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Introduction by Casey Watson


It is such an honour to be able to share these pages with fellow foster carer and author, Rosie Lewis. Not only are her stories inspiring for you all to read, but they continue to inspire me. As a carer for many years I know that all children are very different and come from very different backgrounds, so there are no hard and set rules for looking after them. Fostering can often seem like an isolating job, and there are days when you feel that you’ve emptied your tool box and have nothing left to work with. These moments, thankfully, are fleeting, and somewhere, from the depths of our hearts, we always manage to find some clarity – and then it’s sleeves rolled up and business as usual.

Reading Rosie’s stories makes me realise that although all the children may be different, the trials and tribulations of fostering are universal. We love, we nurture and we try to find the key to a child’s happiness – or at least the key that unlocks their demons – and then we can try help to break them down and pave the way to the future. What is similar about Rosie and myself is that we both understand what a rollercoaster our career choice has been, but we take the knocks, the red tape and the teenage angst in our stride and we try to see the lighter side. I’m certain that Rosie would agree with me that sometimes, if we didn’t laugh, we would cry – but this only serves to make us stronger.

I’m sure you will enjoy these short snapshots into our daily lives, and I’m delighted to introduce Rosie Lewis.

Angels in Our Hearts

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