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Chapter Two

Early the next morning Seth hustled his new friends up and out of the B and B before breakfast, explaining that they were going to rescue their landlady’s vehicle from a ditch.

“Did I miss how it is you know about Miz Lila’s car?” Gavin Denton asked around a wide yawn as they set off down the lane.

“I didn’t say. Guilt, probably, because I’m more or less to blame.”

“So that explains why you’re all fired up on us helping at the crack of dawn,” Ben Archer remarked, dropping back to walk with Hunter Wright, the third man in their party. They’d all served as Zeke Maxwell’s groomsmen. Seth had expressly told Hunter he didn’t need to come along this morning, since he hadn’t fully mastered walking well on his temporary prosthetic leg. But as with everything else they’d done throughout the week, Hunter adamantly refused special treatment.

“Okay, give us the real story.” Gavin prodded Seth. “Now I’m curious.”

“I told you I was going for a run after dinner.” Seth relayed how he’d taken the Jenkinses’ family dog along. “We were returning home when the dog saw their car. He tore loose from me. Lila or her son must have seen him. She swerved and that sent her into the ditch.”

“I guess she wasn’t hurt,” Ben ventured. “At least as we trouped downstairs I smelled something good cooking. Hey...what about her kid?”

“He’s fine. She smacked her head on the driver’s side window and suffered a fair-size goose egg. Stubborn lady agreed to an ice pack, but wouldn’t let me take her to the emergency room.” Seth scowled as he admitted that last bit.

“Why didn’t you wake us? Maybe collectively we could’ve convinced her to see a doc. It sounds as if you think she should have,” Gavin said.

Ben laughed. “Gav, how many women do you know who can be moved once their mind is made up?”

Gavin shrugged. “I can’t recall ever trying to move one.”

Their party reached the vehicle, ending the discussion of women.

“Hot damn, she’s stuck, all right,” Ben announced then issued a whistle as he walked to the back of the mired Cherokee.

“It actually looks worse this morning.” Seth crouched to inspect the SUV’s cantilevered rear. “Last night I figured only the back left tire went into the culvert, but now I see both did.”

Hunter Wright paced over and leaned heavily on his cane. “You can see skid marks where she probably braked hard after entering this low spot where there’s still standing water. The fact both tires went into the muck will make extracting it with your brother’s winch easier.”

“You think so?” Seth rose to stand beside Hunter.

“I’d trust Hunt’s opinion,” Ben said. “But maybe nobody told you he’s an engineer.”

“Was,” Hunter stressed. “Before I went into the military.”

Seth took another look at the injured man. “Zeke only said you were all in the same unit in Iraq then got split up but kept in contact. I’d think engineering would be a field you could return to now that you’ve left the service.”

The man leaning on the cane gazed into the distance. “My dad and brother own a firm in New Jersey. I’m not sure I could fit back in. I only worked there a year before opting out to join the military. And my orthopedic surgeon at Walter Reed says I need at least one, maybe two, more surgeries on the leg.” He tapped his hip above the missing limb. “I envy you getting to stay here longer, Seth. It’s pretty much God’s country. Do you think you’ll do like Zeke and settle down here?”

Surprised by the question, Seth shrugged. “Part of me hankers to stay put. But I’ve got to travel the globe for work. It’s all I’ve ever done since leaving college. I don’t know how I’d support myself if I wasn’t searching for gems.”

Gavin, who’d circled the whole vehicle, arrived back at the group in the middle of Seth’s lament. “What about going after sapphires in some of Montana’s abandoned mines? Sapphires are pricey gems, right?”

Seth gaped at him. “Real sapphires?”

“I assume so,” Gavin said. “When Zeke phoned to ask if I could get leave to be in his wedding, I didn’t know a blessed thing about Montana. So I did some internet research. Sounds like there’s sapphires as well as gold and copper mines. Some of them are near here, but I don’t know if they’re operating. If Zeke can’t tell you, you could ask some of the old-timers we met at his wedding reception.”

“Speaking of the newlywed,” Ben interrupted, “here he comes. Let’s rib him about not wanting to leave his bed—so he makes us stand around waiting for him to show up.”

“Skip the teasing,” Hunter warned. “His wife is with him.”

Indeed, Myra jumped out of the pickup as soon as Zeke stopped. “Where’s Lila?” she asked, glancing around. “This looks bad. Was she hurt? I thought you told Zeke she was okay,” she challenged Seth. “It’s not like her to not be out here supervising.”

“There’s no need for her to come out,” Seth shot back. “I told her the guys and I would help Zeke rescue her vehicle.”

