Читать книгу A Baby On His Doorstep - Roz Denny Fox - Страница 3


“I’m worn out,” Rio grumbled. “Can we just get the rest of my clothes on so I can go to sleep?”

Binney tucked the single crutch under his bare arm and slipped her arm around his damp waist. “I’ll be quick.”

It took them a while to make it across to the bed, where Rio sank back with a groan.

Binney was totally unprepared to experience a punch in her gut from merely looking at him sprawled on his bed in nothing but briefs. Averting her eyes, she started at his feet and worked up his legs, and felt his suspicious gaze track her every move.

Privately she chanted, You’re a nurse. He’s a patient. You’re a nurse. He’s a patient.

One fine-looking patient who showed by his grin that he’d begun to enjoy the whole process way too much as she smoothed lotion over his chest and the nicely rippled muscles along his lower abs.

A Baby On His Doorstep

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