doing?” I say, pointing to a group of girls engaged in sawing up a tree.
“Activities. It’s part of Grimmer’s ‘Survival In The Seventies’ programme. She’ll tell you all about it.”
We swing through a gate and past a sign which says “Girls drive carefully” and I feel butterflies invading my tummy. What will Miss Grimshaw be like? Will I be able to make the right impression? Despite what Guy and Penny have said about the school, its sheer size takes my breath away. Everywhere I look there are acres of playing fields. It is like Epping forest with fewer trees.
“Who was that?” I say. We have just passed an elderly, brawny looking man with mutton chop whiskers and a sun bronzed complexion. He is wearing a pair of dungarees and an ear to ear leer. Some women might find him attractive in a rather brutish way but I prefer something more sensitive.
“That’s Ruben Hardakre. He and his son, Seth look after the playing fields. You can tell when the girls are maturing. They start prefering Ruben to Seth.”
“Which do you prefer?” I ask.
“I like them both,” smiles Penny.
The drive seems like an extension of the A3 and I don’t envy the milkman. At the top there is a large circle of gravel and a doorway like the entrance to Westminster Abbey.
“I’ll drop you here,” says Penny. “You can have a chat with Grimmers and pop over to the East wing. I’ll wait for you there. You can gobble a spot of entro vioform before we have lunch.”
I do wish I knew when Penny was joking.
I go into the dark hallway and up an even darker flight of stairs. The last house like this I saw had Count Dracula’s slippers beside the front door. Penny might have shown me the way before she scooted off.
I get to the top of the stairs and listen for sounds of life. Nothing. Maybe everybody has gone to dinner, it is twelve thirty. I should never have listened to Penny. She means well but she causes more trouble than Muhammad Ali at a Peace Corps cocktail party. I am considering tip-toeing away when I hear the sound of heavy breathing—in fact, it is not so much heavy breathing as snoring.
I peer into an office and see a large woman asleep with her head in a filing tray. Every time she breathes out, the corners of the papers vibrate. There is a typewriter nearby, and also, a bottle of whisky which has slightly less scotch in it than the glass it is standing next to. Who is this woman? Is it Miss Grimshaw’s secretary or could it be—?
“Miss Grimshaw?” I murmur.
“Just a small one.” The answer comes back immediately but the head does not move. The lady must obviously be very tired.
“You wanted to see me,” I say, apologetically.
“Put it down on my account.” A thin trickle of spittle leaks from the corner of the mouth like syrup from a spoon.
“I’ve come about the job of assistant sports mistress.”
“WHAT!!?” The woman’s head jerks up and I nearly jump out of my skin. “Do you usually creep into people’s rooms like that?”
“I’m sorry,” I gulp.
“I should think so.” The speaker wipes her mouth with a piece of carbon paper and knocks over the whisky bottle. “Cold tea,” she says.
“I said ‘cold tea’.”
“No thank you. I had something on the train.”
The woman looks at me as if I am mad. “I meant, it’s cold tea in this bottle. A prop for the school play we’re going to do one day.” She picks up the bottle, bangs home the stopper with the flat of her hand and drops it into a drawer. There is a loud clink suggesting that other props have found a home there. “You were supposed to be here at twelve, weren’t you?”
“The train was a bit late,” I lie.
Miss Grimshaw takes a swig of her cold tea and allows a long shudder to pass through her large frame. “The service is appalling. The whole country is going to the dogs. It’s institutions such as our own which represent the only alternative to a descent into barbarism.”
I am murmuring my agreement when I hear the sound of shrill, girlish voices outside the window. They seem to be excited and the volume is rising fast. Miss Grimshaw says something I can’t quite catch and strides purposefully to the window. I fall in respectfully at her elbow. Below us, the figure of a man can be seen staggering across the circle of gravel. He is wearing a T-shirt—or rather, was wearing a T-shirt. The tattered rag streaming from his broad sun-bronzed shoulders could have been nothing else. The man must be in his early twenties and is definitely a bit of all right in the fanciable stakes. As we watch he darts a glance over his shoulder and the look of haunted terror in his eyes is plain to see. He takes another step forward and collapses on the gravel.
“Blast!” says Miss Grimshaw.
Round a corner of the building stream about twenty girls wearing shorts and blouses. There is a collective shout of triumph and the prostrate man rises on his elbows and starts trying to crawl towards the house we are standing in. Miss Grimshaw throws herself at the window and wrenches up the sash.