“Zeke,” she called, “I’m going to run up to the house to check on Lila. She sometimes tends to be too stoic for her own good.”

Her husband nodded. “This shouldn’t take long. Don’t get too wrapped up talking to Lila about what all you missed at last night’s Artsy Ladies meeting.” Grinning, Zeke winked at Myra even as he unhooked the cable on the winch.

“I’ll be quick,” she promised and jogged off.

“She had to miss a meeting to feed all of us last night?” Seth asked his brother.

“She didn’t have to. She wanted to see you all again and thank you guys for showing up on such short notice to be in our wedding. Well, not you, Seth. You already had tickets to visit. But the others.” He handed Seth the hook on the end of the cable and smiled at his groomsmen. “Damn, but I’m going to miss you guys all over again. Remember, any time you can take leave, ours is a revolving door. You, too, Hunter, once the docs get you squared away.”

Gavin let out a big guffaw. “Don’t you mean the door here at the Owl’s Nest revolves? It was clever how you prebooked us here.”

Zeke didn’t bother to look sheepish. “Hey, buddy,” he said instead, “wait until you get married and see how many big dudes you want snoring all night on the other side of your bedroom wall.”

“I was kidding.” Gavin gave Zeke a friendly fist bump. “Shall we quit jawing and get this SUV unstuck? Or am I the only one tempted by the cinnamon smell of whatever goodies Miz Lila fixed today?” He sniffed the air. “My mouth’s watering from here.”

The others agreed and, outside of Hunter Wright, who moved out of the way but still offered insight on the best way to hook the cable to the mired auto’s front axle, their teamwork made the retrieval short and easy.

Seth helped Zeke rewind the cable onto the winch then scanned the others. “I’m going to drive the Jeep to the house. Who wants a ride?”

“Do you have the key?” Ben asked.

“It’s still in the ignition.”

Zeke, who’d been about to climb into his pickup, stopped. “You left it in the ignition all night?”

Seth frowned. “It wasn’t like anyone could climb in and drive it away. Don’t forget it was rainy and dark, and I had a boy and dog to shepherd as well as carrying Lila, who was woozy after banging her head on the side window.”

“What? She hit her head?” Zeke exclaimed. “Myra is gonna be pissed at you. You led us to believe she was A-OK.”

“Yeah, well she let me know that wasn’t something she wanted to get around and worry her mother. She had a small knot, but the skin wasn’t broken.”

“Boy, Myra’s probably going to say it could’ve been a concussion.”

Seth shrugged. All at once Ben and Gavin, standing near the front of the Cherokee, ducked and flung their arms over their heads. One of them shouted, “Hey, cripes! Incoming! What the hell is that?”

The air stirred as a large bird dived talons first into the culvert and rose again with a screeching rodent. A second, slightly smaller, all-white bird circled above the dumbstruck quintet of men, crying, pyee-pyee, pyee-pyee right before the pair flew off.

“Wow.” Zeke was first to break the silence. “Those were snowy owls, guys. The male made off with a good-size rat.”

By then the others had sufficiently recovered from their initial shock to squint and follow the birds’ flight.

Hunter shifted his stance. “What a sight. I’m glad we had this experience. From the way Myra’s friend Tawana talked about how the owls return here every year to nest... I figured they’d already all gone north.”

“Are they dangerous?” Gavin asked. “I think that second one grazed my head.”

Zeke watched Gavin scrub a hand through his crew cut. “They don’t attack humans, dude. They do rid our ranchlands of pests like mice, rats and voles. Myra and I had a tug-of-war with a huge male once who tried to make off with her minipig, Orion.”

Ben muffled an expletive. “Not in your kitchen, right? Then again, who keeps a pig in their kitchen?”

Zeke socked his pal’s arm. “Hey, a pet is a pet is a pet. And the day it happened, we had Orion in a pen outside near where we were cutting alfalfa. I told you last night...the little guy grows on you.”

Wisely his friends held their tongues, although not all schooled their doubtful expressions.

“Orion is cute,” Seth said, opening the Cherokee’s door. “Hey, if we want any of that great-smelling breakfast before we leave for the airport, we’d better hop to it.”

Ben and Gavin climbed into the backseat, leaving the front passenger seat for Hunter.

“I’m positive keeping a pig in any part of the house, especially the kitchen, wouldn’t grow on me,” Gavin asserted once they were inside the SUV and out of Zeke’s hearing.

After starting the engine, Seth glanced behind him. “Is a pig any worse than goldfish or parrots or snakes?”

“Okay, I see your point. To each his own,” Gavin muttered.

