Читать книгу An Unlikely Rancher - Roz Denny Fox - Страница 3


Their eyes met, and she ventured a smile.

“I must admit, you have a nice way of making ordinary things special,” she said.

The red on his cheeks got ruddier. “Uh, ordinary things like having supper together in town? It’s pot roast Monday at the diner. Their cook makes the best pot roast in the West. We’ve all had a trying day, so it’s my treat. Say, seven o’clock?”

His offer surprised Jenna, but she only hesitated for a second. “Sounds terrific. I’m not sure how long my errands will take. How about if Andee and I meet you there?”

“It’s a da—” He stopped short of saying date. Jenna could tell Flynn knew it, and so did she.

Unwinding Andee’s arms, he chucked her under the chin and made good his escape, with his dog loping through the open screen door at his heels.

Jenna gave a start when Andee piped up to say, “We love Flynn, don’t we, Mommy?”

An Unlikely Rancher

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