“GET BACK!!” she bellows. “BACK! I say.”
The leading girls have now nearly closed with the man who has stopped crawling and curled himself up like a hedgehog. They stumble to a halt and stare up at the window resentfully.
“Back to your rooms!”
There is a moment’s hesitation and then the girls begin to split up into groups and file away. The man picks himself up and raises an accusing finger towards our window.
“I want to see ’ee, Miss Grimshaw.”
“Later, Hardakre.” Miss Grimshaw slams the window down and shakes her head. “Sport plays an important part in our lives here,” she says. “That was the Hare and Hounds Club simulating a kill.” She takes another swig of cold tea. “What was I talking about?”
“About the railways,” I say.
“Erosion of modern values … duty to uphold law and order … Capital Gains Tax …” Miss Grimshaw sways and collapses into her chair. “It’s those pills I have to take for my hay fever.”
“They’re terrible, aren’t they?” I say sympathetically.
Miss Grimshaw shakes her head and picks up a letter with “final demand” typed across the top of it. “Was Geography your only subject at Mingehampton?”
“I think there must be some mistake,” I say. “I came about the job of gym mistress.”
Miss Grimshaw waves a hand at my words as if they are distracting insects. “We can’t have you incarcerated in the gym all the time—anyway, we don’t have one. These days, during the grave shortage of teachers and—er, money considerations prompt us to double up as much as we can. I don’t think you’ll have any problem teaching Geography. After all, you did find your way here.” Miss Grimshaw laughs at her little joke and stretches out a hand to where the bottle of cold tea used to be.
“Well, if you really think—I don’t have any qualifications.”
Miss Grimshaw smiles knowingly. “Don’t worry too much about that. Many of our longest serving members of the staff don’t have any qualifications.”
It all seems too good to be true. Miss Grimshaw is talking as if I already have the job. I must appear keen.
“Pen—Miss Green mentioned the ‘Survival In The Seventies’ Course.”
“Ah yes.” Miss Grimshaw leans forward and places the palms of her hands together. “That’s a project very dear to my heart.”
I flash on my “tell me more” expression but it is unnecessary.
“I think it absolutely vital that we prepare our gels for the world that they are going to have to live in. A world in which oil, coal and even food are going to be in increasingly short supply. Here at St Rodence we bring our gels face to face with these realities from the earliest possible moment. Sometimes a meal is dropped without notice and I have discontinued the oil deliveries so that we can use the raw materials existing in the grounds.”
“I saw some girls sawing up trees,” I say.
“Exactly. And then there’s Miss Bondage’s Open Cast Coal Mining Class. At all levels we’re trying to back up the government’s economy measures.”
“It must save a lot of money, too,” I say.
Miss Grimshaw looks up sharply. “Money. Yes, I suppose that must be a consideration to some people.” The way she says it makes me feel ashamed. How could I have been so clumsy?
“I didn’t mean—” I say hurriedly.
“Don’t.” Miss Grimshaw fans herself with a letter from a firm called Humpbach, Straynes and Croucher. “We live in venal times. It’s understandable that the thought should occur to you. For somebody of my ascetic temperament money hardly enters into the scheme of things.” I nod, wishing that I could understand. Maybe, after exposure to this remarkable woman—“I believe you’ve worked with Miss Green before?”
“Yes, we nursed together.”
“Splendid gel. Her pupils worship her stud marks. I think we’ve got all the makings of a great hockey team this year. Probably our best since the palmy days of Mabel Atherstone-Hinkmore. A big girl but so light on her feet. She moved like a great fairy.” Dad often says the same thing when he is watching the telly. “I think we’re really going to give St Belters a game, this year.”
I nod vigorously and try and make my eyes glow with enthusiasm. Miss Grimshaw’s eyes are glowing with enthusiasm—or something.
“I’d certainly like to help.” I say.
“Good gel!” Miss Grimshaw tries to rise to her feet and then falls back into her chair. “You cut along and take tiffin with Miss Green. She’ll show you the ropes. I must get on with preparing my weekly jaw on current affairs.” Her hand stretches out towards a copy of Sporting Life. “Goodbye, Miss Nixon. Nixon—” Miss G. shakes her head quizzically “—it’s funny, I’m certain I’ve heard that name before somewhere.” Miss Grimshaw obviously has a very dry sense of humour. I have read about people like her.
“How did it go?” says Penny, when I eventually find my way to her room.