Hunter turned to address his one-time regiment buddies. “If any of us fell in love with a pig owner like Zeke did, we’d change our minds. Love short-circuits brain cells.”

They all laughed as Seth parked near the entrance to the B and B.

The others piled out of the Cherokee. Without waiting for Zeke, all but Seth climbed the steps and went inside. He noticed Lila’s son at the side of the building, tossing a baseball in the air. Even though the boy wore an old mitt on his left hand, he missed catching three times out of three. Ghost chased after the dropped ball and carried it back to the kid.

“Hiya, Rory,” Seth called, pausing to lean on the handrail. “You need to teach Ghost to throw the ball back to you.” He grinned. “Are you on a team or just goofing around?”

Rory took the ball from Ghost and wiped dog slobber on his pants, his shoulders sagging as he squinted at Seth. “I wanna join the team my best friend is on. Mom first said it was too ’spensive. But last night she said she’ll try to figure out how I can play. Were you in Little League when you were my age?”

“What’s your age? Eight?”

“I’m nine,” Rory said, puffing up his chest. “Since last month.”

“Hmm. At nine I played on a junior boy’s city league. In junior high, high school and college my brother and I were on school teams. Do you watch the pros? We grew up going to see the Boston Red Sox.”

“That’d be cool. I like to watch games.”

Zeke drove up, parked beside Lila’s Cherokee and vaulted from his pickup. “Hi, Rory,” he hollered. “Hey, did your mom finally sign you up for Little League?” he asked, bounding over to stand beside his twin.

“Not yet. And I’m not very good. Even if Mom finds money so I can join Kemper’s team, I probably won’t get to play in a real game.”

Zeke clapped Seth on the back. “You should get this guy to give you tips while he’s staying here. He racked up awards and trophies playing baseball. In college he had scouts after him. We all thought he’d end up in the majors. He was definitely good enough.”

Before his brother or Rory could comment, the front door opened and Myra stepped out onto the porch. “There you guys are. Zeke, Lila invited us to join the men for breakfast here. It’ll save us driving into town to the café and give you a last few minutes with your friends.”

“That’d be great if it’s no trouble for Lila.” Zeke hurried up the steps. He kissed Myra soundly even as she leaned over the porch rail to address Rory.

“Your mom says to bring Ghost and come get ready for school. It’s supposed to be sunny, so she’ll load your bike and you can ride to the café after school.”

“Isn’t there a cattlemen’s meeting at the café today?” Zeke asked. “Is it lunch or supper?”

“The meeting starts at three. Probably more like supper by the time everyone orders and eats. Why?”

“I thought if it was a late lunch I’d eat more breakfast,” Zeke said.

His brother swept by him and Myra. “You’d better get inside fast, dude. If your buds get a jump on us there’ll only be crumbs left. Those three eat like there’s no tomorrow.”

Myra waited for Rory, but Zeke followed Seth and said softly, “Where they’ve been, no tomorrow is often the case.”

Seth looked guilty. “Sorry, Zeke, that was a thoughtless comment.”

“It’s okay. I think about the guys we lost from my unit whenever war memories rise up to smack me in the face. My arm injury’s nothing compared to guys like Hunter who lost limbs. Or others who lost everything.” Zeke’s expression sobered even more.

“I didn’t mean to remind you of the bad stuff.” Seth gripped Zeke’s good shoulder and squeezed. “All of that’s behind you now. You own a slice of what Hunter calls God’s country. Hey, you’ve never mentioned—uh, do you suffer flashbacks or anything?” Seth lowered his voice as he asked because Myra, Rory and Ghost bustled into the foyer, where the two men still lingered.

The boy and his dog clattered on down the hallway. Myra said, “I thought you two were anxious to get to the dining room.”

Smiling, Zeke looped both arms around her. “We were just jaw-boning until you got here. And, Seth, the answer to your last question is no. Myra witnessed one episode that might be classed a flashback. Luckily it came and went fast.” He tightened his arms and brushed a kiss over his wife’s lips. “Hunter’s right in his assessment of Snowy Owl Crossing,” he said. “Long winter and all, it’s paradise.”

Not disagreeing, Seth led the way to the dining room, where the other three men were scarfing down scrambled eggs, cinnamon coffee cake, juice and coffee. “Save us some,” Seth entreated. “Has anyone seen Lila? I need to give her the car keys.” He dangled them in the air.

Just as he spoke she backed into the dining room through the kitchen’s swinging doors, her arms laden with a large bowl of fluffy scrambled eggs topped with crumbled bacon and a steaming pan wafting with heat and the scent of cinnamon. “Did I hear someone ask for me?”

