Читать книгу A Condition of Complete Simplicity - Rowan Clare Williams - Страница 9


Series Introduction

‘Wisdom is to discern the true rhythm of things:

joy is to move, to dance to that rhythm.’

This series of books on various traditions of Christian spirituality is intended as an introduction for beginners on the journey of faith. It might help us discover a truer rhythm as something of the experience of those who follow any particular tradition resonates with our own.

Too much can be made of the distinctions between the different expressions of Christian spirituality. They all derive from the experience of what God has done and is doing in us and among us. While emphases differ, their validity is their congruence with the good news of Jesus Christ in the scriptures. As the various instruments in an orchestra make their special contribution to the symphony, so we delight in the extra dimension that each tradition brings to the living out of the Christian faith.

The present wide interest in spirituality seems to indicate that, in the midst of all the current uncertainties that we meet in contemporary life, despite its relative comfort and technological advance, there is felt a need to reconnect with our spiritual roots and find a deeper purpose for living.

Each volume offers an introduction to the essential elements of the particular spiritual tradition and practical guidance for shaping our everyday lives according to its teaching and wisdom. It is an exploration into the way that spiritual practice can affect our lifestyle, work, relationships, our view of creation, patterns of prayer and worship, and responsibilities in the wider world.

Many books, of course, have been written in all of these areas and in each tradition classic commentaries are available which can never be surpassed. The aim of this series is to meet the needs of those searching for or beginning to explore the journey inward into their inmost being and outward to relationship with people and the whole of creation.

St Francis can be of special help in our attitude to creation, in our relationship with people and in many other ways. His life of contemplation and action is a signpost for all Christians at all times, not least our own. As the author of this book points out, the keynotes of Franciscan spirituality are humility, love and joy. They were lived out in times of violence, greed and interfaith conflict.

As we see the values of the upside-down kingdom of God lived out by Francis, we can be helped to deal radically with the problems of today. They can throw light on questions of suffering, commercialism, conservation of the environment and violence. Franciscan spirituality has much to tell us about peacemaking and attitudes to the disadvantaged and to the stranger in our midst.

The author’s own experience as a Franciscan sister particularly in the inner city lends authenticity to all that she writes.

Bishop Graham Chadwick

Sarum College

March 2003

A Condition of Complete Simplicity

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