“Jolly—I mean, very well,” I say. “I think I’m in.”
“What did I tell you? This place would employ the Boston Strangler if he kept his nails short.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me,” I say. “And, talking of flattery, Miss Grimshaw spoke very highly of you.”
“I suppose she was pissed out of her mind, was she? In that mood she loves everybody.”
I like Penny but she can be very cynical sometimes.
“Are you going to take the job?” she says.
“You bet.”
“Right, let’s go out and eat.”
“Go out?”
“Yes. I don’t want you to change your mind.”
“Don’t you have to eat here?”
“I’ve got a free afternoon. Come on, we’ll go down to the village. I feel like a good natter.”
She also feels like four large gin and tonics as I find by the time I am on my second cider—it is strong, too. Not like the stuff Dad gets in at Christimas.
“I feel I should have spent more time at the school,” I say.
“You’ve got plenty of time to do that,” says Penny. “There’s nothing else to see that wouldn’t depress you. Did you notice my room? Like the inside of a coffin only the wood isn’t such good quality.”
“If it’s so awful, why do you stay here?”
“That’s one reason.” Penny indicates a tall, dark-haired man of about thirty who has just come into the bar. “Rex Harrington, the vet. I wouldn’t mind him vetting me, I can tell you.”
The man turns round immediately and I do wish Penny did not have such a loud voice. “Penny, my sweet,” he says coming towards us. “I bumped into Guy a few moments ago. He said you might be popping in for a drink later on?”
“It’s on the cards,” says Penny.
“And your charming companion, I hope?”
“I’ve got to be going back to London,” I say, thinking what sexy eyes the man has. “I’ve already missed the train I was going on.”
“Miss the next one.”
“Rosie, this is Rex,” says Penny. “Rex Harrington, Rosie Dixon.”
“Pleased to meet you,” I say.
“Likewise. What are you both having to drink?”
“I mustn’t have another one,” I say.
“Nonsense. I’ll be offended. What is it, cider?”
Upper class men always seem so sure of themselves. I find it difficult to refuse any suggestion they make. “Just a small one,” I say.
“And a large gin and tonic,” says Penny, holding out her glass.
“Does this pub ever close?” I ask. “It’s half past three now.”
“We operate continental licensing hours around here,” says Penny. “Now we’re in the Common Market it seems the least we can do.”
Rex Harrington is thoughtfully tapping two coins together at the bar and there is something about the way he is looking at my legs that makes me cross them immediately—what a good job he is not looking into my eyes.
“When is the next train?” I ask.
“You might as well wait for the six-thirty, now. It’s a fast train and it will mean that you can have that drink with Guy. It’s a good idea to keep in with the locals.”
I am feeling so exhausted that I don’t argue with her. I suppose it was all the nervous tension I burned up worrying about the interview.
“Here we are, girls. Chin, chin.” Rex raises his glass and I am off again.
An hour later—give or take a couple of hours—I am not quite certain where I am. Although it is still daylight, a strange dark haze hangs over everything and I move as if in a dream. In fact, I am not moving. I am in a car. The countryside stops pelting past the window and reassembles itself in the shape of Branwell Riding Stables.
“Good,” I hear myself say, “I feel like a drink.”
“Capital girl,” says Rex who is driving. “A chip off the old block, eh Penners?”
“Absolutely,” says Penny. “Don’t do that, Rex. You’ll ladder my tights.”
“I wonder who else is going to be there?” says Rex. “Do you reckon there’s a chance of a game of ‘Hunt the Horseshoe’?”
“What’s that?” I ask in my fresh, girlish innocence.
Rex winks. “It’s like ‘Hunt the Thimble’ only more energetic. Just the thing if you feel like a spot of horseplay.”
“I like games,” I say. I do, too. It is probably rather childish of me but I think they help make things go with a swing. I believe lots of people feel like that only they are ashamed to admit it. Once they get stuck in and lose their inhibitions they really enjoy themselves.
When we go through the door it is obvious that we are by no means the first to arrive. There is a great buzz of conversation and about a dozen people are standing around with drinks in their hands.
“Rosie, I’d like you to meet Buffie and Tillie and …’ I don’t remember any of the names but they all seem to have something to do with the land, except for one man who is a solicitor.
“Do you hunt?” says a man with a complexion like a frost-bitten strawberry. “You know, wearing the pink?”
“Are you?” I say. “I suppose it’s the air.” I think he says “we’re in the pink”, you see. It is all very confusing, especially when one has had a tiny bit too much to drink. If this has been a typical day, they certainly know how to knock it back.