“Me,” Seth said to Lila, rushing to take the bowl from her and placing it in the center of the table. “I have the Jeep’s keys.”

Lila accepted them with a grateful smile. “Thanks. Now sit down everyone. Dig in while it’s hot.”

Zeke and Myra rounded the table. He pulled out a chair for her before taking his own seat. His friends ribbed him about turning into such a gentleman.

Lila motioned Seth toward an empty chair and handed Myra the fresh coffee cake.

Zeke, who waited to take a slice until Myra served herself, glanced up at Lila. “The Jeep’s fine. How’s your head? Seth said you banged it on the window.”

“What?” Myra stopped dipping out eggs. “Last night you said she was fine.” Her eyes accused Seth before skipping on to Lila.

“No, I didn’t.” Seth helped himself to coffee cake and passed the pan to Ben, who held out his hand. “I believe I said Rory was fine and then explained how Lila came to land in the ditch.”

“Are you all right?” Myra demanded after shooting her brother-in-law a dirty look.

Lila waved a hand. “This morning the spot is only slightly tender to touch. I wish Seth had kept quiet. I didn’t want anyone to know I hit my head hard enough to rattle my teeth. I don’t want my mom to hear. The last thing she said when Tawana and I left the café was to drive carefully.”

“I’m sorry, it slipped out,” Seth explained and patted the empty chair next to his. “Aren’t you going to eat?”

“No. Rory and I ate earlier. In fact...” Pausing, she checked her watch. “I need to run out and feed the horses then load his bike. If I don’t hurry I’ll be late getting him to school. His teacher is a stickler for punctuality. But, you guys...” she said, glancing at Zeke’s three friends. “It’s been great having you as guests. Safe travels, and do come back when you can stay longer.”

Seth shoveled in a bite of egg, took a swig of juice and picked up a second wedge of coffee cake Myra had cut for him. Getting out of his chair, he said to the groomsmen, “You can put your bags in my rental, guys. I’ll help Lila.” He pulled his keys from his jeans pocket and tossed them to Ben Archer.

“No,” Lila protested. “You’re a guest.”

“One who plans to take a trail ride soon. So far, I haven’t had time to ride. As you feed the horses you can give me a rundown on the one least likely to dump me.” Seth polished off his coffee cake before he reached the arch. He hesitated briefly until Lila offered a guilty shrug to the others and hurried after him.

“Seriously?” she hissed at Seth as she plucked a jean jacket from the coat tree by the door. “What will everyone think?”

He held the door for her then jogged after her down the porch steps. “What’ll they think about what?”

“Mostly Myra and Zeke. I don’t want them to get the idea we, uh...well, as a business owner it’s not decorous to play favorites among my guests.”

Laughing, Seth fell into step beside her. “‘Decorous’? What kind of a three-dollar word is that? Are you saying you’ve never gone to the barn with any other guest?”

Obviously flustered by his question, Lila buried her hands in her jacket pockets and kept her gaze on her boots. “Not one who’s male, single and near my age,” she mumbled. “Or who is related to my best friend who knows my mom and all of our other friends,” she added. “It could be misconstrued.”

“There you go spouting big words again,” Seth teased, moving ahead of her to slide open the big barn door. “What could be misconstrued?”

“Oh, don’t play dumb.” Lila took a swipe at his arm, glaring as he deftly avoided her swing. “You’re breathing and single, and I’m a youngish widow. In this town if anyone were to mention those two things in the same sentence, rumors would fly. Before you could say Jack Robinson, townsfolk would whisper that we’re having a torrid affair.”

Seth grinned wolfishly and stopped beside the first stall. “Sounds like something worth exploring. I’ve never had a torrid affair before. Have you?”

“Stop it. You don’t know the people in this town like I do. Last night a couple of the Artsy Ladies poked me about you for no reason other than you’re staying here and you were my escort at Myra and Zeke’s wedding. They thought they were being funny, but I’m a mother of a boy at an impressionable age, for pity’s sake.” She flung open a bin of grain and filled a scoop.

Watching her fitful motions sobered Seth. “Point taken. Tell me about the horses,” he said, walking with her to the first stall, where a dark horse with a white blaze whickered.

“This is Pendragon. I didn’t name them. My husband did. Guiding guests on trail rides was to be his end of the business. After he died, I tried to sell the horses, but money’s tight all over.” She went back for grain for the second of the four animals, a brown-and-white pinto mare.

“This is Guinevere.” She rubbed the mare’s silky nose. “The last two geldings are Galahad and Merlin. Kevin loved King Arthur stuff. He planned to name new horses Lancelot and Mordred.” Her voice wobbled.

Seth took the scoop and fed the remaining horses, giving her time to gather herself. “Ben wanted us to rent them,” he said. “But Gavin didn’t think Hunter should risk riding. Not after Zeke told us how Myra got dumped from her horse.” Seth set his hand on the neck of the big dappled gray named Galahad. “If they aren’t exercised regularly, are they apt to buck?”

Lila shrugged. “Guests have ridden them without problem. I carry extra insurance in case anyone gets hurt. That’s mostly why I want to sell them. Are you not a good rider?”

Seth returned the scoop to the grain bin and closed the lid. “I’ve ridden horses and mules in mountainous terrain leading to some gem sites. It’s nothing I’ve done a lot. But I’d be willing to take them on a few turns around your corral to stretch their legs while I’m here,” he said, stopping to close the barn door as they exited.

“That’s nice of you.”

“No problem. Now, where’s Rory’s bike?”

“Oh, please, I can get that—I see your passengers gathered at your rental. Rory and I have gotten good at loading and unloading his bike. It’s a junior mountain bike, so it fits easily through the Cherokee’s hatchback.”

“All the same, when you have help available why not take advantage?” He’d no more than finished his suggestion when they saw Rory, weighed down with his backpack, wheeling his bike around the corner of the bed-and-breakfast.

Striding away from Lila, Seth intercepted the boy. “If you open the hatch, I’ll toss your bike in and you and your mom can be on your way.”

“Uh, okay.” Rory ran to the Cherokee. “Thanks,” he added after Seth easily slid the bike inside.

“No problem. Have a good day at school.” Seth closed the hatch, flung a wave at Lila and crossed over to his friends. “I see Zeke and Myra left,” he said, accepting the keys from Ben.

“Yeah. They had chores. Zeke said to call him. He said if this weather holds you can start reroofing the barn soon.”

“Lucky you,” Gavin said as they all climbed into the SUV. “I mean it,” he stressed when the others laughed. “I’d rather be here roofing a barn than returning to Afghanistan.”

“How much longer do you and Ben have there? Aren’t we bringing all troops home?” Seth asked.

“Not all. I have another sixty days on my assignment,” Ben said.

“Three months for me,” Gavin admitted. “Who knows after that? I intended to make the army my career, but after coming here...” He stared out his window without finishing.

“I’m only staying until it’s time to re-up,” Ben said. “Being here made me realize how many places I’d like to see in the U.S. I have a college friend who bought a fishing boat in Alaska. He said anytime I want I can have a job.”

“Once the docs fix me up as good as they can, I may come back here,” Hunter added. “What about you, Seth? It was hard not to notice the way you leaped up to help Miz Lila. What’s her situation? I assume she’s divorced?”

Seth screwed his lips to one side. “She’s been widowed awhile. But her voice still gets choppy when she mentions her husband. I could be interested, but the few women I’ve liked enough to get serious have all insinuated I’m a rolling stone. And I don’t know what I’d do but hunt for gems.”

They left the town behind and their talk turned to travel and other things.

* * *

“DID YOU FEED GHOST?” Lila asked Rory after she backed the Cherokee around and headed down the lane. “And did you secure the gate to keep him on our side of the house? We don’t need him getting out again like he did last night.”

“I pulled on the knob when I saw you and Seth come out of the barn. Did he say anything to you about helping me learn to throw and catch?” Rory asked, leaning forward to stare at his mother.

Her eyes sought his in the rearview mirror. “Helping you...no. Why would he?”

Rory slumped in his seat, clasping his old mitt and baseball. “I dunno.” Then he mumbled, “Zeke said Seth could give me tips on account’a he got awards and trophies playing baseball. He was so good he had scouts looking at him to play for the pros.”

“Really? Zeke actually said Seth was that good?”

“Yep. He only told me he played on a city team when he was my age. But I was wishing he’d talk to you about helping me get better.”

“Hmm. I’m sorry, honey. He didn’t. And unless he does, don’t you go bugging a guest, okay? But, gosh, I wonder if he’s qualified to teach high school and really coach baseball.”

“Huh? Kemper’s dad never played ball, but he plays catch with Kemper and teaches him to bat better.”

“Well, I heard at the café that the high school coach plans to retire. I think he teaches, too. I just wondered if Seth might be interested.”


Lila hid a smile. “Uh, no reason other than probably Zeke would love to have his twin settle in the area.” No way would she admit to her son that Seth Maxwell was about the nicest single guy to hit Snowy Owl Crossing in forever.

“I s’pose. If he helped me, I’d like it, too,” Rory said.

A Maverick's Heart

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