“Do take something off if you’re feeling hot.” Guy is the perfect gentleman and helps slide my jacket off my shoulders. After Penny’s remark I am glad to say goodbye to it.
“You’re going to be a very pleasant addition to the scenery, Rosie,” Rex pours some more champagne into my glass. I can see why Penny likes the place so much. And they are all such gentlemen. Geoffrey could learn a thing or two from them after his crude approaches.
“Thank you,” I say. “I feel I’m going to be very happy here.”
“I’m sure you will.” Rex takes my hand and presses it to his lips. How romantic Chingford was never like this. Even the dances at Woodford Rugby Club never achieved quite this level of magic.
“Come on, Guy. I fancy a flutter on the gees, what?” The speaker’s moustache looks as if it was cut out of a de Soutter advertisement and he is jerking his head towards the stables.
“Yes! ‘Hunt the Horseshoe’!” The shout goes up on all sides.
“What is this game?” I whisper to Penny.
“You’ll find out,” she says.
“Oh, come on! I hate surprises.”
“Well,” Penny looks doubtful. “The horses are driven out of the stables, somebody throws a horseshoe inside, and everybody tries to find it.”
“Is that all?”
Penny looks as if she is searching for words. “Not quite all. There is room for manoeuvre.” She looks at her watch. “Maybe you could just catch the seven thirty.”
“No, no. I’ll stay for the game. Perhaps you don’t get it until you play it.”
“I think that’s about it,” says Penny. “You certainly don’t get it if you don’t play it.”
“O.K. everybody. Let’s go. Ciggies out please. Who wants to heave the horseshoe?”
“Me, me.” The volunteer has front teeth that protrude so far they nearly cover her front buffers—and that is some feat, I can tell you. This lady’s bust development makes Jane Russell look like Twiggy’s kid brother.
“Any tips?” I say to Penny.
“The men usually supply their own,” she says. What is she talking about?
I am feeling so dozy that I can hardly steer a straight course to the stables. I usually go flat out to win but I think that, today, I may have to set my sights a bit lower.
“Look out!” Penny pulls me to one side just in time. The horses are streaming out of the stable and one of them misses me by a hare’s breath—or is it a hair’s breadth? Either way it comes very close.
“Stand back, everybody! Let the dog see the rabbit—or should it be the rare bit?”
“Shut up and get on with it, Guy!”
“Are you ready, Melissa?”
“Right! One! Two! Three! They’re orf!!”
I see a horseshoe go sailing into the air and everyone makes a bolt for the barn. Honestly! I have never heard a noise like it. Grown men squealing and hallooing like kids at a birthday party. It is the drink, I suppose, and I must say, I feel in fairly high spirits myself.
I am the last through the barn door and the sight that greets my eyes makes me realise how seriously they take the game. Hay is flying in all directions and there are couples literally grappling with each other to be first to the key. I even see one girl taking her clothes off. I suppose she is frightened of getting her dress dirty. Penny has taken Rex by the hand and is drawing him towards a rickety ladder that leads to the loft.
“Are you supposed to have a partner?” I ask.
Penny nods. “It helps.”
When I look round the stable I see what she means. Lots of couples are working very closely together and some of them are looking in the most amazing places. Surely you couldn’t get a horseshoe—? Oh well, it doesn’t matter.
“Tally Ho!” Major Phipps runs past me in his underpants and dives on top of Melissa Big Boobs. They are taking it seriously! I look towards the loft to see if Penny and Rex have had any luck and—OH! An enormous bale of hay is plunging down towards me. I stretch out my arms instinctively and stagger back under its weight. Penny and Rex must have dislodged something. Not just something! Another bale comes down and I go sprawling over some sacks of grain. My feet are waving in the air but the upper part of my body is pinned down as if someone is sitting on my chest.
“Help!” I splutter. “Get these things off me!” I wondered afterwards if that was the right thing to say. I mean, what other explanation can there be for someone sliding their hands up my skirt and tugging down my panties and tights?
“Stop it!” I scream. “What do you think you’re doing?” I can’t see who it is, and he doesn’t answer my question, but there is no doubt that he knows what he is doing. While I struggle helplessly, his spam ram pays an unexpected call on my spasm chasm. “You brute!” I sob. “You’re supposed to be looking for a horseshoe.”
“I don’t need any more luck,” says the filthy swine.